Chapter Nineteen

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(Joseph's POV)

"We're approaching Tronian's atmosphere. So get ready and bring the prisoner in here." Teiken's voice sounded over the intercoms, causing me to jolt slightly from my little mini nap, my eyes opening and immediately shifting over to our prisoner Ferriah, whose eyes slightly narrowed at the revelation.

I yawned dramatically, throwing my arms over the head as I stood on my feet, stretching my body before I walked over to Ferriah and grabbed the crook of his elbow, forcing him to stand up. He growled at me, but made no effort to lash out when he realized Jox had a pale hand on the gun hanging on his hip, those pale blue eyes narrowed.

Ferriah scoffed and turned his head to the side, allowing me to lead him into the cockpit, where Delkele and Teiken were waiting for us, both of their eyes on the planet that was quickly approaching us. Of course, planets were freaking gigantic, and while Asurah's planet consisted of cool blue colors, the planet Tronian was full of warm oranges, and I had no doubt that this was more of a desert kind of planet. Or well, something akin to it, at least.

Goodie, I hope to hell it was warmer than Glacida, because I sure as crap didn't want a second round of my balls shriveling up inside of me. That sure as crap wasn't fun and I didn't want to go through such a thing again. Nope.

I took a peek at Ferriah, and watched as his eyes pinned his home planet, a quick breath leaving his lips as if he were glad to be home. However, we weren't quite done with him yet, as we needed his help in getting to the castle hangar. Though...I was still weary. I mean, the dude pretty much told me to my face he wasn't going to help me and that I was going to regret going against his king. Of course, we had Jox, Delkele and Teiken to make sure he didn't try anything that could get us all killed...but what if the guy used some kind of code to alert the officials in some way?

Damn this whole doubt thing sucked.

I pulled out of my head as the ship began to shake, a loud beep indicating that we were entering Tronian's atmosphere, and after a particularly violent shake of the ship, I grabbed onto the back of Teiken's chair, my fingers digging into the leather so I could keep myself on my feet. It seemed that Jox had the same thing in mind, for he done the same thing, but to Delkele's chair. And I couldn't help but notice the way Delkele went rigid, as if he didn't know what to do with himself now that his crush was near.

Gosh, it was like watching two teenagers. But, I could tell Delkele was slowly coming to terms with what we had talked about, for the man relaxed a few seconds later, his dark cheeks filling with red.

I resisted the urge to grin like an idiot at the display, instead, opting for a subtle cough that had Teiken glancing at me curiously. I merely shrugged and watched as we finally flew through the ozone layer, the ship finally stabilizing as we finally were blessed with the sight of rolling sandy dunes of sand, from yellow, to orange to red, and what caught me off guard, were the vibrant red trees that sprung from the surface, their leaves causing the land below to look like a sea of rubies. And yeah, sure, I hated Vextian for being the lowest scum in the world, but I'll be damned if his planet wasn't strangely pretty.

It was only a few minutes before we saw a castle spiraling high towards the sky, made of a stone that was so dark red in color, it appeared black.

And the closer we got, the larger the castle became, towering and spiraling in all different directions, and soon, all of us jumped when we heard the intercom turn on, a voice filtering through. "Ship 284, ID: Carrier ship, Pilots Iond and Lephrah. Please inform us why you have left your post on Glacida."

My heart hammered in my chest as I glanced at Ferriah, his eyes narrowing until Jox gently pushed him forward, placing a gun against the small of his back. Ferriah hissed, clearly displeased, but he reluctantly brought his bound hands, which were now bound in front of him, towards the communication panel, the Tronian taking a small breath before he pressed the button and spoke.

"This is Lieutenant Ferriah speaking. We..." that dark gaze slid over to me, "ran into some complications down on Glacida that must be brought to the immediate attention of his Highness."

I raised a brow at his compliance, and listened as the voice spoke yet again. "Any reason why you abandoned your post and neglected to use the technologies at your disposal?"

"There's a bad blizzard on the surface that is blocking any and all communication." That gaze briefly flickered to me. "Chatar mete."

My brows furrowed in confusion at his words, and when the voice on the other line didn't speak I began to worry, fear climbing my spine as I whipped around and shoved the Tronian against the wall, causing everyone else to jump and stare at us in bewilderment and surprise.

"Joseph? What the hell are you doing?" Teiken asked, standing up from his seat, alert.

Even Delkele seemed on edge as he took over flying the ship, Jox keeping a wary eye on the both of us as I glared at the Tronian man in front of me. "What the hell did you tell them? What the hell does chatar mete mean?"

The smug smile on Ferriah's face told me everything I needed to know, and just as he went to open his mouth, Delkele yelled and jumped from the pilot seat as an explosion slammed into the ship, causing sirens to sound loudly as the ship jolted from whatever the hell just happened.

No, I knew exactly what the hell hit us. A missile, because this bastard said something that alerted the voice on the other end, something that had them realizing this ship had been taken over. Chatar mete. Whatever the hell that meant.

And now the ship was spiraling to the land below, fire raging at the front of the cockpit as I grabbed on to whatever I could to keep me in place so that I didn't splat down with the force of the ship. But dammit, I should have known this would happen. I should have known that Ferriah was going to do something that would jeopardize the mission, yet I was so freaking stupid for thinking that maybe, maybe things could go right for once.

But of course, I had been mistaken. Nothing ever went right in my life so I should have freaking seen this coming. And now we all could die because of that stupidity. Because I was too blinded by hope that this dumb plan could actually work in our favor.

And now I was probably going to die for real now, never to see Asurah's beautiful face again...hear his beautiful voice as he whispered sweet nothings in my ear. I would never feel the soft expanse of pale skin again, or hear his mewls as we made love.

All because I was stupid and naive.

And as we crashed into the ground, Asurah was the last thing on my mind before everything went black.

A/N: Joseph nooooo, not againnnnnnn! I swear this poor man cannot get a break. Also, Chatar Mete in Tronian means Invaders aboard (I suck at making up new languages and crap, so random words it is lmao)

Anywho, hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Lemme know what you think! I love feedback!

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