A day back on set.

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Hey loves! A new chapter. It is a little short...I know! BUT! The next chapter will be longer because of Maddie's birthday and I've just been very busy with school, and believe me that will be a while but I wont forget to update I promise! So please sit back and enjoy. And if you haven't left a comment about a possible new story on the last chapter, please do! 

Songs for this chapter:
-Love Song~Sara Bareilles
-Rehab~Amy Whinehouse

"Okay...don't get me wrong but you look like you just had the worst night ever" Tom said beside me in the car. We turned around a corner, on our way to set where we were meeting up with the cast to just catch up a little. "Not really just..hangover and birthday stress"I explained my pale face. "Are you sure you still want to come then love?" He asked me and I nodded "Yes I wouldn't miss this like ever! And if I'm staying at home I'll get irritated by the fact that the girls already know what will hapen tomorrow" I said and looked out of the window. It was true what I was saying, Cheryl and I once again drank to much yesterday and made our headaches only worse...but it was worth it. And I also hated this atmosphere the day before my birthday, it made me feel like i was supposed to feel excited, Oh yes I'm thrilled...not. I was pulled away from my thoughts by Tom placing his hand on my clothed thigh "Don't think about it that badly, you'll be fine. just try to relax a little, okay?" He asked me. I nodded and placed my hand on top of his making him smile behind the driverswheel.

I felt a little nervous approaching the big door. The cast didn't know yet that we were official and I didn't know how to tell them. I mean do you just...say it? "You're overthinking. What is it?" Tom said before opening it. "What do we say?" I asked him with crossed arms "what do you mean? To who?" He asked me. I rose my eyebrows and his lips formed and O realising I meant us. "Yeah...you're right. What do we say?" He stayed silent for a minute and then he said "Let's just come in and act however we want to. They'll ask, or just realise themselves." He said to me. I nodded "sounds good to me" I agreed and we walked inside. Immidiatly Emma and Bonnie flew around my neck and Tom laughed from beside me before walking to the boys and greeting them. "Where is my lovely Luna?" I asked the girls remarking I missed the blond one. "Oh she couldn't make it but she'll be there next week on the premiere" Bonnie smiled and guided me to the group. Before I sat down I hugged Dan, Rupert, Mathew and the others. David wasn't here because he was busy with the final touches on the movie ofcourse. "Oh my god I missed you guys!" I said looking at the group sitting on the sofa's. It felt safe here, in our little space. "We missed you too! It has been a while" Emma said and nodded while looking at the table. It was covered with food and drinks, they had big cans with water, soda and lemonade, beside that were bowls of salt and sweet snacks. "So Maddie" Rupert started and I sat up straight, mentally preparing myself for whatever question was coming. "How are you feeling about the premiere?" He asked me and I let out a little sigh of relieve. "Oh well....you know. Nervous. I've never been to a premiere of a movie that I played in myself so that's new. But I'm glad I've got you guys" I smiled and then Bonnie took over. "Do you have a dress yet? Can I see it?" She asked me with big eyes. I giggled and shook my head "I'm afraid I don't. Don't worry I've got the fashion queen at home. Waiting for me to ask her to rescue me." I joked and she laughed. "So what do you think they'll ask you?" Dan asked me while taking a sip of his drink. "Well I think they're going to ask me if I enjoyed playing with you guys. If I'm dating anyone. If I had a fight with one of you. You know regular paparazzi" I said and Emma reacted "so what will you say?" "Whatever I feel is right at that moment" I said back. "Well that is brave" Rupert smirked and we laughed at him. "What about you guys? Are you still nervous to go to a premiere after this many movies?" I asked the group of actors. "Well it's different everytime. Because the questions change" Dan said and I nodded agreeing with what he said. "But we always have eachother and that makes it fun. It's like having a big brother on a birthday party with people you don't know. You feel some kind off save" Bonnie said. Tom smiled beside me, I looked at him and he gave me a nod "it's true what they said. We're a family here" he said. "Oh I didn't know you supported incest" I said. Before I could stop myself it slipped out of my mouth, and I regreted saying it instantly. Emma and Bonnie laughed while the guys stared at Tom and I. They weren't really surprised but they didn't see it coming right now. "Since when?" Rupert asked Tom and he placed his hand on his forehead in embarrassment "a few days okay? Every since I got back from the airport" he said. Now the two girls began to squeel and the boys covered their ears. "Omg Maddie! Why didn't you tell us!!" Emma said and I shrugged smiling like crazy but also blushing madly. "I guess you'd figure it out eventually...but not like this" I said and coverer my face in my hands for a few seconds laughing at what just happend.

The whole day we talked about...everything. Our personal lives, work, school and other stuff. At five Chloe called me, ofcourse starting off with her lovely "Bonjouuur!". Oh god this girl is amazing, her french is as bas a the french of a peanut but that word...she owns it. I told her I'd be home for dinner as she would be making her famous pesto salade. I mean who would want to miss that? Well not me! We said goodbye to everybody and got back into the car. Tom brought me home and stopped the car in front off the flat. Before I got out he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "What's up?" I asked him, he waited a bit and then asked "do you want me to stay away tomorrow?". I felt a bit of relieve that it was this question not something that would end into a fight or discussion. Ofcourse I wanted him there, and whatever the girls had planned I just know they'd invite him. "No, if you want to come I'd be glad." I smiled at him and the packed him on the cheek before getting out. I waved after him as he drove off and went upstairs to enjoy the night before hell.

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