29 [✓]

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I promise yuna to hang out together today but here I am with beomgyu that pop out from nowhere.Where is he going to go?

We look like a couple...Holding hands and walking together.You can bet that how happy I am right now.

"Ryujin?"he smiled.

"Ah ne"I answered.

"This is where we studied when we were small"he brought me to this familiar school building.

My head started to hurt.I got dizzy thinking about it.Suddenly a bunch of memories got into my mind.But it just a half not all.

"Are you okay?"beomgyu asked me while helping me stand up.

"My head just hurt... Nothing's bad"

"It's okay if you didn't feeling well I can send you back to your dorm"he offered.

"No,we should continue"I said.

"Okay,then"he said.

We arrived at the neighbourhood.I can see a bunch of playground ride that I think I already rode them before.

"This is where you lived when you were younger and there is my house"beomgyu pointed his finger to his house that he mention.

After listening to his word I look at direction that he pointed.I started to feel that the dizziness hit me.I can't ballencing myself that I keep fell back from standing.

"You know what?Let's head back..You didn't seem well.Let me send you back"beomgyu hold me.

"What about yuna?"

"I already told her that I will send you home safely"

"Oh,you already plan this do you?"I laugh.

"Kinda"he said and chukle.

He sent me safely to my dorm and I promise that I will go out with him another time.He really is a boyfriend material.The girl who got him will be so lucky.

I ate my medicane and got to bed early.


I heavily breath as I was dreaming.Yeji unnie woke me up asking me if I was okay.I drink some water and continue lay on my bed.

I was dreaming about my past memories.I sat down at my bed and kept thinking about that.I remember the time I was in primary school,high school and all of them!

"I already remember!I remember EVERYTHING!!"I said.

"Shh!Everybody sleeping ryujin"yeji unnie said half asleep.

"Geez I'm sorry unnie"I apologized.

I do feel a little dizzy but that's fine.I hope this wasn't a dream.I slapped my face and it hurts.I slap my face just want to confirm it this is a dream or not.

"It hurts"I stare at the palm of my hand.

"IT HURTS!!THIS ISN'T A DREAM!!!"I said it out loud.

"YA PABO!Everyone is sleeping can you be quiet"yeji unnie throw me the pillow onto my face.

"Ah...Mianhe"I apologized.

"Hehehehehe"I smiled .

-The Next Day-

I didn't got any sleep after the incident.I was so excited untill I can't sleep.Why the memories need to came on the wrong time.

"Ryujin unnie..Your eyes look like a panda"yuna teased.

"Shut up"I said half asleep.

"You supposed to slept early ryujin"yeji unnie said.

"I did!"

"And another thing is you should be quiet when the others were sleeping"

"Ne..."I nodded.

It's not my fault okay!?I was just too excited too see that all of the past memories came back.Should I tell beomgyu about this?Should I or should I not?

"Ryujin?"lia unnie called me.

"Ah..Ne unnie"I smiled.

"This is yours"lia unnie place the scramble eggs onto my plate.

"Thanks I smiled"


note:Sorry guys I've been busy this past few days.I will not be able to post a new chapter for a while.I'm so so so sorry!

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