Chapter Thirty-Six

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Asurah was still unconscious when I finally entered the room, the doctor's eyes on me as I rushed over to my husband's side and grabbed his hand, biting my bottom lip when I felt how cold his skin was. And I know, his skin was usually cold to the touch thanks to the frigid air of Glacida...but right now it was unnaturally cold, which concerned me to no end.

But he was breathing. I could hear each beat of his heart, thanks to the heart monitor that was connected to him. I could see his chest rising and falling with each breath he took. He was alive. I took a shaky breath and threaded my fingers through his, my eyes burning with unshed tears as I reached out with my free hand and brushed aside a few snowy strands of hair out of his perfect face. We did it. He was alive, and ok, and all he needed to do now, was wake up so we could finally get the hell out of this place and go back home.

"He won't wake up for a few hours, at least." The doctor, who I had forgotten was still here, spoke, taking a few steps closer to me before grabbing a tablet off of a groove in the bed. "Worry not, though. Rest is exactly what he needs in order to recover properly." He continued staring at me, and honestly it was beginning to weird me out with how intently his gaze seemed to burn into me.

After a moment, I had enough and shot him a glare through my curls, watching as he raised a single, curious brow. "What's with the intense staring? Can I not have a moment alone with my damn husband?"

The Tronian man pursed his lips, tail twitching behind him. "I apologize if I'm making you uncomfortable. It's just...I've never seen a human up close before. I've read about them and their...questionable actions amongst their own people...but I never had the privilege to be in the presence of one. How did you find your way this far in the universe? And...married to the King of Glacida?"

I pursed my lips and looked back towards Asurah, my heart growing heavy as I gently stroked the back of his hand with my thumb. And as I stared at him, I recalled the time we first met, a small smile managing to make its way to my lips. "Chance, actually. I was tasked with scoping out Saturn's surface to see if the surface was livable for human kind...something went wrong on the ship and we ended up crashing into Glacida instead." I shook my head and pressed a gentle kiss to Asurah's knuckles. "Turns out it was the best damn thing that ever happened to me."

I could feel the doctor's eyes burning into me, but my gaze remained on my husband. "Alright," he spoke after a moment of silence, "I will leave you to be alone with your husband. Should anything happen, do not hesitate to call for me." He stood there awkwardly for a second, before he nodded his head and left the room, gently closing the door behind him.

Once Asurah and I were alone, I let loose a shaky breath before I began nibbling at my bottom lip, staring sadly at my unconscious husband. "You scared me to death, Ash," I muttered, my voice barely above a whisper as I attempted to keep my voice from quivering. "I-I was so damn scared that I lost you, and...if I had, I honestly don't know what I would have done. You're the only one that's really ever understood me...everyone else in my life had left me at some point, and I just...I felt alone, really. I know my Ma really tried to be there for me, she really did, but I didn't want to burden her too much with my drama, so I kept a few things from her."

I sighed and leaned my head on his hand, licking my lips as I continued to pour my heart out to him, even if he couldn't actually hear me. "And then I crashed into a planet of ice and met the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He was sexy, quirky and funny...and he liked my awful jokes and bad puns even if he didn't really understand what they meant. I fell for him, hard. In a way I never felt for anyone before. I know I've told you about my ex fiancé, and how she left me for some reason. I never loved her as deeply as I love you, Asurah, and maybe that's why things didn't work out between the two of us back then. I-I feel as if we were destined to be together, and that the things that happened in my life, happened so I could meet you, and fall in love with you. mean everything to me, so much so that I can't ever imagine life without you by my side. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you, Asurah, I love you so much that it hurts me when you're in pain."

My heart leapt in my chest when I felt his cool fingers tighten around mine, my head whipping up so fast I was surprised I didn't snap my neck as my gaze locked on to Asurah's half-lidded eyes, his lips pulled in a tired smile. "Do you really mean that, Joseph?" He asked me softly, my eyes watering as I nodded and squeezed his hand in mine.

"Of course, baby. You're my soulmate, literally the only man in the universe that holds the key to my heart." I blushed in embarrassment and nibbled at my bottom lip. "I'm glad you're ok, Ash. I can't even begin to describe how scared I was when I saw you fall to the floor. For a second...I thought you were dead."

Asurah squeezed my hand, gaze growing sad as he exhaled. "I'm here now...that's all that matters."

"You were shot-"

"Yes, but I'm alive. And I would do it again if it meant you were safe." Asurah gave me a soft smile that practically melted my heart and made me all warm inside, my own lips twitching as I pressed a kiss to his hand. He then nibbled at his bottom lip, cheeks turning slightly pink as he averted his gaze. "Actually, can...can I have a kiss? You make sure I'm not...dreaming."

I nodded my head and leaned forward, gently pressing my lips to his. He hummed in appreciation and kissed me back, no tongue, just love being exchanged by two people who nearly lost each other. His lips were still slightly cool, but the longer we kissed, the more they began to warm up until eventually, we pulled away, staring into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Ash," I muttered, leaning my forehead against his, his eyes opening to gaze up at me.

"I love you too, Jo. So, ah, when are we allowed to leave? I'm a little homesick and would rather get off of this planet as soon as possible."

I sighed and shrugged as I sat back down in my seat and ran my fingers through my hair. "I don't know. The doc said you were supposed to be out for a while to heal up, but you're up now. Do you feel any pain at all?"

Asurah furrowed his pale brows and shrugged, placing his hand over the area he had been shot at. "Honestly? I don't really feel too much pain, but that's probably thanks to the pain medication I was given. I'm sure I'm gonna feel it later, once the medicine wears off. But Jo? I-I really don't want to stay here any longer than I have to. I just want to go home and sleep in my own pod. Once I'm healed enough to move, I want to get started on fixing what Vextian destroyed."

I pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I know, baby, but I'd like to see what the doctor says first. I don't want you to accidentally hurt yourself even more before you're fully healed." I cupped his cheek and stared directly into his eyes, my thumb stroking just under his eye. "Think you can hang on just a little bit longer? At least until I can determine whether or not you're ok enough for travel?"

Asurah stared at me for a few seconds, before he sighed and nodded, leaning further back against the pillow that was propping him up, his hand raising to cover mine. "I guess I can wait for a few. I-I guess I'm just really homesick."

I leaned forward and gently kissed him on the lips. "I know. I am too." I pecked him again before pulling away. "So, let me go get that doctor and see if we can finally go home where we belong."

A/N: Gahhhh, they're just so damn sweet!!!! And to have Joseph open up like he did was like icing on the cake. So huhuhuhuu. But soon they'll be able to go home and fix up what Vextian destroyed, so that'll be fun.

Anywho, hope you all enjoy the chapter! Lemme know what you think! I love feedback!

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