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Songs for this chapter:
Last friday night~ Katy Perry
And please read the note at the end!!!!

I woke up with a pounding head. I could have expected that, thinking about the fact we drank a nice amount of alcohol yesterday but I still didn't like to face the truth of actually having one. I looked to my right feeling pain in my back two. Where the hell does that come from? It's not like my back has a hangover two right? I saw a brown haired girl completely zoned out on the spot next to me. When I looked on my left and saw a blondine who was snoring her ass off. I sat up straight feeling my back hurt even more and then realised it was because we fell asleep on the couch. If there is one advice I can give you...don't sleep on the couch. You'll break your back. Letting out some groans I forced myself to stand up and make me some coffee and get an asprine.

I placed down the cups on the table next to the medicine and woke up the two snoring beauties on the couch. "What time is it?" Chloe said while rubbing her eyes. "Who cares? Do you have coffee?" Cheryl asked and I laughed "yes I do. And I've got asprines for you guys because don't ry to make me believe you don't have as much as a hangover as I do" I smirked. "You're a lifesaver" she said and reached for her coffee and the pill. Chloe also took her coffee and I handed her a glass of water for her asprine. Then I sat down between them again feeling my head pounding worse than ten minutes earlier when I woke up. "I feel like shit" Chloe groaned next to me. "Tell me about it" Cheryl said and I laughed a little. "Do you guys have anything important to do today?" I asked them and they both said "no" as I expected. "Then let's get out of these clothes and put on some PJ's so we can have ourselves a little marathon of hot guys" I said and they stood up agreeing with everything I just said.

We actually spend that day doing nothing but watching movies. And it was great. I spoke Tom. I called him to ask how he was doing but I wish I hadn't. Cheryl decided that she wanted to say hi two and kind of told him that it was my birthday in two days. I almost killed her after that, why did she have to tell him about a day that I want to dissapear from my life? Why do I have to be reminded about my parents every year, like this? "Hey I'm sure they'll keep in mind that you don't want a big party" his soft voice told me from the other side. "I hope so. I just don't want it to make me sad like it always does you know?" I said looking at the ground. Ofcourse he doesn't know, I'm being to hard on him. "You know? This reminds me of the day we met. You know, in the theme park. It was your birthday and we had this little fight about it. You really impressed me back then" he said. I blushed a little and stuttered "r-really?" "Yeah, you were so beautiful but also so....mysterious and a bit sassy but I liked it. I don't know you just made me want to know you better" he said and I smiled at my feet. "You're really sweet you know that right?" I told him "I know" he said really proud and I laughed. "So don't worry. They know you better then anyone else and just want you to feel good. Let them try, why don't you come to set tommorow to let them prepare everything?" He asked me. "Wait a minute. You know what they are planning?" "Kind off...okay yes I do" "Okay now I feel left out. And didn't you already stop filming? They're only editing right?" I asked him. "Yes but we decided to meet up and just have nice day together before the premiere next week. How are you feeling about that by the way?" He asked me. "I don't know. I'm nervous but also excited, I mean I'm having my first movie premiere." I said and felt a certain nervousness sneaking upon my chest. "But you can tell me all about it tommorow" I said and he laughed a little. "Whatever you wish princess" I felt my cheeks burn up at that comment "what did you call me?" I asked with a heart beating out of my chest. "Princess...are you not comfortable with that? I'm sorry if I'm moving to fast I just-" "No! It's not that!" I interrupted him. "I just wanted to check if I heard it right. I like it" I said and heard him smile through the phone what made my heart beat rase even more. "But ehm I got to go so...talk to you tommorow okay?" I asked him. "Yeah, you know. I'll pick you up at two." He anwsered "Tommie you don't have to-" "No! If I want to pick you up I can pick you up! I'm the boyfriend!" he said proudly and I giggled "yes you are. And okay fine! But be on time!" I said and he laughed "I'll try!". "Goodnight Tommie" I smiled into the phone "Goodnight Love" he said back and I hang up.

"Okay we've got two options here. Or we get ourselves tea and food and hope the headace will be gone in the morning....or we open another bottle and hope it won't affect the way we will feel tommorow" Cheryl said and looked at me and Chloe on the couch. Chlo looked at me and I smirked, she shook her head at us. "Guys no! I'm not allowed to drink all the time!" She said and we shrugged. "Whatever you say. Just know that you can change your mind when you want to hunny" I said and Cher placed down the bottle and glasses. After that she got Chloe some tea. We put on a horror movie named Marowbone and spend the rest of the night watching those adrenaline movies.

《Hey loves! I hope you're all doing well! I hope you liked this chapter. I actually wanted to ask you if you have any ideas for my new book. I was thinking about Thomas Brodie Sangster/Dylan O'brien but I'm not sure. And if I decide to do one of them is it going to be The maze runner or a real life one like this one. I also don't know if I'll do a book or just imagnes (really short stories) it depends on what you all like. So please let me know!! Stay safe and have a great day or night!》

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