Don't they look familiar to you?

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Songs for this chapter:
-Domino~Jessie J
-Rain on me~Lady gaga&Ariana Grande

"This looks nice and it's not busy at all" Chloe says. "Well let's go already" Cheryl said. I laughed at the face Chloe made towards her. It wasn't crouded at all, I think everybody already ate. I mean it's two o'clock so it's pretty logical. There was a family with two kids leaving. There were 3 tables with people, two elderly people with a young girl, a mother with two sons and a table with three guys, only the guys sat inside. "Let's sit over there" Chloe pointed at a table inside. Typically Chloe and Cheryl, always bussy with boys.

After we ordered our food Cheryl started looking at the boys again. I sat with my back towards them and Chloe and Cheryl sat across me. "Aren't they cute" she sighted. "Yeah but it feels like I know them" Chloe said while she also stared. "Jeez, stop staring they will start feeling uncomfortbale. They've also got their privacy you know." I said to them. "Yeah Mads you're right." Chloe sighed. "Yeah but I mean look at them....I like that one with the black hair" Cheryl said excited. Chloe looked again and said "how can you see that?? They're wearing glasses and hats." "So what? If you look at the hair under it you can see that that one is blond the one on the left ginger and the last one has black hair." Cheryl giggled. "Why are you two like this?" I laughed while shaking my head. "Still it feels like I know them" Chloe said. "You know what let me look" I said and turned around on my chair. They did look familiar but just before I could place it the blond guy turned around. I jumped a little a quickly  turned back. Cheryl and Chloe couldn't hold it and bursted out laughing. "You should have seen you're face" Cheryl said out of breath after they were done laughing, wich took them a while because they laughed only harder when I gave them a glare. "How could I know I only wanted to help" I explained myself. "We know mads" Chloe smiled at me. "You know what? Let's go talk to them!" Cheryl suddenly said. "Yeah didn't think so" I said "We don't even know who they are yet" Chloe helped me. "And we just completly emberassed ourselves" I said again. "Oh come on, who cares? They're hot so let's go get em!"

After 5 minutes of discussing wheter we should or shouldn't go the waiter brang us our food. "You know what, I'm gonna sit with them, I don't care if you like it or not" Cheryl said as she stood up. "CHERYL!!" we yelled as she had already reached theyre table. We quickly grabbed our plates and ran towards her. "Mind if we join you guys?" She said more to the black haired one the they other two. "Ehm I don't know if thats a good idea Cheryl." Chloe said as we got close. "What if they're okay with it? If you're not gonna let me speak to men how wil I ever get a boyfriend?" Cheryl said offended. "Cheryl we get you but maybe you should leave these hotties alone okay?" Chloe anwsered. "Uhm Chlo you just called them hotties.." I said while holding in my laugh. "Oh god" she blushed. "Ehm listen I don't know you girls" the ginger said. "And we don't know you!" Cheryl said. "Well then I don't think it would be a problem right boys?" The blond one said. The other guys nodded and we took place at the opposit side of the table from the boys.

"She always get's her way I'm sorry to intrude your lunch" Chloe started. "No no it's fine, we're just a little shy you know" the ginger anwsered. "Oh no need to be cause you're-" Cheryl was saying. "I KNOW IT!!" I said really loud. "YOU DO?!?!?" Chloe said excited. "Are they who I thought they were?" She asked. They boys immidiatly started to feel uncomfortable. "Oh no not the guys from camp!" I laughed "they're the actors from Harry Potter" I whispered the last part. But I didn't have to because Chloe's face showed what I just told her. She looked at the guys who were sitting there with kind off sad faces. "I'm sorry I saw through you're great disguise." I said shy. "It's fine i guess" Daniel said. "No it's not, you're not here to take photo's" I said trying to apologise. "As long as you guys aren't crazy fan girls it's fine" Tom said while taking his glasses off. "Oh she isn't, she goes to an acting school so she kind off knows everyone you see" Chloe explained. "Ah makes sense" Rupert said "I already got scared". We laughed.

We lunched together and actually it was kind off fun. When they realised we weren't sitting there because they were famous but because we thought they were cute they also got comfortable joking and talking about themselfs. When we were done I said "I'm gonna pay guys" "Hey why do you pay?" Chloe anwsered. "Because it's my birthday and thats my present to you all for keeping me company" I smiled. "Doesn't that mean that we should pay?" Tom said. Chloe quickly looked at him and said "No you don't get it" "Oh sorry, didn't want to offend you" he apologised. "Oh it's okay you couldn't know, I'm gonna pay now" I said and I laughed. Don't get mad at him Maddie he couldn't know.

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