Chapter One

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A/N: Read Frost first, or this book won't make too much sense to you. XP

Also, before we begin, there are a few small changes that I've made to the story. First up, I decided to change the name of Asurah's planet from Glacion, to Glacida, mostly because, when I wrote this, my dumb young butt didn't register the fact that Glacion is a pokemon lmao. So I decided to change that. And as for the other things, honestly I kind of fogot what else I've changed....soooo...oops lol. But anyway, I hope you enjoy Frost Bitten as much as you enjoyed Frost!!!

At one point in my life, the idea of being with someone...having someone to hold you and love you with their entire being, was nothing more than a fleeting thought. My downfall, I had always told myself. And yet...I was about to marry the only being that had been able to thaw my cold heart, and show me just how truly wonderful love could really be.

Joseph Abermal. My was the human a sight for sore eyes with his naturally sunkissed skin, curly mop of brown hair, and gorgeous chocolate colored eyes that looked more gold in the sunlight. I often wonder how the hell I, of all individuals in the universe, scored such a hottie. I mean, for centuries I had both men and women approach me, hoping to be my consort, yet it was a human man that had caught my attention. Was it fate? Probably. Was I ever going to regret marrying the only being that made my heart flutter with love? Nah.

"You look gorgeous, Asurah."

I turned my attention away from the floor to ceiling windows, smiling as Jox sat aside some crystal flowers. I then looked down at my white top and, as Joseph liked to call it, sexy loin cloth, the crystals lining the outfit all jingling as I moved. "Why thank you, Jox. Have the guests started arriving yet?" I wondered as I walked over to my large mirror, pulling my hair back away from my face.

I saw Jox's reflection nod as the larger man placed his arms behind his back, his bright blue eyes on me. "For the most part, yes. We're missing a few individuals, like Queen Phyra of Centor, Valliah of Headred, and...Delkele has yet to make an appearance."

I frowned at the sad look on my friend's face and dropped my hair before I walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, his skin just as paper white as my own. "Have you still not wooed that barbarian butthead, yet? Do I need to yell at him to jump your bones? I can kick him right where it hurts if you want."

Jox let out a breathy chuckle as his white cheeks filled red, those thin lips of his pulling into a smile as he lifted his hand and patted mine. "I thank you for your humorous solutions, however, I'm afraid this is for me alone to figure out."

I puffed my cheeks and stared at the other Glacic, sighing when he showed no sign of relenting. Darn him and his ability to ignore my pleading gaze. "Fine, fine. But let me know if he needs some smacking, because I've been told that I'm good at that."

Jox laughed. "I will do so if the need arrives. Now," he placed his hands on my shoulders, "Finish getting ready and go see Joseph."

I nodded and watched as the other male pulled away from me, heading to the door before he pressed the button and left, leaving me to sigh as I made my way over to my pod and plopped down. I really did feel bad for the other Glacic, since he seemed to have a hardcore crush on the barbarian king. Why he liked that redheaded dildo, I wouldn't know, but he did, and that was all that mattered. The point was that Jox was a kind man that often put others above himself regardless of consequences, yet Del was too much of a pickle brain to see what he was missing out on.

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