Chapter Four

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Asurah wasn't kidding when he spoke about there being a feast after our wedding. Hell, as soon as I walked through the doors to the dining room, my senses were assaulted by the aroma of food, from spicy, to savory, meaty to was so much at once, my brain didn't really know how to comprehend all of it. And goodness, it was amazing just how many people could fit in here. I mean, there had to be over four thousand people in here, and there was still room for the tables, chairs, and food. So holy freaking crap.

As soon as Asurah and I were noticed, someone began walking towards us, my body going tense before I realized it was Del Pickle. Oh wait. I mean Delkele. Oops. And it was so strange actually seeing him with a maroon button up, that crimson red hair pulled up in a bun as those equally red eyes rested on Asurah.

His head lowered in a bow, before he lifted his gaze once more. "Congratulations, Asurah." His eyes then flickered over to me. "And you as well, Captain. I am happy you two decided to make your relationship official." He then leaned closer to us, causing me to place a protective arm around Asurah's waist. What? Don't judge me, Delkele used to have the hots for my man. Call me what you want, I was merely being cautious. "Do be weary of the individuals around you. There has been more than a few that are showing distaste for the bond between His Highness and you."

I frowned, my gaze trailing across the room, and yeah, a lot of people were staring at us, but would any of them actually have the balls to try something? Especially with running the risk of their precious king getting hurt? I didn't think so, but I did appreciate Delkele giving us the heads up.

"Thank you for letting us know, Del," Asurah spoke, the brute's attention immediately on him.

Delkele bowed his head. "Of course, Asurah. Anything to ensure your wellbeing as well as..." those crimson eyes flickered over to me, "your consort's."

Asurah beamed at that and hugged my arm, looking positively beautiful with the natural lighting that cascaded down upon us, making him appear as if he were glowing. "I do appreciate the heads up, but let us not waste such a joyous occasion on those jealous little babies. I'm ready to stuff my face until I am round in the belly. Especially that entire cart of pickled greens, because holy nuggets I love that stuff." My little albino minx then patted the walking steroid's arm, giving him a not-so-subtle wink. "Why don't you go find Jox and have a nice chat? That man has been dying to talk to you."

I watched in amusement as Delkele's cheeks turned dark red, the intimidating man turning into a shy school girl at the mere mention of the other Glacic man. It was hilarious, but he really did need to man up and, for lack of better words, bone the crap out of the short haired Glacic. I mean, come on, it was obvious the both of them had the hots for each other, especially with how both men acted around each other, all shy and flustered and crap. Kind of like how Asurah and I were, when we were coming to the realization that we saw each other as something more than mere friends. But yeah, even I thought those two would make a cute couple, and I merely tolerated Delkele.

Ok, maybe a little more than just tolerate, since he did save me from Issak's bastard self. So I guess I saw him as one of those, kinda-sorta-maybe friends.

And when I finally pulled myself out of my head, the redhead in question had already vanished, probably running away in embarrassment, the chicken leg, and Asurah had already made his way over to one of the buffet tables, a half full plate already in had as he chatted away with a short Glacic woman.

I felt myself smiling a little as I made my way over to him, grabbing a clean, crystal plate myself. "Look at you trying to steal all of the food, Love. You gotta leave some for me." I gave him my signature pouty face, and darn my beautiful husband for laughing at my pitiful self.

"Love, there is plenty of food here to feed an entire army. Besides," he turned and showed me his full plate, full of nothing but the pickled greens from Hera, "this was pretty much all I wanted, anyway. This and some wine rolls."

I raised my brows. "Wine rolls? Why am I only now hearing about such a delicious sounding thing?"

Asurah plopped one into his mouth and shrugged, jutting his hip out to the side all sexy-like as he balanced his plate on one hand. "Well, these are usually served during an important event." He pursed his lips. "Well, that and I'd probably end up eating them all, if given the chance, and as we learned during the Hewon Ball, drunk me is funky and weird."

I snorted in complete denial, an amused grin forming on my face as my brows pinched together. "Drunk you is adorable as hell, you mean. Stumbling over your words, giggling at the most mundane of statements, you are, and I will stand by this till the day I die, adorable when you're intoxicated."

I adored the way my husband's cheeks turned bright red, the Glacic embarrassed as he averted his gaze. "Psh, whatever you say, you lovable fart."

"Why you little-"

"Oh!" Asurah slapped his hand on my shoulder, narrowing his eyes seductively as he leaned closer to me, the man wiggling his brows. "We're still doing that super kinky, fun thing later tonight, right?"

I blinked as my mind darted to an earlier conversation we had the other day. "Really? You still want to do that? What if someone sees us, or walks in on us?"

"I'll make sure the place is empty. I have someone there who owes me a favor and will pretend she's closing the place down for cleaning. Just meet me there tonight, ok?"

And I did. After the feast, Asurah had gone his own way to sign all the official documents over our marriage, while I had gone to help Jox fix a couple of ships, and when the time finally came to meet my husband, I could only stare at the crystal-looking throne chair in front of me.

"Sorry if I'm a bit late. I wanted to make myself presentable for you."

Looking away from the throne, I turned to Asurah and froze, my heart stopping as I admired just how beautiful he was. All he wore was a simple blue thong with some kind of sheer ribbon curled around him, resting in the crooks of his elbows, the rest of his pale, beautiful body on display as he sauntered over to me, nibbling at his plump bottom lip.

I placed my hands on his hips, my gaze drinking him in appreciatively as my thumbs stroked his soft, cool skin. "You Absolutely ravishing."

Asurah blushed darkly, giving me a naughty smile as he pressed his lips against mine with a satisfied hum, the Glacic pressing his body closer against mine, which of course inevitably caused my body to begin heating up.

After a moment, we both pulled away, both of us breathless as we stared into each other's eyes. After a moment, I nodded my head towards the throne, one of my brows raised. "So what made you come up with the idea of getting down and dirty on that thing?"

Asurah blushed and nibbled at his bottom lip, staring at me through his lashes as he shrugged and began to lightly push me, back, and back, until I was sitting on it. He then climbed onto my lap, legs on either side of me as he trailed a finger across my stubbled cheek. "I dunno, I guess I just felt like it would What, don't tell me you wanna back out now, because if you do I will be so upset and-"

I shut him up by pressing my lips against his, my hand rubbing at his exposed thighs while we exchanged tongue. After a moment, I pulled away from him, lifting my hand to cup his cheek. "Why the hell would I want to back out of this, when you look so delicious sitting there on top of me?" My thumb caressed his bottom lip. "Besides, I do agree that frolicking on a crystal throne is so hot."

Asurah then beamed and leaned down to kiss me, our eyes closing as we kissed slowly, his hands running through my curly hair as the world around us disappeared, leaving just him, and me.

A/N: Dirty scene is located in Frozen Treats!

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