Chapter Seven

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(Joseph's POV)

There was a pain far worse than death or any mortal wound, and that was watching helplessly as the one you loved was hauled over the shoulder of a jealous bastard, tears slipping silently down their face as they were inevitably yanked away from you.

It was agonizing watching that man snatch Asurah up. Throwing him over his shoulder as if he were nothing more than a sack of potatoes. It tore away at me as I saw his face, blank as tears streamed down those porcelain cheeks. I wanted to move, yank Asurah from that bastard and put an end to the jealous man. But I couldn't move, not when blood was gushing out of my chest at an alarming weight.

Was I going to die? Really? I couldn't let go yet, not when my husband was with a man that planned to do God-knows-what to him. I couldn't leave Asurah like that. I couldn't do that to him, not when he needed me.

Gathering what little strength I had, I pulled myself onto my stomach, gritting my teeth when my stab wound met with the floor. This position really wasn't the smartest idea, since the blood would only gush faster with this angle, but since I couldn't exactly pull myself to my feet, crawling would have to do.

I grunted as I pulled my body forward, my vision going hazy before I held my breath and continued dragging myself across the room, losing more and more blood the further I crawled, until eventually, I had to stop. By this point I was practically gasping for air, my body convulsing as I began to spit up blood.

Come on, Joseph don't you dare die just yet, I scolded myself, desperately trying to drag myself just a little closer to the door. Eventually, I couldn't even move, much less even cry for help to anyone who was even still here. What sucks was that I was pretty sure no one was here now. They were either dead from the blasts, or pieces of the castle that fell onto them, or they had evacuated there was no one to save me.

I'm so sorry, Asurah, I thought to myself, feeling tears slip down my cheeks as my vision dimmed some more, my breath slowing as an image of Asurah's beautiful face jumped to the forefront of my mind. I love you.

And with vision went completely black.

You a child I had always wondered what would come after death. Heaven? Hell? Reincarnation? But after a while, as I got older, I began to view it in a whole different light. Something became nothing, and I never really thought much about it after I had come to that conclusion.

Until now.

All that surrounded me was a pitch black void of nothingness, so dark that I couldn't even see my own feet. What was weirding me out, was that there seemed to be a floor under my feet...a floor that strangely felt like water as I slowly walked forward, straining to see in the dark.

Where the hell was I?

"Hello?" I called out, feeling quite dumb. "Anyone there?" Silence was all that met me, and of course it would. I hadn't actually expected anyone to answer me because duh, I was dead. Or...well...close to it, maybe. There was no point in calling out at someone who wasn't even there.

I huffed and pursed my lips, wondering what the heck was in store for me now, when I suddenly bumped into something. Something...warm? I frowned and glanced up, gasping when I saw...Asurah? wasn't him. But...someone with identical features to my husband, like his Glacic complexion and sharp facial structure. Same nose...same jaw, same lips...just who the heck was this guy?

"Hello, Joseph," the man spoke, causing me to tense up as goosebumps rose on my arms at the sound of that soft voice.

I took another step away from him, eyeing him suspiciously. "W-Who are you? A-Are you...God?"

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