Chapter Ten

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I was so warm, and comfortable, and Joseph's weight on me was much welcomed when I finally opened my eyes. The sun was bright and warm, and it casted a warm glow on Joseph, making him look all the more gorgeous as I smiled and placed a hand on his cheek, making the man twitch before he opened his eyes and sleepily smirked, yawning loudly.

"Morning my love," I spoke to him as he shifted to face me, placing his hand on my bare waist, his fingers warm against my cool flesh. I closed my eyes as he gently kissed me, his tongue gliding past my lips before it touched mine, causing me to sigh in content. After a moment, he pulled away, a sweet smile on his handsome face.

"Morning beautiful." He kissed me again, and for a moment, I was in pure bliss as our tongues danced together in the most sinful of dances.

After a moment though...I began feeling something warm, and wet, and when I pulled away and opened my eyes, I screamed at the sight in front of me, the pain barely registering in my mind as I smacked against the floor.

Joseph was lying in a pool of his own blood, his mouth agape as he stared emptily in my direction.

"No...No! Joseph!" I cried as I pulled myself to my feet, almost vomiting when I realized I was drenched in his blood. But I couldn't think about that now, not when my lover was d-dead.

I climbed back onto the pod, my hand outstretched. I hesitated for a moment, but when I placed my hand on his cheek, I choked and covered my mouth. No longer was the warmth I craved so much...instead, that glorious warmth was replaced with the chilly hands of death. "No," I cried, my tears mixing with blood, "please no. Joseph...Joseph!"

And with that, I jolted awake with a gasp, light filling the room as the curtains were pulled back by none other than my captor. I pinched the bridge of my nose with one hand and placed the other over my racing heart, tears threatening to form as I desperately tried to will them away.

I then jolted as the side next to me dipped, and I could just feel Vexian's eyes on me. "I would say good morning, but that appears that, that isn't the case." He placed his hand on mine, and it took all my willpower to not yank my hand back and smack him in the face. "What ails you, Asurah? Are you alright?"

Was he seriously asking me what was wrong? Really? I pulled my face from my hand, and the most I could do was send a hateful glare in his direction. "Are you really asking me that right now? After everything you did, do you honestly think I'm fine and dandy? You killed my husband, Vextian. Attacked my people for no other reason than the fact that you were jealous that I bonded with someone who wasn't you. I am not ok."

Vextian sighed and turned away from me, the man wearing a simple tunic shirt and loose pants, much different from the gold scaled armor he had been wearing when he snatched me from my home.

"As I told you last night...I was defending myself." He turned to face me again, this time holding a tray of, what looked like, vegetables. "I heard that you never ate your dinner last night. After some digging, I learned that Glacics don't eat meat. I apologize for not knowing that before." He took a breath and held the tray closer to me. "I hope this is preferable."

I stared at the food, frowning as I glanced back up at Vextian. "I'm not hungry." And of course, as soon as I said that, my stomach decided to make itself known by grumbling loudly, causing my cheeks to turn pink in embarrassment.

Vextian's lips twitched as a look of amusement flashed through those black eyes. "Really? I do believe your stomach proved you to be a liar." Despite me telling him I wasn't hungry, he still sat the tray of vegetables on my lap before he stood up and crossed his arms over his chest. "So, eat up. Once you're done eating, I have provided some clean clothes for you to wear so that I can give you a tour of your new home."

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