Two Years Later

878 16 4

Songs for this chapter:
- Just my type~the vamps

I couldn't help but crying. Suddenly I heard the door close and I knew Chloe was home. She walked in and looked at me in shock. " Maddie! What's going on? Are you allright?" She sat next to me. Her dark brown hair in a bun wearing skinny jeans and a blue blouse (made by Cheryl) with a tie, a long light brown coat on top of that. Her eyes looking at me and her face looked worried. "I was just watching this movie and it's so sad." I anwsered meaning every word of it. Her face immidiatly relaxed. "Really Maddie?" She said trying to look a bit mad but I could see her smile underneath. I wiped the tears away as she got up to put her coat away and make herself some coffee. "How was work?" I said. Chloe was working as a detective and studiyng for a special position at that deparment. "Well quite exciting actually" she sat on the couch again, this time she had herself some coffee. "Oh what happend? I thought you were just patroling today?" I said confused but excited at the same time. I loved Chloe's stories about her work. She looked at me....glowing with excitement. "Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded "Well then tell me already!!" I said. She smiled and began to speak. "So they told us a group was breaking in a house and that we had to check it out. Do as we got there only one man was left and we arrested him" I looked at her and nodded that she had to go on. "Well... he was kind Chloe definetly wasn't a type that was really looking for a boyfriend and if she liked someone it was an typical bad guys, with tatoos, nice black hairdoe, blue eyes, leather jacket, blouse... you know what I mean. She would match it by the way she can be the badass too. She likes to dress like it and can be a bitch if she doesn't like you. Maybe that's why I changed...two years ago I was practically the perfect girl next door. I wore pastels had dark blonde hair and didn't wear make-up. But now I had ginger hair and wore make-up quite offten. I still wore some cheerfull chlothes some times but I loved the badass outfits. Red was definatly my colour, nothing did really hurt as long as I had my two friends, let's say I changed a lot. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Chloe who was still waiting for my reaction. "What is his name?" I asked her smiling, I was gonna be happy for her. She deserved a boyfriend. "Noah" she said blushing. We laughed because of the blushing part and I was going to start a question fire. But Chloe phone rang.

She picked it up and when she saw it was Nick she put it on speaker. " Hey Nick" Chloe and I said at the same time. "Hey girls, how are you two". Nick is Cheryl her brother. Her parents are divorced and not really contacting her anymore so her brother always tries to stay in touch "great extually" I said while smiling at Chloe. She started blushing because she knew I was talking about the guy she met. "And what about you Chloe?" He said. Chloe blushed, after Cheryl her parents divorced Nick got in a motorgang and a lot of trouble with being reckless. But he had one huge fan...Chloe. She had the biggest crush on him, it ended like three years ago when he got in a serious realation ship. She was sad but had a big glow up. "I'm fine thanks" she than said kind of uncomfotable. "What are you calling for Nick?" I asked him. "Oh I actually wanted to ask you if you know where Cheryl is" we looked at eachother. Cheryl was with her new boyfriend but we couldn't say that. Her brother was firmly against Cheryl's way of breef relation ships. "Uhm she is sleeping." I said trying to make up a story. Chloe looked at me with a 'really?'. I put my arms up and wisperd "what?". "She's sleeping?" Nick asked. "Yeah she was tired she said so she said she was going to lay down for an hour." Chloe tried to help me. I nodded and stuck up my thumb. "Okay will you tell her to call me back? She isn't anwsering." "As soon as she wakes up we'll tell her." Chloe informed him. "Okay thanks girls" he said. We said goodbye and immidiatly called Cheryl. After 5 times she finally anwsered "what is it?" "Your brother called" we both said. We explained everything to her and she promised us she'd call him.

It was the next day and Cheryl and I were just doing nothing in the living room. Then I got a text, it was someone from school, I was still studying at my theater school. We all had to work at a film set this period. And I still didn't have a place. It was Marcus telling me I left my laptop at school two days ago. I already wondered where it was to be honest. "Hey Cheryl I got to go get my laptop from school" I said. "What? Marcus missing you already?" "Oh shut up" I said kind off offended. I was really good friends with Marcus but sometimes it could be more that there was between us. "Want to come with me?" I said "Only if we go shopping after" she said. I laughed and we got our coats. We called an uber and made our way to my school I got out alone said that they had to wait two minutes and got inside. Marcus was already waiting for my in the hall. "Hey beautifull" he said "Hey weirdo" I smiled at him. "You got my laptop for me?" I asked him. "Yes and some good news" he said. "That's always nice to hear, what is it?" I said. "I found you a place to work for school" he said. "No you didn't! OMG MARCUS YOU'RE AMAZING!" I jumped in his arms. I was so happy, he always helped me. "I know" he said. We laughed, "I pick you up tomorrow okay?" He said. "Tomorrow?" I said. What was he talking about? Chloe always brings me to school. "Yeah you kind off start tomorrow" he said. Oh no I wasn't ready yet. "Isn't that a little quick?" I said. "Who cares? I know you can handle it" he said. I smiled "Thank you Marcus you're the best". I grabbed my laptop and ran outside. "I'll pick you up at 8!" He shouted after me, it was way to early but I was far too happy with this opportunity.

After an hour of shopping Cheryl and I both bought too much. We both knew that but we didn't care. Suddenly I felt my phone buzzing. It was Chloe. "Hey girl" I said "wassup". "We got a bummer" I heard her say. "Oh do we have a code 3? In the mood for coffee over there?" I asked "are you home already?" Cheryl said. She was right Chloe was home early. "Yeah I could go off early... but ehm girls...we got a code 9" I looked at Cheryl who knew what was happening. Code 9 ment that her brother was over there. We had to go home ASAP. "Oh but do bring the coffee" she said.

We got home and Chloe opend the door I saw her face was red, oh how uncomfortbale she gets around Nick. I nodded at her as a sign that I got her back. "Why didn't you girls tell me Cheryl has a new boyfriend? Again!!" He said angerly when we seated ourselves. Oh I hated it to lie to Nick but Chloe did even more, a scar from her crush. Usually she doesn't care accept if it's lying to us. "Let her be Nick, one day she'll find the love of her life and until then let her live" I said. Nick doesn't agree with this life style of Cheryl. Let's say we had an pretty big discussion but ended up ordering food and laughing about it. Nick decided to stay over for the night. Chloe (ofcourse) offered him her bed and stayed with me.

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