Hot coco

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Songs for this chapter:
-IDK you yet~ Alexander 23
-Let me down slowly

He walked with me until we reached the door of our appartment. "Thank you for tonight" he said while I opend the door. I assumed it was already past midnight and Chloe and Cheryl both had school tommorow. Not that I was sure if Chloe was still going but you never knew. I turned around surprised with the door half opend. "What do you mean thank you? I started a fight between you and your brother" I said to him. "The fight between us two was already there. You just made my mom see it from a whole other perspective" he smiled at me. It was true what he said. Before we left his mom waved us goodbye and told me that she loved my lecture earlier. "He has never been told the truth like that by a woman" she had said while winking at me. I was glad she liked me, and to be honest I loved this woman. "You got a point there" I agreed with Tom. "Well I guess I'll see you in two days" he said and I nodded "I guess so". He grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes. I felt my belly make a turn as I swallowed with difficulty. "Can I? Or is that to quick?" He asked me but I ignored the question and just kissed him on his lips. I felt him smile when he kissed back. He wrapped his arms around me as we dissapeared in eachothers touch. For a few moments we were absolutely alone and feeling stronger than ever. But then we both let go again. "Goodnight Tom" I smiled and he smiled back "goodnight beautiful". Little did he know I saw him do his little victory dance once I had closed the door. It made me smile...I was in love.

I was walking into to the  kitchen while rubbing my eyes. I had slept like an angel and I was craving for a nice cup of coffee. Once I had made my coffee and smelled the delicious smell I thought about last night. It had been fun and Tom and I were in a good place but...what place? We weren't dating and we weren't just friends, I guess something in between for just now. I walked into the living room while unlocking my phone and placing down my coffee on the table. "Hey" a soft voice behind me said, I jumped and dropped my phone. I had thought I was alone but it seems like I wasn't. I turned around to see Chloe sitting on the couch in her PJ's. "Hey don't you have school babe?" I asked her while looking at the time. It was half past 10 already she should have been long gone. "I couldn't bring myself to do it" she said tearing up again. I placed myself next to her and placed her head on my lap while striking her hair. "Don't cry boo, we'll figure something out okay?" I said to her trying to calm her down. "I'm home today, let's watch a movie or something" I said to her "don't you have to learn your script?" She asked me. I actually did but I couldn't let her be alone today. "No I've already done that" I lied. Luckily she was too sad to notice my bad lying skills and she nodded as a sign of participation. I told her I would stay in my payamas too so she wouldn't feel like a lonely wreck, but that we would be twin wrecks. I made her hot coco, she deserved it, and some yoghurt with fruits. She didn't feel like eating but I made her some anyway, "no way he's going to make you dieeting. You need breakfast, no dicussion." I had told her, luckily she listened. I could kill Noah right now because of how he was making her feel. She looked like someone just died, well my respect towards Noah did but I don't think that she was sad about that right now. She was eating silently while I opend Netflix and asked her what she wanted to watch. We started up a documenterie about a zodiac serial killer and watched completely intriged by what was going on when I got a call. I told her to keep watching but ofcourse she paused and took the phone. "Maddie here" I said to hear back a male voice "hey beautifull". I smiled knowing it was Tom and asked him "miss me already huh?". I heard him laugh at the other side as he said "maybe I do...but that is our secret". I giggled before he asked me "what uhm are you having for dinner tonight?". I looked at Chloe who was listening so carefully she had heard every single word. "Nothing" she mouthed and I said "nothing" to Tom before she winked at me. "Well uhm me and the guys thought we should return you the favour and invite you over for dinner at my place" he said.  "Oh didn't know you could cook" I joked earing a sarcastic "ha ha" from Tom. And then I looked at Chloe, if she didn't want to go we weren't going at all. She needed to decide what was best for her and I would support her in anyway possible. She just nodder her head like her life depended on it so I said "uhm yes sounds nice, at what time?" I asked him. "Let's say around 5 or something" he told me and I said "okay see you then" "can't wait". And then we hang up. "Why did you say yes?" I asked Chloe who was clapping her hands in complete excitement. "Because I need to het out and do something. If I stay home and let myself be reminded of him the whole time I'll never cheer up. This will be fun" she said and I nodded "yeah you're right. This will be fun indeed" I smiled.

《Hey loves! I'm honestly honored by all the reads! I thought I'd just give you an extra chapter! I hope you liked it, it was a bit short I know! But the one I'll be posting this weekend will be longer. Just another thank you and if you like my work please leave a comment and vote! Or you can check out my new Draco Malfoy fanfiction! I love you all!!!》

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