The Part

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At 8 the doorbell rang and I opend the door, it was Nick. "hey beautifull, is she inside?" I nodded as he walked in. Cheryl was sitting on the couch together with Chloe, she looked heart broken. We called Nick last night after Cheryl told us about the whole cheating thing. "Hey hunny, are you okay?" he asked Cheryl while kneeling down at her. She shook her head and started crying again. It broke my heart to see in how much pain she was, that dick of a Robert. The worst thing was that she knew the girl who Robert cheated with. It was Nathalie, the best friend of our bitch next door. Honestly I already started barfing because of the fact that you would fuck a girl like that, but I couldn't think that way right now. We all didn't sleep that much, looking out for Cheryl. I hated that prick of a Robert and couldn't do a single shit. He hurted my friend who feels like a sister and when you touch one of our sisters, you touch us.

When the doorbell rang again I knew it was Marcus so I opend it. "Hey sunshine" he said but his face twisted when he saw the angry look on my face. "Wow, are you okay?" He asked me. I just nodded and mubbled a quick "I'll tell you later". I grabbed my bag in the living room and gave Cheryl a warm and tight hug. She was going to stay at Nick his place for the week. I wished goodbye and walked away with Marcus. When we were in the car I explained what was going on.  He told me not to be angry because I couldn't do anything about it.  I accepted it but promised myself that if I would ever run into that bitch I would end her.

We arrived at the set and while walking past the clothing rooms I ran into Emma and Ruby. "Hey girls, how is it going?" I asked them. Ruby laughed while looking at Emma her face. "Well besides the fact that I'm exhausted because I've been her for three hours already it's still not so great." I laughed but was surprised. Everything always seemed fine around here but oh hunny how I was wrong, when I walked to the set I heard it. David was on the phone...and he was furious. "Wow, who popped his balloon?" I asked the girls. "So today a new actress was seposed to be coming but she canceled last minute." I looked at Emma who was looking at David with a compassionate look on her face. "Yeah she was meating everyone today and had to start filming next week" Ruby argumented. I sighted, I knew how keen David was on his actors and scedule so I quite understood his reaction. But where the hell was he going to get another actress before next week?

Marcus Pov

I got worried when David told us the actress had canceled. I knew we weren't able to find someone else before next week, it was impossible. But I did know someone who could act, really good in fact. "David?" I tried carefully towards my boss. I didn't have anything to loose right? "What is it Marcus?" He asked me. "I Maybe know someone who can act and she is really good, I know it is almost impossible to find someone else in time but I know she could start right now if she had to" I blurred out. I was nervous but knew she would nail the part if she got it. "tell me Marcus, to what school does she go?" I sighted, he was intrested. "Uhm she is studying at the same school as me" he nodded and then asked me "And what is the name of this talented girl?"

Maddie Pov

I was just doing my own thing when David came up to me. I jumped a little hoping his rage from earlier was gone. "hey David, already found a solution for the role?" I asked, trying to sound casual. "Because of Marcus we do." he said. I smiled with relieve hearing the good news. "Well isn't that great?" I asked him. "Well she still needs to say yes ofcourse" he told me. "Oh, well who is it?" I then asked. "You" he smiled. I froze and stumbled "m-m-me?" "Yes, Marcus told me you were a great actress and because he was very confincing I decided to call your school, and they told me the same thing." I started shinning. "so...Maddie we need to know if you are willing to play the part of Alice, the slytherin princess" I blinked and couldn't bring out a word. "OFCOURSE" I shouted and hugged David, he was surprised at my suddenmove but laughed at it. I was going to play a role in a fucking Harry Potter movie! I couldn't believe it. I immidiately called Chloe telling her the amazing news. She was just as happy as I was actually and we decided to get something to eat this evening to discuss her date and the role. As she was picking me up from my work it was a great plan. 

When I told the others I got the part they all jumped up and hugged me, accept for Tom, he was being rather quiet. After everybody congratulated me they had to go filming again so that left Ruby, Tom and me to be the last people sitting there. "well I'm gonna leave you guys to it" Ruby said uncomfortable and hopped away quickly. "You aren't happy for me, are you?"  I asked Tom. "That's not it" he said. "Then why are you acting like a dick?" I said, I was a little shocked because of my own reaction and so was he. "I'm sorry, that was a little harsh" I said. "Stop apologizing I know you meant it...have fun with your part". He started walking away from me. Why was he acting like this? Who the hell does he think he is? "Hey! Tom! Wait up!" I yelled at him but he didn't stop he just continued walking even faster. Dick, he can fuck off if he is going to act like this all of a sudden.


I hated to act this way towards her, but I had to, I can't be nice to her. She makes me crazy and I just can't handle it. I wanted her, to hold her, to kiss her and to.... QUIT IT TOM. I shook my head waving away my thouhgts about her. These next days...I'll have to ignore her even if we have to work together. She's going to hate me.

Maddie POV

I was waiting on the sidewalk for Chloe's car to show up when I heard the door open and close. I turned around expecting to see a friend, but it was Tom. I was kind off upset with him actually. First he wants me? Then he pushes me away? Maybe I didn't understand men but this was just rude. He sat beside me, making me scooch over to the opposite side. He let out a sigh and then said "I'm sorry about my reaction earlier, I know it was rude" I let out a scoff and then Chloe's car turned around the corner. I stood up as I said "Stop apologizing, I know you meant it" I know it was rude to use his own words against him but I was angry, he had acted like an asshole and he had to suck up the bitchy reaction that came with it. When I got into the car Chloe asked what happend and I told her about the move he made, she was angry with him, I mean I don't blame her, but I told her to drive away before I could feel guilty about it. 

We were at this nice Italian restaurant just having some pasta and a salade talking about our day. She told me about the date of yesterday. "It was great, he is really sweet and uhmm HOT!" we laughed at the enthousiastic comment and she added "I wonder when our next date is going to be" I didn't like the idea of spending my night alone again but then reminded myself about how many times she had been alone because cheryl and I had plans. After Noah we talked a little bit about her work and the subject about the role came up. I explained her that I was going to play Alice Swan, the slytherin princess, the rival of Draco. She was pretty sexy and really badass so I was really excited. After we hyped ourselves up for a little more abou Noah and the role we went home and I prepared myself for tommorow, a day of doing nothing.

{{ Hey guys!! I just had to tell you that the character that Maddie is going to play on the show is one I made up myself, I want you to know that I respect the movies and the books but that I had to make it up in order to make the story exciting! Thanks for understanding!}}

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