Chapter Thirty-Two

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The colosseum...well, looked really similar to the one I had seen on Earth in Rome, only this one wasn't crumbling apart. Not only that, but this one was also shaped slightly differently, with one of the walls settling much larger, with the upper seats having cushions instead of being the boring, uncomfortable benches that were placed in the other sections. The building also seemed to be made out of some kind of black stone that looked almost like metal if the light hit it just right.

"I'm nervous," Jox whispered behind me, his mask, which resembled some kind of weird rabbit thing, settled over his head as we followed the group of dancers inside.

"I'm nervous too, but if this is how we get close to Asurah, we don't have any other options."

Jox briefly nodded towards me before he sighed, fiddling with the jewelry on his wrist. "I just...I'm not really a dancer, and I didn't want to admit in front of company...I-I hope I don't cost us the mission."

I stopped for a moment, catching Jox's arm to stop him while the dancers went into, I can only assume was, the dressing room. "Take a breath, Jox. We'll be fine, we always find a way with these things. From what Ferriah was implying, they're going to be more focused on whatever the main dancers are doing rather than what the backups are. So I'm sure we'll be ok, and Jox? I'm a horrible dancer, too, so don't feel embarrassed."

I heard Jox sigh once more before he nodded again. "You're right. I apologize if I were being negative, I-I just have a hard time with large crowds, and my anxiety is just getting to me. But you're absolutely right, we'll be fine, we'll get Asurah back, and everything will hopefully go back to normal."

I frowned slightly, even though he wouldn't see my face, and decided to not bring forth a personal fear of his in the midst of enemy territory. So I just patted his arm reassuringly and made my way into the dressing room, pausing when I saw how chaotic it actually was in here.

For one, excited, loud conversations were going back and forth, while jewelry, accessories, and even clothing were being thrown to, and fro. It honestly reminded me of the crap that happens in those weird dance movies, and for a second, I stood there, caught off guard by the liveliness.

"Hey, is that the Tuani guy Ferriah mentioned?" Jox asked, nearly making me jump at his silent, and sudden appearance.

"Jesus, Jox, quit being so quiet!"

Jox glanced at me, and while I couldn't see his face, I could just smell the amusement wafting off of him. "You've said that to me quite a bit in the past...but Joseph? I still have no idea who this "Jesus" is."

I pursed my lips and waved my hand in the air dismissively before I began searching for Ferriah's little...lover? Well, for the guy he told me to give a message to. "I'll tell you later," I told Jox, my brows raising when I caught sight of the Tronian albino. At least, I believed it was the for-mentioned Tuani. No wings? Check. Albino? Check. Tronian? Triple check.

So that had to be the guy, and admittedly, he was incredibly beautiful, his posture a mixture of dainty, yet regal like royalty. His long white hair had been fashioned in an intricate braid/bun style, with a crown made of, what looked like, a bunch of delicate flowers and gold tinsel that framed his pretty face.

And while I was staring at him, I began to make out a few details that were...really similar to Asurah. Obviously they shared the albinism...but there was more than that. The shape of their eyes and lips were practically identical, and while this guy was much shorter than my husband in comparison, he had the same kind of feminine appeal to him that Asurah did. So great, it seemed like I had a type, since, let's face it, he was absolutely gorgeous and it was no wonder he was depicting their...goddess, or whatever.

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