Chapter Thirty

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I was...glad that I had decided to help decorate, since my mind was more focused on this rather than the misery I had been stewing in for the past week. And it was such a difference, seeing all these Tronian men and women standing around, giggling, or planning different events for today. Hell, I even saw a few individuals who were not even from here, most of them dressed in either fancy clothes, or loose dancing garbs with glittering jewelry. It was truly a nice change of pace compared to what it had been, and even better was the fact that Vextian was far more preoccupied with his side of things, leaving me to roam around the halls on my own and watch all the colorful and vibrant decorations being put up.

Occasionally, I would get curious glances, with some brazen souls moving closer to me to get a better look. Most of them kept to themselves, thankfully...well, save for a group of women, who giggled and kept pointing to my clothes. Which yes, I had switched out the dreadful tunic and pants in favor of the Glacic inspired garb Vextian had tailored for me. It made me more comfortable than the shirt and pants combo, but it did indeed show a lot of skin, which was probably the reasoning for all these curious looks and giggles I was receiving. I mean, the most revealing clothes I've seen in this room, were tight belly shirts that shown off the midsection of the individuals wearing it, maybe even a few skirts that shown off a bit of leg. I was pretty sure my butt cheeks were hanging out, and my chest was barely covered with the top, so yeah, definitely much more revealing than most of the clothing here.

I jolted out of my head when I bumped into someone, nearly knocking them down had I not caught them in time by their arm. "I'm so sorry-" I paused when I recognized Tuani, the Tronian's red-pink eyes wide with shock before they suddenly narrowed.

"Watch where you're going, you blind bat."

I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest, not amused by the animosity he was shooting towards me. I was getting over his little jealous streak, especially since I had already told the damn man I wasn't interested in Vextian in the least. But, I guess I had to remind him, yet again, that he didn't need to be jealous of me. "Look, I get you don't like me, and you're jealous of me or whatever, but for the last time, I am in no way interested in Vextian, so you can stop being so mean to me. I apologized for bumping into you, and truly, I didn't mean to. I was lost in my own head."

Tuani stared at me for a few seconds, his tail ferociously flickering behind him, before he huffed and averted his eyes. "Whatever. You can apologize to me by helping me hang up these stupid sashes."

It was then, I noticed, he held a bundle of long, sheer fabric in his arms, a magnitude of colors that seemed extra vibrant against his white skin. I tried to glance back up in his eyes, but the shorter Tronian man stubbornly kept his gaze to the side. He may have been a pain in my rear with his uncalled for jealousy...but I wasn't cruel and could see that he was too embarrassed to admit he was just too short to reach where the sashes needed to be hung. So I agreed to help him, being a good little bunny and choosing not to point his insecurities out, which I believe he greatly appreciated, even if he didn't say it out loud.

After we hung everything where they needed to go, we moved on to setting up the large tables in the massive dining room, the silence between us growing before I decided to sate my curiosity with my look-alike.

"So..." I muttered after a moment, placing a few colorful flowers in a glass table-topper, "what made you agree to be Vextian's...ah, how should I put this...temporary, um...lover?"

Tuani barely spared me a glance as he expertly folded the ordinate napkins into different 3-D shapes, only hesitating for a moment before continuing what he was doing. "Assurance," was all he said before he began plopping his napkin masterpieces onto the various plates laid out on the tables.

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