Chapter Three

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(Joseph's POV)

This definitely topped being the best day of my life. I mean, for one, my Ma was here, and two, I was about to marry, what I could only describe as, the most beautiful being in the entire galaxy. Like, Asurah was literally the embodiment of beauty, and yet, somehow, I was the lucky man he managed to fall for, even after swearing off of love. I mean, come on, that kind of stuff basically happened only in stories.

In any case, my heart was a flurry of beats, my mind a jumbled mess as I stood there in front of the large mirror, making sure there wasn't a speck of dust on the suit I had tailored for myself. And I wasn't going to lie, I looked pretty freaking good. The suit was mostly white, as was the main color in the Glacic culture, which made my naturally tanned skin look even darker in contrast. Although, throughout the suit, there were literal freaking blue crystals sewn into the fabric. Yes. Sewn crystals. How the heck does one even sew a literal, from the planet, crystal into clothing?

It freaking baffled me, but you know what? I could learn all about how they accomplished such a feat, because after all, I was going to be They guy that their king was married to? What title would they even give a guy like me?

"Joseph sir, it is time."

I jumped and whirled around, ready to attack. Only, after seeing Jox's familiar, porcelain face, I relaxed and exhaled sharply, running my fingers through my unruly curls. "Jesus, Jox, you scared the crap out of me"

Jox frowned, confusion pinching at his brows as those light blue eyes remained on me. "Jesus? I'm afraid I don't know who that is."

I snorted in amusement and waved my hand in the air. "It's a human thing you wouldn't understand. But anyway, how do I look?"

Jox's lips twitched. "Asurah had asked me the exact same thing, you know." He nodded towards me. "You both look immaculate."

I felt a small smile form on my lips at the mere mention of my husband-to-be, and began biting the inside of my cheek, suddenly nervous for the events ahead. What if he didn't show up? What if he bailed at the last minute?

I mentally shook my head, inhaling deeply as I took one more peek at the mirror. Asurah wouldn't do that to me. He loved me just as much as I loved him, and he seemed really excited about marrying me when I had brought it up a few months ago. Besides, he didn't seem the type to do that, since he was usually upfront about what he wanted. So I really needed to stop having the wedding day jitters and man up so I could finally marry the man that I was deeply in love with. Because if I didn't claim him now, god only knows just how many others would try to steal him from me.

I took another deep breath before I gathered up my courage and made my way into the throne room, many eyes turning to me as soon as I walked past the doors. And sure, I knew I was a good looking man, but did it really have to warrant everyone's attention on me? Like good grief, if you thought I looked that good, then take a freaking picture. I'm more than sure they had cameras, or something similar, so it wouldn't be that difficult.

And as I walked closer to my designated spot, I would have to be blind not to see the hateful faces that were placed on mostly everyone in this room. Yeah, your super sexy king is marrying me, get over it. Though, seeing just how many individuals were jealous, made me feel happy knowing that I, stinky human man from the planet Earth, was the one that inevitably captured their king's heart.

So suck it you jealous losers.

After a moment, everyone settled down as a small Glacic boy rushed up to the platform that held Asurah's gorgeous crystal throne, before he turned around, eyeing everyone in the room with light violet eyes. "I now announce His Highness' entry. Please bow for our kind, and loving king."

Everyone lowered their head and crossed their arms over their chests, their fingers brushing against their shoulders as the door opened, revealing Asurah in all his albino beauty. And I know I saw him earlier when I had brought Ma here, but still, the sight of him had my heart quickening, my throat tightening as he walked over to me, his gaze never leaving mine. Once he met with me on the platform, his pale hands grabbed mine, his hands so small and slender against my larger ones.

He leaned forward, and for a second, I thought he was going to kiss me, but his lips ended up grazing against the shell of my ear. "Just follow my lead, ok?" When I nodded, he beamed and turned to our audience, tossing his arms in the air as those entirely white eyes of his surveyed the crowd. "Glacics, and beings of other planets, welcome. Today is the most joyous of days, where love can blossom and flourish, where futures can unfold in this ever expanding universe. Today, I shall finally take a consort." He stepped forward, head held high. "Why now, some of you may be wondering. Why today of all days to make this official? It is because I have finally found my other half, a man who completes me in every way possible. A man who, despite my previous aversion to love, was able to thaw my heart and show me just how truly wonderful love could be."

He turned to me and gently took my hands in his, his cheeks turning crimson as he stared into my eyes. "As king of our wonderful planet, it is within my authority to make this man, Joseph Abermal of the planet Earth, my official consort under the watchful eyes of the gods that watches over us. He is to rule alongside me, share the responsibilities of kingship, for we are now two souls molded into one."

My brows furrowed in confusion when he whipped out a small dagger, the blade looking more like a thin sheet of translucent ice as he turned to face me. My eyes then widened when he drew the blade across the palm of his hand, causing crimson to spill onto the floor below. "With my blood, I bind Captain Joseph Abermal to me." Gently, he grabbed my hand and drew the knife across my flesh, my brows raising at how painless it was. Wow, that was a super sharp freaking knife. And it wasn't cold, either, so what the heck was the blade made out of?

I snapped out of my thoughts when Asurah took my cut hand in his, his blood mixing with mine as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my lips, my eyes falling shut as a shiver darted up my spin.

When he pulled away, those cheeks were filled with red as he opened his eyes and smiled at me, before turning back towards the crowd. "Now, acknowledge your second king!"

I watched as everyone in the room bowed as they had done earlier, a few of them hesitating before reluctantly following suit. But, even so, I still stood tall, my hand never leaving Asurah's as the albino glanced at me lovingly, my heart warming at his gaze. It seemed like forever before everyone was done bowing, hundreds of eyes on my husband as the albino dropped my hand and walked forward, a wide smile on his face.

"Now that we have completed the bonding ceremony, it is now time for the celebratory feast! So let us move to the Eating Room!"

Everyone got up at that, chatter filling the room as Asurah grabbed my bleeding hand and began wrapping it with some cloth, his touch as gentle as a feather. "Sorry I didn't prep you on that particular part."

I gave him a small smile and cupped his cheek with my free hand, my thumbs gently grazing across porcelain skin. "I would have done anything you needed me to, Ash. Besides," I dropped my hand to his waist and pulled him against my body, the albino's face turning red as my smile turned mischievous, "I thought that was pretty erotic, if I say so myself."

Asurah snorted in embarrassment, and lazily smacked my chest with a small hand. "You pervert."

My smile only widened as I leaned closer to him, my lips barely grazing against his. "Only for you, my love. Only for you."

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