The bitch next door

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《Hey guys! I wanted to let you knwo the songs return later on in the story, I didn't do it from the beginning but if you have any requests or ideas, please tell me!》

I woke up because Chloe was shaking my shoulder like a maniac. "Whaaaaaat" I mummerd. "You're late for your first day, Marcus has been here for ten minutes already" Chloe said while putting on her jacket and checking her hair in the mirror. I jumped up and fell out of the bed. I let out a whine and rubbed over my now hurting arm. Chloe laughed at me but I got up and ran to the bathroom. I looked at the door which was open and I saw Nick talking to Marcus. Oh god Nick you better not emberass me I thought to myself. Marcus looked at me and smiled awkwardly. I smiled back and quickly got into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. "What time is it?" I yelled to Chloe. "Ten past eight hun" "Fuck" I said as an anwser. After did my teeth I brushed my hair and got it up in a pony tail. I washed my face and put on some cream. "Cheryl?!?!" I then yelled while putting on some make-up.  "Yeah wassup?" Cheryl said as she got in the doorstep. "Can you please get an outfut ready for me?" I said with puppy eyes. "On it, I'll get Chloe to help." "You two are angels." I said meaning every word of it. When I was done I stormed in my bedroom where I put on the clothes that were laying on my bed. They got me some high black skinny jeans with a red blouse, made by Cheryl, and on top of that a leather jacket. I think I never got ready this quick but after three minutes I stormed into the living room where Chloe and Cheryl were drinking some coffee. "Do I look okay?" I said while getting al my stuff and putting it in my bag. They stuck theyre thumbs up and I nodded. "Oh I left you coffee and a muffin on the table" Chloe said, she was laughing at me trying to hurry up. "You're the best Clo" I said while grabbing the goodies she just told me about. I stood there a moment next to the table, checking if I had everything I needed. When I thought I was complete I turned around and got my coat. Then Nick walked into the living room having an evil smirk on his face. "What did you do?" I asked him still panicking in my hurry. "I like that guy" was the only thing he could tell me. I didn't have time for his jokes so I ignored it and picked up my bag. "Bye girls" I said and waved at them. "Have funn!!!" Cheryl said. "Text us!" Chloe then said. I laughed and walked to the door. "Hey Marc" I smiled at Marcus who looked happy when he saw I was ready. "Hey, did you forget about me picking you up?" He asked me. "Oh god Marcus I'm so sorry. I just forgot the alarm yesterday. I hope that we're not late." "No it's fine, I knew we were gonna be later so they know" I let out a relieved sight. Marcus was working as a sound guy at my new working place. He wouldn't tell me anything about the place and I had an hard time with that.  I'm a very curious person. "Going for a walk with your boyfriend?" A voice said, I turned around already knowing who it was."What do you want Mekayla?" I said at the girl with the little dog who was standig behind Marcus and I. "Just wishing you a good day hunny" she said. I couldn't see her eyes because she was wearing these big sunglasses. "Well thanks but no thanks" I said while turning around and pulling Marcus with me. I hated Mekayla, me and the girls called her the bitch next door because well....she IS the bitch next door. She always wanted to know what we were up to and was freaking anoying with that little dog of hers which looked more like a rat then a dog.

Marcus and I got into the car and he began to drive. I began sipping my coffee "I think your boyfriend is nice" Marcus said. I almost choked on my coffee. "I'm sorry what?" I said. "Nick... he told me he is your boyfriend" I shook my head being a litle relieved that he was talking about Nick. "He is not, he likes to make that joke. He's Cheryl's brother and stayed over yesterday night. I'm sorry about that" I said while blushing a little. Chloe and Cheryl always told me that Marcus had a thing for me, I didn't want to believe it but right now I could see what they were talking  about.

We were driving for almost an hour and I couldn't hold it anymore. "Can you please tell me where we are going?" I asked  Marcus. "No I want it to be a surprise" was all he said. "Pleeeeaaase" I said pleading. "No, stop it Maddie" Marcus laughed. "Come on... I want to be mentally prepared." I joked. Marcus was silent for a few minutes. "Okay fine. We're going to work on the Harry Potter set" at first I jumped up in excitment "OMG MARCUS REALLY??" He laughed at my reaction. But then I realised what was going to be an big issue. Tom... I haven't spoken to him since the wrong number accident. I immidiatly got nervous. "Hey are you okay?" Marcus asked me. I looked at him "yeah I'm fine...not important." "Don't worry about them not accepting you, they're really nice." "Thats not the problem...look. I met Daniel, Rupert en Tom two years ago. I was so much fun but when I texted Tom he said I had the wrong number and blocked me." "Wow...that's not like him at all" Marcus said. "I don't want him to see me okay?" I said to Marcus and looked at him making sure he wouldn't do it anyways. "Okay fine. But don't blame me if you run into him by accident!" I laughed and nodded.

