Chapter Eighteen

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I wasn't quite sure what I had imagined Vextian to bring me to. A graveyard, a... well, I really don't know, but I was quite off put when I realized he had brought me to a theater of sorts. Well, maybe theater. I had no idea what this towering place was, just that it was open in the middle, with rows, upon rows of seats towering above a small, sandy pit of some sort. Suffice to say, I was quite confused as Vextian led me higher above the pit, to a large box with plush, lavish seats settled within. Pillows made from red satin sat in place on the chairs, no doubt for comfort...but why were the other seats mere benches?

"What is this place?" I wondered, frowning when I saw a sea of colorful Tronians coming to fill up the thousands of seats.

But of course the jerk only smirked at me before he gestured for me to take a seat. My frown deepened as my brows furrowed in confusion and discomfort, my gaze sliding back to the now packed...whatever the hell this place was, my heart hammering against my chest with uncertainty. What was this place? Why would he feel the need to bring me here, especially after finding me in his room, a place he had strictly forbade me to enter?

This whole thing was starting to give me a bad feeling. You know, the one that starts in the pit of your stomach, making you feel slightly nauseous, and off kilter? Yeah...that kind of bad feeling.

I jolted at the sound of loud drums, each beat loud, followed by a series of quieter ones, before ringing loud once more. The beats rose and fell, and after a moment, they fell silent. As did the entirety of the place. I jolted when Vextian walked forward in the booth, a warm smile on his face as he thrust his hands out at his sides, fingers twisting up in the air.

"Tucar, people of Tronian. Here we gather for, what I can only describe as unadulterated, passionate fun!" I froze when those black eyes trailed over to me briefly, before fluttering back towards the crowd. "Today, we have a newcomer, one who will one day rule alongside me. He knows not of our fun here, so why not make this an event to remember?!"

Cheers rang from the Tronians around us, loud and nearly shaking the entire structure. My heart hammered in my chest, my ears ringing for what felt like an eternity before the crowd silenced once more to listen to their King speak.

And deep down, mixing with that nauseating bad feeling I had, was a sickening revelation as I began to piece together what this place may be.

It wasn't a theater like I had originally thought. It was a fighting ring of sorts. A place where fights broke out and blood was spilt, whether by a willing party...or a reluctant one. All while hundreds upon thousands of individuals watched, cheering as they got some kind of sick satisfaction from the bloodbath.

At least, that was the vibes I was getting from my surrounding areas, and now that I was actually paying attention, I swore I could see two gated doors that led to the sand pit below, no doubt hiding the opponents from view as I placed a hand against my lips, feeling as if I would puke at any moment.

I abhorred violence...yet violence is what these people got off on.

"Today, we will watch as man goes against beast!" Vextian's voice pulled me out of my thoughts and unintentionally tugged my attention back towards him. "You all remember the Karrakka?" Cheers erupted, with a few individuals screaming words of joy. "Today we will witness as four of our own criminals face off against this terrifying beast! Will they tremble in their boots, I wonder? Or will they pull through and kill off the Karrakka with all of their limbs intact?" He clapped his hand together, and I couldn't even fathom why he had a grin on his face at the thought of people fighting to the death.

Criminals or not, they didn't deserve to be ogled while they fought for their lives. It was cruel, and wrong, and gave me even more reason to loathe the creature in front of me.

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