Chapter 16

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~Lucy's POV~

"Lillie? Where are you dear?"

I was walking around trying to find my daughter so that I could hopefully get to her before her little brother woke up for feeding

"Darling I need you to come out. I have to make sure that I'm able to hear your brother when he wakes up" I heard her whine "But mother" I smiled "There you are, come on let's get upstairs before your brother decides to start crying" she smiles slightly "Alright mother" I smiled and gave her my hand, which she took hold of and we made our way upstairs.

I made it to Ryu's room. But to my surprise, even though he was awake, he did not cry once. Lillie ran off to the study where her father was working like she always does, even when she isn't supposed to sometimes.

I walked over to the side of Ryu's crib and stood there looking down at him "Hello there little one... did you have a good nap? Did you sleep comfortably?" Ryu cooed at my voice and opened his little eyes "Why hello there.. did you have a good nap..." I picked him up very gently, and then lifted him out of the crib and into my arms where I cradled him for a bit. Ryu was now starting to get hungry because he was now sucking on his hands

"Alright little one, let's go find your father" I stated walking out of the bedroom in search of Natsu and Lillie since they are probably both together still.

While I was walking to find them I had saw the both of them turn the corner of the hallway into another section and so I tried to catch up by speeding up "Natsu wa..." I couldn't finish my sentences because I had tripped over myself

I covered Ryu with my arms and held his head with my hand, and pulled him close to me. I braced myself for the impact, turning over onto my back so I would take the full force of the blow. When I hit the ground a sharp and painful yelp came out of my mouth, and along with it came a huge thud that was definitely going to be heard by Natsu. It was so painful that I curled myself into a ball and checked on Ryu to make sure he was okay, he was sleeping soundly

"Oh thank god" I said to myself. I heard footsteps racing down the hallway, along with a tiny pair "Lucy! Lucy answer me!" I wanted to answer him but I was in pain. I sat up holding Ryu in my arms and I looked and saw Natsu turn the corner of the hallway and his eyes immediately went wide.

"Lucy!" I was able to stand up, but when I took a step I almost fell back down. Natsu caught me though, because he was running to me the whole time

~Natsu's POV~

I held Lucy by her waist because she had Ryu in her arms "Are you alright Lucy?" She nodded "I'm fine Natsu, I just tripped is all" I looked at her and I sighed "Ryu is alright? He isn't hurt?" Lucy shook her head "No he is fine, I made sure of that" I smiled at her and she smiled back at me

I took Ryu out of her arms and cradled him so that I could help Lucy out with walking. When she felt better she started walking on her own but she also sighed right before we turned the corner

"Lucy?" I guess I was still a bit worried "Natsu I'm fine. It's probably just a couple bruises. Ryu is fine too so there is no need to worry so much" I nodded and kept walking with Ryu in my arms.

We got to my office and I opened up the door waiting to be greeted by a cheerful Lillie, but she was nowhere to be seen. My eyes widened, but then I stopped worrying because she can be a trouble maker sometimes. I handed my son over to his mother, even though I wanted to hold him longer since I don't get to see him much, and she took him with a smile on her face as I winked at her and she rolled her eyes giggling ever so slightly as she did.

"Lucy where is Lillie" trying to fake being panicked "What do you mean Natsu..? I thought she was here with you..." well Lucy caught on to my act quite quickly "She was and then I went to go do something, and get you, but now she isn't here" Lucy started to fake cry, Ryu didn't like that too much "Natsu! Where is our daughter! You were supposed to keep an eye on her if she was in here!"

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