Fifteen minutes later he parked the car at an huge building. We walked in and he webt straight towards an table. "Hi Evelyn, I'm here to check in." "Great, did you bring a friend?" She pointed at me. "No she's the intern" he smiled at the woman. "Ohhh, you what's your name honey?"she asked me. "Oh I'm Maddie" I said. I was really nervous, what am I doing here I said to myself. I really didn't want to see Tom. He actually hurted me pretty bad when he gave me the wrong number. Suddenly Marcus grabbed my hand and nodded at me. He was making sure if I'm okay, I looked at him and smiled.

We walked into this big hall with clothing rooms with names on them. "Behind that door we've got different sets" Marcus said "over here everybody has their own dressing room" I nodded and looked at the doors Emma Watson, Matthew Lewis, Jason Isaacs, Bonnie Wright and Tom Felton. I quickly looked away and started to walk faster. When we walked through the door I indeed saw certain sets but they weren't rolling. "Follow me" Marcus said walking towards a man who was talking with the camera man. "David I want to intrduce you to Maddie the intern, Maddie this David Yates the director." I smiled at David and shook his hand. "Hi Maddie, are you excited?" He asked me. "Excited and nervous at the same time" I laughed. "Don't be nervous I heard you're a quick learner" David said while looking at Marcus. Oh Marcus, why dis you let them have expactations of me "So what do I do exactly?" I asked trying not to sound stupid. "You'll be doing something of everything. Today Ruby will show you around and you'll be helping here. The rest of the week you'll be helping with the scenes and the lines of the actors and the coffee. We you've got time left you can walk around a little and get to know the place.l" I knew it wasn't the most exciting thing to do but I accepted it, I mean if it wasn't for Marcus I wouldn't even have a working place. We talked a little longer and then he called for the girl named Ruby that was gonna show me how things worked around here. When I saw the girl we both looked at eachother and started hugging one another. "OMG MADDIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" Ruby said over excited. "WHAT AM I DOING HERE?" WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??" we both explained what we were doing at the set. Ruby was one of my best friends at my second year of the acting academy. She was a class higher than me but she was still very nice. When she gratuated we didn't keep contact but apparently she was working here now.

"So what is our first task?" I joked towards Ruby when we were walking towards the dressing rooms again. Marcus stayed behind because he had work to do. He told me were going home at four o'clock. Ruby explained that it was her task to help the actors whenever the needed her and to call them from their dressing rooms when the had ten minutes till filming. It sounded pretty exciting. I never expected myself to work at the Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows part 1 set. "The first one we need to call is Daniel. He is going to shoot a scene in his old house, saying good bye to his uncle, aunt and nephew." I nodded and we walked to wards his clothing room. "You know what? You do it. You walk in, give him this coffee he ordered and say he has got ten minutes. When he says thank you, you can go" Ruby said. "WHAT? No I can't I've never done this before" I said nervous. After 5 minutes of discussing I finally opend his door and walked inside. There he was sitting in his chair and reading his script. I placed the coffee at his table next to him "ten minutes until shooting Daniel" I said. "Thanks Ruby" he anwsered. I couldn't help but say "I'm sorry but I'm not Ruby" he finally looked up and when he saw me he jumped up. "Maddie?! What are you doing here? Are you here for Tom? How is Cheryl?" He asked me not believing his eyes. I explained everything, about the work, about Tom and that I didn't want to see him. Daniel looked a little sad when I said Cheryl now has a boyfriend but was too excited about me being here. "Let's go and get Rupert" Daniel said. When 15 minutes later I also had updated Rupert and Daniel had gone to set I already felt at home. This was the best day of my life everybody was so excited to see me. "Wait until you meet Emma tomorow" Ruby said. "She is one of my best friends and she'll love you" she laughed. We were standing at the coffee table. Suddenly Tom walked in and I ducked under the table. "Hey guys have you seen Ru- oh there you are" he said to Ruby. His eyes are still really blue I thought what the hell Maddie quit it. Tom asked if he could home he said he was meeting his mom. Ruby told him that was fine and Rupert almost told him that I was at the set. But Daniel stept on his toe before he could finish his scentence. "You're a weird one Rupert" was the only thing Tom said when he walked away laughing. I got up and looked at Ruby. "That was close" I said. "You do know that you'll have to face him one time" Daniel said looking at me with a worried look. I knew that I just didn't want to face it. "I do, it just isn't the right time yet"

When we were finished at four o'clock I said goodbye to everyone and got into the car with Marcus again. I immidiatly texted the girls.

I got thea make sure you're both at home around half past five. You don't want to mis this.

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