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Songs for this chapter:
-The cult of Dionysus~ The orion experience
-Drugs~ UPSAHL

Chloe Pov

I woke up with someone stroking my hair. I looked up and met Edward his light blue eyes. "Hey little one" he smiled at me. "Hey" I smiled back at him. I was wearing my normal PJ's and he was wearing his outfit of yesterday. We had watched a movie but fell asleep around the ending. I guess Maddie let him stay over. Mads was trying to just live with the fact that Tom wasn't around so I wasn't going to bother her with this. "You hungry?" I asked him and stept out of the bed. "Always" he joked and walked behind me into the kitchen. In the living room we heard Maddie watching a Harry Potter movie, that was her way of seeing Tom now. Kind off sad if you ask me. "What are you hungry for?" I asked Edward who was rubbing his eyes. He was cute like this. "I don't really care. Choose for me" he said and I smiled. I decided to make us some scrambled eggs and asked Edward "can you go ask Mads if she wants some?" He nodded and walked to the living room. After a few minutes he came back and looked a bit sad. "Are you okay?" I asked him with a little bit of a worried look. "Yeah I guess. Maddie doesn't want anything she said she had already had some yoghurt." He said and I nodded. Maddie didn't like breakfast so she normally ate as little as she could. "She looks really sad Chlo. Is she okay?" He asked me and I went back to the eggs. "She's just missing Tom. She'll be okay" I said and he smiled at me. Maybe she should meet up with Marcus? I mean I know they aren't doing as amazing as usual because of the whole crush thing but he does know her very well. I told myself to tell her that later. "Nervous for today?" I heard the brunette beside me say. I snapped out of my thoughts and shook my head. "No" I lied. "Yeah don't try the lying again." He said and I turned to him surprise plastered all over my face "how do you-" "I can tell by your nose. Don't ask me why. It's just obvious" he said with a smile and I shook my head. Still with a little bit of disbelieve I placed the scrambled egg on the plate with a bit of bread. "So, you are nervous" He said and I rolled my eyes at him in a playful way. "Yes, so?" I asked him raising a brow "You shouldn't be, I got you little one." He said and my heart fluttered. "Just stay with me okay?" I asked him and he nodded while taking me into his arms. He was warm and I felt my body relax in his embrace. Just listening to his calming heartbeat and feeling the world dissapearing a bit. Today I was going to break up with Noah, and I was dying from the nerves. I was so scared he would hit me, or hurt Maddie or maybe Cheryl when she got back from Paris. I should have never let it come this far. "come on, let's join Maddie" He said and placed a kiss on my forehead. We grabbed our plates and walked into the living room seeing Maddie crying, looking at the screen. Yes, she cries now. It's really sad to see her like this but I'm sure she can do it. "What part is it?" I asked her and she looked at me with her sad eyes. "Three" She sniffled and a small smile formed on my face. She was pretty cute when she was sad. I sat down beside her and ate in silence until the film was done and Maddie turned to me. "What time is the little bitch coming?" She asked me and I gave her a serious look "you can't say that Maddie! He's dangerous!" I said. "Yeah like I give a single fuck. I hate him and so should you" she said and walked to the kitchen. Mads was right, he broke my heart, touched me and ruined my confidence and I was still protecting him a little bit. I hated him, defenitly. But it's just hard to let go sometimes, just knowing what he's capable of and the good sides I had seen. "You'll find someone better one day love" Edward said and walked over to me to hug me from the side. I let my head rest on his shoulder and sighed. "I know. Let me just take a shower and I'll be fine okay?" I said and rushed away. I wanted to wash away my feelings. I was already done with this day.

The water splashed in my face and I felt the warm fluid running down my body.

"You are beautiful Chloe"

His blue eyes appeared in my mind. He was so sweet and innocent. He made me feel safe with that look in his dangerous eyes.

"You don't want to say no to me sweetheart. That will bring trouble. Pain. And not just for you. Don't test me"

His eyes turned black and I felt tears falling from my eyes. I sat down on the shower floor letting the water just fall on me. I was crying in my own embrace now. He used me. And I should have seen it earlier. What kind of cop was I to let me be decieved by someone like this? He made me feel scared while I was meant to be the strongest one of the girls. He just made me believe he loved me....he looked at me There were knocks on the door and I looked up. "Chlo, he'll be here in ten. I'll be in my room. Good luck hun. Trust Edward okay? He's good for you...he'll protect you" Maddie her voice encouraged me. "Thanks" I said softly and stood up again to wash my hair.

