Chapter Five

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(Asurah's POV)

I don't know what it was, but something woke me in the middle of the night. It wasn't a noise or anything of that nature, I think, but my body felt wide awake as I opened my eyes and looked at my lover's sleeping face. The man who was now officially my Bonded. Like...holy nugget. How the heck had this happened? I still remember a time where I had been so against the idea of love, yet here I was, snuggled against the human man I now called mine. Like wow, the universe was strange sometimes.

Smiling to myself, I lifted a finger and placed it on Jo's stubbled cheek, the man twitching for a second before he fell still once more. He was such a handsome man, with an amazing personality, and I was so happy that I had been the lucky one to capture his heart. After a moment of admiring the beauty of my bonded, I placed a soft kiss against the corner of his lips and stood up from the pod, a yawn flying past my lips as I began walking to my bedroom door.

There was something about waking up in the middle of the night that had me craving food, and while I had no idea why that was, to food I went, my stomach rumbling in want the entire way there. When I made it to the kitchen, of course there was no one there, since after all, it was early in the morning. Or was it late at night?

Meh, who really cared? I had an entire kitchen to myself. What to eat, what to eat, I wondered as I nibbled the inside of my cheek, my fingers drumming against the crystal surface of the countertops. Maybe there were some wine rolls left from the feast earlier that I could much know what, on second thought I don't think wine rolls would be a good idea so early in the morning.

I scrunched up my nose and walked over to the cooling box, opening it before I stared at whatever lined the shelves. There seemed to be some grib left, but I really wasn't in the mood for that. There were also various fruits and cakes, but sadly, I wasn't in the mood for anything sweet, either. And I don't know why, but for some reason spicy foods were on my mind this morning.

"Oh my, you're up pretty late."

Blinking, I whirled around to see Josie, my body relaxing as a warm smile split across her face, her chocolate eyes twinkling. I nibbled at my bottom lip and closed the cooling box before I walked over to the kitchen island, leaning my body up against it. "I woke up and decided I wanted some food." I shrugged and averted my eyes. "But nothing here seems to be...what do you humans say again...tickling my fancy?" I sighed dramatically and leaned my head against my hand, pouting as I glanced up at Josie. "But anyway, may I ask what you're doing up so early in the morning? I kind of figured you would be a late body like Jo."

Josie shrugged. "I couldn't exactly sleep. I guess it's thanks to all that excitement yesterday, with the wedding and then the feast." She paused and tilted her head to the side, her chocolate eyes on me. "Just a random thought, but has my Joseph cooked for you yet?"

My brows rose in disbelief and I leaned my upper body forward. "Jo can cook?" My mouth dropped. "How dare that brat not tell me something so important! That little fart is so going to get an earful when he wakes up, I'll tell you what."

Josie chuckled in amusement, covering her mouth as she waved her other hand in the air in a dismissive manner. "He's just shy about exposing that part of himself." Her smile waned. "The men at the academy he went to used to bully him for knowing how to cook. All because his romantic interests never lined up with theirs."

"Well, I bet those low lives aren't bonded to the king of the richest planet in the galaxy, now are they? Jo is leagues above them, so he shouldn't feel burdened about what some jealous little brats said about him in the past." I nibbled at my bottom lip, my heart aching for my lover. "He shouldn't have to feel scared to cook for me. Gods, I would love to taste whatever he can make for me."

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