Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I was a busy body, according to some. I loved going all kinds of places and didn't really spend too much time sitting down, or staying in one place. So the fact that I had been sitting in one place for over an hour...gods, I really wanted to stand up and move my legs. I hated sitting here, not being able to do anything but stay in one place, waiting for the go ahead from Dr. Luthidus. I don't know why it was taking so long for him to let me go home, since I felt fine now, save for that small ache where I got shot. But surely I was ready to go home, right?

"I'm not sure how some of this tastes, since I've never had Tronain food before, but I'm sure you must be hungry, so I hope these are at least...edible."

I pulled out of my head and glanced over towards Joseph, who held a couple bags of what looked like dried Tronian fruit, his chocolate brown eyes filled with cautious curiosity as he stared at the food. I gave him a small smile and snatched one of the bags, thankful that he knew me so well. I swear he had read my mind, since I didn't outright tell him that I was starting to get hungry, but that's why we worked so well together, he knew me so well. So I thanked him and tore the package open, popping a couple of dried fruit pieces into my mouth before watching Joseph do the same, although he did so more hesitantly.

He popped one in his mouth, chewed for a second, before his brows rose and he nodded his head, making his way over to me before he sat down on the pod next to me. "Wow, never thought I would say this, but this is actually really good. A bit bitter, but I don't mind that." He grabbed another piece of dried fruit and studied it, before popping it back in his mouth.

"So what is everyone else doing?" I wondered after a few minutes of silence, my gaze meeting that of my husband's. "Surely they're bored waiting all this time for me to be released. And...what is Vextian up to? I-Is he still,"

"Under the watchful eyes of Jox and Delkele? Yeah, they're not letting him out of their sights until we're allowed to leave," Joseph spoke, crumbling the empty plastic bag before tossing it in a trash bin. "As for Teiken, I think he's telling Temour the good news and letting him know to call his forces back. Though, he wants to keep them close in case Vextian has any idiotic ideas of revenge, or something."

"That's smart," I muttered, nibbling at my bottom lip, "though, I honestly don't think Vextian will try anything at the risk of being attacked by over fifty different armies. He's selfish, sure, but he's not stupid. And...he does care about his people from what I've witnessed. Well, for the most part. He wouldn't blatantly risk all of their lives just to get in bed with me."

Joseph frowned immediately and pursed his lips, not looking pleased. "You say that, yet he kidnapped a king from his planet after murdering god knows how many innocent people. If he really cared about his people, he wouldn't have done something that could risk their lives over some guy he had a crush on. Makes no damn sense in my opinion." He sighed and cupped my cheeks, thumbs rubbing just under my eyes as he gazed at me. "I know you've been here a while with him, and I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner, but he was manipulating you this whole time, Ash. You may think he's kind or whatever, but he's not."

I nibbled at my bottom lip and lowered my gaze, nodding my head. "Y-You're right. I don't know why I was stupid enough to believe there was even an ounce of good in that bastard. Especially after all the damage he caused to my people, and to us."

"You're not stupid, Ash," Joseph reassured me, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. "You were under a lot of distress and that bastard took advantage of that. So don't you dare feel stupid for falling for his lies." He kissed me again and then kissed the top of my head before pulling back, giving me a loving smile. "Anyway, what's the first thing you want to do when we are finally able to go home?"

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