Chapter 4

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~Master bedroom~

It was eight o'clock in the morning and Wendy was in the room with Lucy. She was checking her temperature and everything. "How is she" I said sternly "She has the flu. But there is something else" she said with a hint of scared in her voice "What is wrong with Lucy Wendy.." I said in a cold tone "Uhh. I can't exactly tell you that. She should be the one to tell you Natsu" she said calmly.

I was getting enraged at the fact that she knew something was wrong and she wouldn't tell me what it was "Tell me NOW" I said in a cold tone again "Natsu I really think Lucy should be the one to tell you. She knows and it should be her thing to tell" I was getting impatient and I yelled at her "TELL ME GOD DAMN IT!" She flinched.

"No. I won't tell you..." she said as she had her hands balled into fists and was looking at the floor "What did you say..." I said in a low tone with what it seemed was a dark aura around me. She then looked at me "I said I'm not telling you. It's Lucy's place to tell you. I promised I wouldn't tell you" she said in a somewhat calm tone.

That damn woman. Making me wait for her to wake up. "Fine..." I said throwing my hands in the air angrily as I stood up. She stepped back. "Are you scared of me Wendy..." I said voice low "No sir.." she said back.

Once she was done examining Lucy she left the room and I was to leave shortly as well so I went over to Lucy and gave her a kiss on the forehead. All of a sudden I got pulled down by her arms as she wrapped them around my neck. "Ow ow ow" I said as I sat up and rubbed my neck "Sorry" she said as she giggled. That made me smile inside.

She was feeling a little better than before and I could tell by the way she was acting. "I got to get to my study" I said as I stood up and started walking away "Ok..." she said sadly.

"Natsu..." she said looking down at the covers on the bed "Yes" I said "Just. Just make sure your home early today. I have something to tell you..." I never turned around once to look at her. I had work to do and I was busy. "I have to go now" I said as I started walking out the doors "...." I didn't hear her say anything so I knew she was upset with how I was talking to her.

She's so sensitive sometimes.

~Natsu's Study~

I was sitting in my seat legs crossed starring at Gray and Laxus. "Any word on what's going on with Lucy and the person who is after her" Gray looked at me with the need to speak "Speak Gray" he looked at me then gulped "About that sir..." he paused and looked at me dead in the eyes

"Go on..." I said low toned as I looked at him with hallow eyes. He gulped again as a sweat bead trickled down his forehead. "The person is on there way here..." I was raging on the inside not showing it to either of them "Laxus. Security needs to be higher and someone needs to be with Lucy at all times" Laxus nodded.

They left the room after I dissmissed them. I slammed my hands on the desk my body full of anger and fear for Lucy's life I started throwing things around like my computer and things that were breakable. I threw it against the wall "AHHHHHHHH" I flipped over my desk and papers went flying everywhere "SO HE THINKS HE CAN COME HERE AND DESTROY EVERYTHING I LOVE!!! I DONT THINK SO" I screamed throwing my hands around angrily.

I threw my lamp down on my glass table which broke when I threw it down. I heard the door open immediately after the glass shattered and Lucy came in crying. I was breathing heavily and she could probably see the rage in my eyes "N-Natsu. He's a-after us..."


She heard everything.

"Lucy. No one is going to touch you or hurt you I promise. I've re-enforced the security. And someone will be with you at all times although it won't always be me. Ok" she just nodded with tears streaming down her face still. She ran over to me stepping on broken glass. She winced in pain as one went through her foot "Lucy!" I shouted trying to find a way to her. She finally got through the glass to me and pushed me over onto the couch. She started punching my chest.

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