The premiere

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Songs for this chapter:
-Lush Life~Zara Larsson
-Faith~Stevie Wonder & Ariana Grande

The past three days my Uncle Peter got a lot better. And beside being there to help look after him, me and Tom had a great time. It had been nice to be back in my old town for while but I really had to go back home now. I had packed my bags and so had Tom, right now we we're standing in the door opening with my aunt and uncle. Yes, Peter can walk again! "It was nice to have you here" my aunt said and I smiled at her before hugging her. "Will you watch the premiere tommorow?" I ask her and she nods "ofcourse I will sweatheart!" She says and I smile. Then Tom shakes their hands and thanks them for staying over and I hug them one more time before leaving the house to return home and get ready for the premiere of tommorow.

I opend the door to our appartment and Tom turned me around. "Okay Love, want me to pick you up tommorow?" He asks and I smile at him and say "ofcourse I do". "Okay, I'm curious about the outfit." He smirks and I laugh "yeah well tell me something I don't know". "Okay I'll text you okay?" He said and I nod. "Great, bye Princess" he says "goodbye my lover" I anwser and kiss him. His soft lips leave mine after a few seconds and I close the door after him.

I spend the rest of the day doing not much really. Just talking to the girls about the last days, the worst thing is that even Chloe won't tell me what my dress looks like. I understand they want to surprise me but come on! I'm the one who'll wear it! So at 10 in the evening I just gave up and went to bed. Hoping the next day will come soon. And it did, because when I opend my eyes the alarm was beeping. It reads 10.35, I know not that early. And I didn't have anywhere to be so I didn't have to get out early. But you know, I just like taking my time getting ready. And because the premiere is in five hours, I'll have plenty of time. I got out of the bed and saw Chloe walking to her room. "Morning" I said and she turned around, she had a cup of coffee in her hands and  she gave me a big smile. "Goodmorning superstar" she anwsered and I rolled my eyes in a playful way. "Is Chloe already gone to work?" I ask her and she nods, "okay, when does she get home?" I ask her. "Uhm around twelve" she says and I smile and walk to the living room to pour myself a cup of coffee.

I had spend the morning do no shit. I had been on the couch, just eating and watching Netflix. That is kind off the reason why Chloe flipped when she got home and a quarter past twelve. "Girl why aren't you dressed yet? Right now you look like you just rolled out of bed!" She said and I laughed. "Well I haven't changed anything since I got out so practically it makes perfect sense what you're saying" I said and she frowned and wove her hand "yeah whatever. We need to get you fixed up!" She said and I nodded while smiling. After showering and putting on my make-up together with Chloe I was thinking about what to do with my hair. I sat in my chair in front of the mirror in my bathrobe and then the door opend. It was Cheryl "You ready?" She asked me and I nodded. She showed stepped in front of me and a held up a dress.

"Omg Cher I love it!" I squeeled and took the dress from her to give it a better look

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"Omg Cher I love it!" I squeeled and took the dress from her to give it a better look. "You do?" She asked me smiling and looking at Chloe who was just observing the whole situation. "Yes I do silly!" I said and kissed her cheek "thank you love".

Chloe opend the door of the limo for me and I saw the two blue eyes twinkeling from the inside. "Thanks girls. I'll see you on tv okay?" I joked and they nodded while I got into the car. "You look amazing Love" His british accent drummed in my ears and I blushed "Thank you Tommie, you look like a gentleman yourself" I anwsered. "Why thank you, did Cheryl make it?" He asked me and I nodded while he kissed my cheek. "What was that for?" I asked him feeling my cheeks glow an even redder shade. "Just because I like it when you blush" he said and I smiled while looking out of the window waiting for the car to drop us off at the movie theater where all the people would be waiting. When we the car stopped in front off a massa of people who were all yelling and camera lights even blinding me through the blinded car windows, I froze a bit. How could I do this? There are to many people. I felt Tom his hand on my leg and I looked at him, his eyes were soft blue and he had a small smile on his lips. "what is it Love?" he asked me and I sighed "I can' t do this Tom, look at all those people" I said and he kissed my hand. "Those people are here for you" he said and I laughed "No they're here to see my amazing boy friend" I said and he shrugged his shoulders "well if you'd ask me, my eyes will be only on you tonight" he said and I felt myself getting lost in his eyes again. "I love you"I whispered and he kissed me softly, then the car door was opend and Tom got out first. I heard the crowd go wild immidiatly and he turned around to give me a hand. I took it and stood beside him, now the camera's took their shot. We walked to te crowd and smiled at people. From my side I heard my name and I looked at a little girl who was hanging over the fence with a little paper, when she saw that I was looking at her she got even more eager yelling my name. "Go" Tom smiled at me and I walked up to her saying "hey there" and she smiled to the man behind her. "Dad! Dad! Take a picture!" She said and then I understood. She just wanted a picture. I placed her sitting on the fence and smiled at the phone she thanked me and I walked towards Tom who was handing out signatures.  "Hey you" I said and he smiled to anwser, then I was called again and I saw people holding out papers. I panicked a bit but Tom handed me a sharpee "go get m superstar" he said and I laughed before handing out signatures as well.

Walking into the building after all the pictures and fans I was a bit dizzy. "Don't worry Mads, you'll get used to that feeling and those flashes" Tom said and put his arm around my waist. That is when some microphones were almost shoved into our faces, we both smiled trying to not show it was a little rude to approach us like this. "Maddie how is your first premier so far?" An intervieuwer asked me "it has been pretty nice. There are a lot of people and they're all pretty hasty but I'm having a great time." I said and she nodded writing down something. "Tom how do you feel about the movie? Is it nice to have a fellow slytherin with a pretty big role" a man asked the blonde beside me and he laughed. "I think it will be great honestly and Maddie was great in the process we had lots off fun and I'm really happy that we met." He said and I blushed. "Tom may we also know how things are between you and Maddie cause the two of you seem really close" a woman in the front asked and I froze a little. I wasn't ready for this question. "I'm happy to tell you that I will love this girl with my whole heart for the rest of my life", my mouth fell open with his anwser and he smiled at me. The camera's started going wild again and then he softly kissed my cheek. God I love this guy.

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