Quick Little Update!

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I've come to give you all a little update on how this book is to be re-written 😁

So, first and foremost,

I think I'm just going to transfer this whole story over to a new book. It'll still be the same plot and story and everything, but I'm going to see if I can re-write it a little to have it make more sense and not be so dramatic and all over the place like it is now.

That brings me into the next thing I will discuss with you 😊.

Considering how long it took me to finish this book the first time, It DEFINITELY WILL NOT BE FINISHED by the new year.

If I focus really hard then maybe, but I wouldn't get to hopeful for that outcome.

I'm definitely going to get this book re-written and in good shape, even if it takes me hundreds of try's to do so.

I want this book to be great, and I want a story that shows my personality and how I'm feeling when I write.

This is my story, and your way of looking into how I feel.

Your way of knowing and looking at how I felt when I started the chapter, and when I finished it.

If your looking forward to the new edited version, I hope you enjoy every second of your time spent reading it.

I hope that it won't disappoint you! ♥️

That's all for now my Lovelies! Catch y'all again later!!!! 🧡🤎

Natsu's Angel (making the edited version in a new book!)Where stories live. Discover now