Chapter Six

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My heart pounded in my chest, my body riddled with fear as the man I knew as Vextian stepped forward, his devil-like tail swishing behind him. Now, I have absolutely no idea why the Tronian was here, much less why he was attacking my people, for the last time I saw him was when I was eighteen. He had come to me after I had won the war between the Glacics and the Tarlanas, offering me his hand in marriage as countless others had done, but of course I had rejected him...wait.

Was he seriously attacking my planet over the fact that I bound myself to someone other than him? Did he really hold that big of a grudge?

However, I couldn't worry myself of all the whys, not when my husband lay bloodied and unconscious on the floor. "What did you do to my husband?" I demanded with a shaky breath, balling my hands up as I glared at the maroon-skinned Tronian king.

Vextian glanced behind him at Joseph, his lips pulling thin as he shrugged and looked back at me. "Do not worry yourself, dear Asurah. He's alive. I'm more concerned about you. How are you fairing? You look beautiful, by the way. Absolutely ravishing."

I glared at the other man and began walking towards Jo's unconscious body, only for Vextian to step in my way, nearly causing me to walk right into him. "You wanna know how I'm doing? Very horribly, since you hurt, not only, my husband, but you're also attacking my people! Innocent people! Why are you doing this, Vextian? Why are you attacking my people?!"

I stepped back when Vextian moved closer to me, those entirely black eyes searching my gaze as the man tilted his head to the side, allowing a lock of long black hair to spill over his armored shoulder. "Is it not obvious, my dear?" He stepped closer to me and placed a hand under my chin, his thumb resting under my bottom lip as I shivered in disgust. "You were supposed to be mine, not that filthy human's."

I yanked away from that jerk, glaring him down as rage bubbled within me. "I was never yours, Vextian. Last I recall, I rejected your bonding proposal."

Vextian waved his hand in the air before the castle shook again from another blast. "You did. And I would have retaliated then, had your aversion to love hadn't been admirable. It made you formidable and dangerous, despite your peaceful nature. However," his black eyes narrowed dangerously, "when I saw the broadcasts of your bonding ceremony, I became outraged. Your claims of despising the weakness of love were nothing more than falsities. You lied to me. And I refused to be lied to." He then smirked, and for some reason, that action only made my fear grow stronger within me. "And you are mine, Asurah. Did your father really not tell you he had arranged our bonding in order to stop a possible war?"

My heart dropped as tears began forming in my eyes, disbelief crossing over my face as I shook my head in denial. "Y-You're lying. H-He didn't believe in a loveless bonding, he wouldn't ever put his own child through that." He wouldn't. Not when he was one of the rare ones that believed in true love.

I jolted when Vextian smiled and placed his hand on my cheek, a frown on his lips as he searched my gaze. "Before you were born, Asurah, a war was beginning to blossom between Tronian and Glacida. Fearing for his subject's lives, King Armonias offered up his unborn child to bond with King Volix's one year old son. Of course, with the lives of their people on the chopping board, Volix agreed to the proposal and a treaty was signed." Vextian's hand slipped from my cheek down to my neck, his fingers practically caressing my flesh as he continued to read my face.

I-I couldn't belive it. To think that my own pateras would offer me up to another man as if I were just some trinket...a man who valued love and happiness. Did...did my mitera know as well? Or had my patera kept her in the dark for all those years?

"I understand this is a lot to take in, Asurah, but once we bond you will forget all about your human."

I snapped out of my thoughts and pulled away from him, staring at him as if he had grown another head. Surely he wasn't serious right? "I'm not bonding with you, not ever. I'm already bonded with Joseph and I love him with the entirety of my heart. I'm not giving up on him so easily just because you're jealous. I found someone to share my life with. Get over it."

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