Chapter Twenty-Eight

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You know, Ferriah may have been a pain in my rear these past few days, but I was so damn thankful that he cracked and told us where we could find these weird, water-filled cone-things. It was weird to say, but I felt like I was sipping from the pools of Heaven, the water coating my dried, burning throat like a soothing blanket. Not to mention, strangely enough, this water seemed a tad bit...well, thicker than the water on Earth. Yet it looked, and even tasted the exact same.

It was a unique experience to say in the least, but a welcomed one as I tossed the third cone of mine to the sand, sighing blissfully as I licked my moistened lips. "That tasted like Heaven," I groaned, glancing at Jox, Teiken and Delkele who all nodded enthusiastically in agreement.

"I wish our prisoner had told us this two days ago. It would have made for a far more enjoyable journey." Teiken spoke up, glancing with a glare towards Ferriah, who merely rolled his eyes and looked off to the side.

Jox immediately frowned, not looking pleased at Teiken's almost...rude tone. "Be a little more thankful, Teiken. He could have kept such information to himself until we fell unconscious from dehydration...yet he didn't. He told us where those cones were."

Teiken narrowed his orange eyes, preparing to take a step in Jox's direction, only to be cut off by Delkele, who gave the shorter man a look of warning. "So what, are we going to pretend that didn't try to kill us on multiple occasions? Nearly succeeding on the last attempt? By the gods, you all are naive to think he would ever help us out of the kindness of his heart. He must have another agenda in mind, so perhaps we should just leave him here while we take the last stretch of our journey."

"No. And yes he had tried to kill us, but that is merely a soldier's loyalty to his king. At the time, he only knew us to be the enemy, so of course he would try to negate us in favor of the man he's sworn to protect. Hell, I would have done the same for Asurah if our roles were reversed. Do not think yourself so high that you would never do the same for your father."

"Ok kids, can the both of you quit your bickering so we can finally get this thing on the road?" I crossed my arms over my chest as both men turned their gazes in my direction, a small frown on Jox's face while Teiken narrowed those burning orange eyes.

Delkele, thank goodness for that barbarian man, nodded in agreement, relaxing his posture a bit as he gently grabbed Jox's bicep, the action in which caused the Glacic's cheeks to burn a bright red. "I agree with Joseph. This petty argument is only stealing away what little precious time we have left in the day. The sooner the both of you can put your opposing opinions on the prisoner aside, the sooner we can leave and hopefully get out of the open."

Teiken merely pursed his lips like a petulant child before he gave us a stiff nod and began walking towards the city in the near distance, causing us to sober up and follow him.

Hour, after hour we walked, starving and tired, but thankfully no longer on the cusp of severe dehydration as the city drew closer and closer, until its massive walls towered over us, my heart beating sporadically in my chest with nerves and anticipation.

We were finally here. After what felt like an eternity since that godforsaken night...we finally made it. Asurah was somewhere on the other side of that wall, and I couldn't stop the bubble of excitement that went through me at the thought of finally reuniting with my gorgeous husband. Now only one question remained.

How the hell were we going to get on the other side of that wall?

We couldn't very well just walk right through the gate right? We were basically public enemy number one at this point, not to mention I didn't know the...diversity of this planet just yet. Was Tronian a mixture of different cultures from all over the universe? Or were it just the Tronians roaming around their streets without a car in the world? Besides...I was pretty hard to miss considering that I was probably the only human this far into the universe. I would stick out like a sore thumb alien people.

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