Bring it on

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When Marcus knocked on the door I was already dressed and ready to go. I had curled my red hair and wore some make up. I was wearing the dress Cheryl made for me and I was feeling more confident then ever. "Look at you! Dressing up for me are we?" I rolled my eyes in a playfull way at him and said "You wish" I was holding my coffee as we walked to the car and got in. "Ruby loved working with you" Marcus said. "That's sweet" I answered him. "Feeling nervous or are you already used to being famous" I laughed at him knowing that I wasn't nervous because of the work, but because of Tom. "I do like the new look though" he said knowing that I wasn't going to answer the last question. "Thanks, I thought maybe it's time to show everyone what a bad bitch I can be  " I said explaining.

As we walked in I nodded at Evelyn and followed Marcus. He told me David planned me in with Ruby again, but this time we are going to help the actors during the scenes, checking if they were saying the right lines. "Mads! over here!" I heard Daniel yelling at me. "Let's meet at the exit at 12 and get ourself a sandwich for lunch, I know a good place." Marcus said to me before he walked away. I nodded and walked towards Daniel and Rupert, the were talking to Ruby and a brown haired girl. I knew who it was right away but didn't show it to be polite. "Maddie meet Emma." Rupert said. I smiled at Emma shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you Emma, I'm the intern and a friend of Marcus. I happen to know the boys-" "I know, I've heard a lot about you to be honest!" I gave her a confused look by frowning my brows. "uhmm from who?" "Oh just how you met the boys and uhm nothing special, you seem really nice Maddie" I didn't care about her weirdness I liked Emma. Then a phone rang, we all stopped talking and looked at Daniel who quickly picked his phone up "Hey mate whatsup?!" he smirked at Rupert and said "why do you wanna know?" he listened and then said "okay I'll tell David and Ruby, see you later" then he hang up and looked at us who wanted to know who the hell that was. "Are you gonna tell us or not?" Ruby said looking at Daniel with a gaze that said 'if you don't tell me now I'll kill you' Daniel smiled. "That was Tom... he wanted to know if he could come in a little later, family reasons he said" I nodded but felt my heartbeat raising when I heard his name. We started working after another ten minutes of talking. When it was 12 o'clock I walked to the exit where Marcus was waiting for me. "ready for some good food?" he asked me. "I was born ready" he laughed at my classic joke.

He drove us to a small restaurant which was pretty cute and ordered me a chicken sandwich and some coffee, as for himself he got a beef sandwich and coffee. We waited for a little while and talked about the scenes we had shot and he told me about this moment when Daniel stept on Dumbledore's cloak while filming. I couldn't stop laughing at the way he described it. When our food was ready we drove to the set again. We walked past the dressing rooms talking while sipping on our coffee. "I like Emma though, she is really sweet." I said smiling at Marcus. "I can tell she likes you too" he said. "Maybe we should go and get lunch sometime, I think I'll ask Ruby too, you reco-" before I could finish my sentence I bumped into someone and almost fell, Marcus cought me and helped me up. "I'm so sorry...omg" I looked at the man who was apologizing to me and couldn't believe my eyes. "Tom?" "Maddie?". "What the hell are you doing here? Trying to act all innocent again? And then just dissapear?" he said. I still couldn't believe the confrontation was happening right now. Wait a minute did he tell me I was wrong? That it was MY fault? I felt anger beginning to boil inside me "what the hell are you talking about? Who do you think you are?". "I think I'm stupid for falling for your little tricks, that's for sure" he said also having a angry look on his face, but he also looked hurt. He was wrong for pinning it all on me, it wasn't my fault that he gave me the wrong number. Marcus noticed that I was getting upset, but most of all angry, furious, so he put his hand on my shoulder. Tom looked at him and then at me again, I saw something of jealousy flashing trough his eyes. "I're THAT kind of girl. Just forget it Maddie, have fun with your boyfriend..." he wanted to walk away but I started to yell after him. "You know what? I tought you were a nice guy but you appear to be a dick just like the rest of them." He turned around again and looked hurt. I prepared myself for another comment but he only grabbed my wrist and pulled me into an empty room.

"Care to tell me what the fuck you think you're doing?" I asked him. "I need to tell you? Aren't you the one that just left me hanging? I thought we had some kind off conection, but I never got a text... just nothing." he said frustrated. He was kind off hot like this, he reminded me of Draco when he is mad okay Maddie what the hell? "Hold on... you were the one that gave ME the wrong number" I said. "No way" he said . I got out my phone and showed him the contact. "Uhm Maddie that IS my number" he said. "What?? But then why did you say that it wasn't you when I texted you?". He sighted frustrated not believing anything he said "Look" I said holding up the phone again showing him the short conversation. He got a soft look on his face "you did text me?" he said more to himself than me. "But you weren't the one texting me back?" I asked him. He shook his head and I saw him thinking really hard. "Fuck!"he said. "What?!" I asked him. "I was at my brothers place that day, we had a fight and I walked out to calm down, when I got back he was on my phone." he walked closer towards me and towerd over me. "I didn't think anything about it but now I understand, he blocked you."he said, at this moment I was standing with my back pressed against the wall and he had me trapped between his arms. "That asshole" he yelled and punched the wall with the hand on my left side. I jumped a little at his frustration. "I'm sorry, I'm not a violent person at all, but my brother knows how to get on my nerves" he said calming down. Then he realised in what position we were in, but he didn't step back. "It's okay, I understand that you're angry with him" I said looking into his eyes. Shit he still had these wonderfull blue eyes, I started drowning in them immidiatly not wanting to go up for air. "I missed you Mads" he said almost whispering while leaning a little bit more towards me. I didn't only drown anymore I had goosebumps all over my body because I could feel his hot breath on my face. "I missed you too" I said while leaning in too. He was really close to me and I could feel his lips brushing against mine. "I don't want to interrupt... We need you Tom for the next scene" I heard Ruby say. He looked deeper in my eyes not wanting to leave but then he stepped back. I could feel his eyes going over my body not forgetting a single curve, my god how I was blushing. He smiled at me with a little blush. Then he winked at me and walked out of the room. I got out my phone at clicked on Chloe.

Girl I need some advice...I just had the weirdest conversation ever!

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