Chapter 9

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~At the Company and Lucy's POV~

Natsu and Rikiri have been in the hallway for about 15 to 20 minutes now, but it seemed longer than that, it felt like they'd both been out there for hours. It was also 9 p.m. or close to, and I was exhausted and really tired and wanted to go home already.

I started making my way towards the office door, just to see if Natsu and Rikiri were finished with their conversation so we could leave.

But as I was making my way over, I got a piercing headache.

I put my hands on the sides of my head covering my ears just to see if it was noise or something like that that was causing it.

But it turned out that it wasn't.

"Natsu?" I called out, but my headache was so bad that it came out quiet "Natsu?!" I called out again, my voice louder this time.

The pain of my headache was so bad that I fell to my knees and when I did I started to hear the door open "You called Lu-" Natsu had walked in and stopped mid sentence, his eyes growing big as he saw me on my knees with my hands at the sides of my head.

He rushed over to me after he entered the room almost immediately and kneeled in front of me.

He started to panic and was asking me all these questions and I just giggled.

"Natsu I'm fine. Really.... It's just a really painful headache" I said as he still sat in front of me with a worried look.

Soon after what I said he sighed and ran his hands through his hair "You really scared me there Luce. I thought you were hurt" he said as he closed his eyes and put his head down. I grabbed his hand and used my other hand to lift his head so he would be able to see my face "Well I'm not. I'm right here in front of you. I'm in one piece with no wounds, no scratches, and no bruises. Perfectly fine. Our baby girl Lilie is also ok. Everything is fine. Ok?" I told him, and the name 'Lilie' really caught his attention cause he was starring at me with a confused look.

"Lilie? But I thought we agreed that her name was going to be Evangelina? Why are we changing it" He asked with curiosity and confusion filling his voice. I once again just giggled. He was just too cute when he was curious and confused.

I looked at him with a smile "I changed it because I was thinking about the name we chose. And Evangelina just didn't seem right. I was thinking and the name Lilie came to mind. But I didn't want it to be the normal spelling of L•I•L•Y because I thought it was just too simple. So then I started thinking of different ways to spell Lily and I thought about it as L•I•L•L•I•E and I thought it was really cute. I've also never seen a girl spell their name like that" Natsu was looking at me the whole time and was listening the whole time and I kept seeing the confusion slowly fade away.

"I don't know though. It's just what I was thinking about. But we both have to agree on a baby name since she's your kid too. But what do you think of it? Of the name Lilie I mean" After I asked him what he thought about it and if he liked it, he sat and scratched his head.

Eventually he looked back at me looking like an idiot with a big smile plastered on his face "I don't see a problem with it Luce. In fact I love the name and I love the spelling. I honestly never thought about the name Evangelina, I just thought it was pretty. But now that you've said it, it is a little weird for a name" He said, and I could tell he was be honest but I pouted and pretended that I was hurt and had just been insulted "What?" He asked "So are you saying that I'm no good with picking out baby names. And that the baby names I pick out are just weird? Gee, thanks Natsu" I said pretending to be sad and hurt " What! No! That's not what I was saying at all babe! I meant that it just sounded weird and that it didn't sound right for our child! I didn't mean to make you upset sweetheart!" He panicked, and again I giggled at him "Relax Natsu. I was just teasing you. You don't have to freak out. I'm not mad or upset at all ok" I said with a smile.

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