He took a seat across me. I looked into his blue eyes, they spoke that he was annoyed. Ed was waiting in the room beside us, in case something happend. Adrenaline was rushing through my veins, afraid to tell him. "So what you wan-" "I don't think it works anymore Noah. Between us." I said. He looked angry now and said "don't be stupid. What the hell are you doing? Is this your way of being funny?" He said and stood up to start pacing. I lost my voice. I froze. I wasn't nervous anymore, and that is when you know it's not good. "Talk to me and say it's not true" he said and I just shook my head staring at the floor. I didn't want to see the blue eyes turn black again. It hurts to much. A tear rolled down my cheek as he yelled "Speak!". I jumped a little and spat out "it's not a joke". His hand suddenly wrapped around my throaght and I met his black eyes. "You don't want that Chloe. You don't want me as your enemy. Say it was a joke before I do things we will both regret later" he said and I felt more tears well up. But I swallowed them. Don't be weak Chloe. You got this. I encouraged myself. "Fucking say it!" He said and I felt a red sting on my cheek. He slapped me. HE FUCKING SLAPPED ME. "Yeah we don't do that to a lady mate" I heard a voice behind Noah say and suddenly his hand dissapeared from my neck. It was Edward. He was holding Noah by his collar, pressed against the wall and it appears he was taller. Now Noah was the one with fear in his eyes but he tried to stay all big and stuff. "Who the hell are you?" He asked Edward. "I'm the one telling you to get out right now and to leave Chloe and the girls alone. If you won't, no single cell in my body will doubt about making sure you'll eat from a straw the rest of your life." He said hovering over the smaller looking Noah. I felt stronger because of the way Ed was protecting me. "Have I made myself clear?" He asked the boy in his hands while shaking him a bit. Noah looked like he was about to shit his pants and nodded quickly. "Then I'll get you out. Back in a minute Chlo" he said and janked Noah with him. I wiped away my tears that had dropped and brought the glass of water in front of me to my trembling lips. A few moments later that hand was holding Edward's. "Thank you" I whispered and he made me look at him. "Don't say thank you. You need to thank yourself. For being strong and breaking up with him" he said while holding my chin to not make me look away. It wasn't a firm grip but it was just in case. "But without scared him to hell" I said and he smiled at me "he's a pussy really. Don't worry. You won't ever see him again" he said and I looked at his eyes. They were pure, the didn't have the treathening clouds hiding in the corners. "Still thank-" "don't" he said and I stopped. I felt conected, he protected me, he was here when I needed him. He gave me the love I didn't get from Noah these past days. He was good, hot and....mine. "Ed?" I asked him and he looked deep into my eyes. He understood my hint and brought my chin closer to him. Was it okay to go this quick? I mean Noah and I just broke up? But I didn't love him anymore a while ago. It wasn't weird. Edward wouldn't hurt me. Our lips touched and I felt a cover of goosebumps over my arms. After a few minutes of soft and lovingly starting a kiss. It deepend and we found ourselves fighting over dominance. I swung my leg over him ending up on his lap. His hand glided over my body, but in a different way than Noah's did. He was curious and admiring me. It felt good....better. Then he just lifted us up, having his hand resting under my bum. He caried me to the bedroom not breaking the kiss and threw me on the bed. It all went pretty quick after that actually. Our clothes were off in the blink of an eye and he admired my naked body while preparing himself to enter me. He made me feel alive. He turned on a certain light inside of me. And made me forget Noah completely. Every movement was filled with heat and lust. He was like a drug to me, and I needed him. His length was....impressing to say it in a neat way. Pleassure filled me when he started quickening the pase. I was planting my nails in his back and he breathed heavily into my neck. "Ed don't stop" I moaned. Maddie was probably confused as fuck right now but that was for later. I felt my walls tighten around him and released pretty quick after that. When he also did he laid down beside me and I snuggled on his chest. "You're special little one" he said and I drifted off to sleep with a smile plastered on my face.

《Hey loves! A little spice in this one haha. I know it wasn't really detailed but that is just because this isn't Tom and Maddie and Chloe is inspired on someone I know and that made feel a bit weird as she reads this too. So when Tom and Maddie's comes it will be better! I promise! Anyways leave a vote and comment and have an amazing day! Love you all!!!》

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