Chapter Two

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Joseph was back. He was back with his mother and oh sweet fluff nugget was I nervous. I kept trying to make sure my clothes were in place, and I continuously fiddled with my long hair, which eventually had Teiken placing his hand on my shoulder, orange eyes on me.

"You will be fine, Asurah."

I exhaled slowly and nodded, placing my arms against my side as I watched the ship's hangar open, revealing the smiling face of Joseph alongside a small woman I assumed was his mother. And sweet, sweet nugget did my heart warm upon seeing my human, those dark curls still as untamed as always. And when those chocolate eyes I loved so much turned towards me, the man's smile only widened as he said something to the woman beside him.

I could definitely see the resemblance between the both of them as I studied the shorter woman, from their naturally darker tanned skin, to their dark eyes and curly hair...I'd say Jo was definitely the spitting image of his mother.

"Ash!" Joseph practically skipped over to me before engulfing me into his arms, his body warm against mine as his heart raced against my chest. Which enticed mine to race against my own ribs as I leaned into his warmth, my eyes closing as my fingers grazed against those chocolate curls I loved so much. My body quivered with unseen joy, and it took all my will power to not swing my...what do they call them...fiancé?...around against a wall and ravish those sinful lips of his. Somehow, I kept my control in check as Joseph pulled away from me and gestured to his mother.

"Don't be shy, Ma. Come say hi to your future son-in-law."

His mother grinned as she walked down to where we were standing, the human woman only coming up to my chest. Were all female humans this short, or did this poor woman get the wrong end of the stick? Or, well, maybe she looked short to me because to most humans, I was pretty tall.

"So you are the beautiful Glacic king I have heard so much about?" The woman asked me as she nodded her head in appreciation. "Wow, you're definitely much prettier than the woman Joseph was going to marry way back when. Ungrateful whore she was."

Joseph's mouth dropped. "Ma!"

I chuckled and pat Joseph's back, the man briefly glancing towards me as the smile only grew on my face. "Well, this woman definitely lost out on an amazing man."

Jo's mother grinned widely and pointed to me. "I like you."

I beamed happily and wiggled in place as I held Jo's hand, his warmth basically pouring within me as I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I like you too. You're quite spry for a human. But then again, look at Jo, he's quite unique in his own right, too."

"Oh goodness, it seems my manners have left me upon meeting someone such as yourself. I'm Josie, Joseph's mother." His mother smiled warmly and held out her hand, a gesture I learned was a human form of greeting.

I gently grabbed her tanned, outstretched hand, as I was supposed to do according to Joseph, and shook it like I had been taught, already knowing that I would never let anything happen to this beautiful woman. "What a gorgeous name, Josie. I look forward to getting to know you." I nibbled at my bottom lip and glanced towards Teiken, having completely forgotten that he was even there. Talk about awkward. "Teiken, can you show this beautiful woman the Ceremony Room? It is nearing time for the official crowning of my consort."

Teiken bowed his head and held an arm out towards Josie. "Of course, Asurah." Those vibrant eyes turned toward the shorter woman, Josie basically making, dare I say it, bedroom eyes towards the taller Volcic. "Allow me to show you the way, mam."

Josie's brows rose as a smile stretched across her wizened face, a blush on her tanned cheeks as she fanned herself with her hand. "Wow, I most definitely prefer other species above us boring, rude humans. Such nice individuals you spacefolk are turning out to be." She grabbed his outstretched arm and they began walking away, a sense of relief filling me as I turned to Joseph.

Of course I pulled him to me and finally kissed those perfect lips of his, my eyes closing as warmth blossomed within my chest. When we pulled away, Joseph's chocolate gaze was soft as his hands remained on the exposed parts of my waist. "You know," he muttered, staring deeply into my eyes, "it's bad luck for the groom to see his bride before the wedding."

My brows rose as I leaned into him, lifting a hand to gently touch his lips as confusion filled me. "Really? Is that actually a thing? Or are you pulling my leg again, as you humans like to say?"

Joseph snorted and shrugged, pursing his lips as he continued looking at me. "I dunno, it's just some superstitious thing we humans came up with. I don't really believe in crap like that, though, I do warn you, my Ma does, so she's probably going to corner me later and yell at me for seeing you in your...outfit before we're married." His gaze lifted and fell, the man checking me out appreciatively as his hands rubbed at my bare flesh. "And on that look absolutely gorgeous, Ash. How the hell did I get so lucky?"

I felt blood rush to my cheeks as I shyly looked away, warmth blossoming in my chest. "Well, some would call it fate, others, destiny."

Joseph cracked a smile and kissed me again, causing me to shiver when his tongue caressed mine, his hands rubbing my sides as the world around us disappeared. And in this moment, it was just Joseph and me, and honestly, I wished that every day could be like this, just him and me with our lips tangled in passion. Goodness what a dream that would be. But then again, I was about to bound my entire being to this man, and I couldn't help but wonder if he even knew just how important this was.

My kind, the Glacics...we mated for life. Once we found our soulmate we would bind ourselves to them, pledge our undying allegiance to them. Which was why I had never bothered with a consort before. Until Joseph thawed my frozen heart and gave me something worth fighting for. So this was a really big deal for me, and I hoped he would one day understand just how much I loved him.

After a couple of moments, we finally pulled apart from the kiss, both of us breathless as we smiled at one another. Joseph then pecked me on the cheek and took a step back, those chocolate eyes glittering as he ran his hand through those unruly curls. "Well, I guess I better run and get dressed before this thing starts, huh? Wouldn't want to show up in these gross rags."

He gestured down to his long sleeved shirt and padded pants, my bows raising as I glanced up at him. "Those seem fine to me. But yes, do get changed. I didn't spend over a thousand credits on a personally tailored suit for you not to wear it." I pulled him back to me and poked him on his nose, causing his face to scrunch up adorably. "That doesn't mean you don't look absolutely delicious in anything you choose to wear."

The blush that dashed across Joseph's cheeks made my stomach feel all funny, and I wanted nothing more than to squish those cheeks and kiss them all over. "Gah Ash, you and your freaking sweetness. I'll see you when everything is set in place."

I winked at him, causing him to laugh before he pecked me on the cheek and gave me a small wave, the nerves jumping all around as I watched him walk away.

A/N: Gahhhh, why is Asurah so darn CUTE?!

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