
420 7 1

Songs for this chapter:
-confident ~Demi Lovato
-Before he cheats~ Carrie Underwood
-Put your record on~Moomney

I smiled as I held my chin up high. I was watching myself in the mirror waiting for Chloe to walk into my room in her school outfit and telling me that if I wanted a drive I had to go with her right now. I smiled in satisfaction still looking at my outfit. I was wearing ripped jeans in light blue, on top if that a red brallet/corset and a black leather jacket. My hair was curled and tied up half way, my make-up wasn't heavy...but it was on fleak. I sat down on my bed putting on my shoes, I was going to wear my amazing red high heels, I LOVED them. Then my door swung open and Chloe's head peaked inside "if you want a ride, we'll need to go now!" She said to me, I rolled my eyes a little because she reminded me of my mom these moments. "On my way" I said, she nodded in satisfaction and walked away to get her keyes and bag. I also grabbed mine and we left to go to our destinations...I was ready to show him I wasn't weak.

I was getting more confident with every click of my heels, I didn't look at people I past by, like I was above them. When I walked into the hall with sets I saw the group sitting there. I tilted my chin a little bit more and started walking towards them. Mathew noticed me first and pushed Daniels shoulder to point at me. When Daniel and Mathew both were looking with open mouths everybody turned around, including Tom. I reached them and plastered a smile on my face. It was real because it gave me a mood boost how surprised they were. "Hey guy, how are you all?" I said "uhmm...good" Emma said and I scanned the group. Tom looked horrible, he had bags under his eyes and wasn't dressed properly. I didn't care he ruined it himself and I would forget about him in a week. "Great, do I have scenes today?" I asked them "yeah you got one with me" Tom said "Sure, is your girlfriend also here today?" I spat. It was mean, I know but I felt like I needed to hate him if I wanted to forget him. "She isn't my girl friend" he said softly, a little more to him self then to me. "I'll go get ready then" I said, while walking away. I walked to Evelyn who had my script ready for me, she also looked a little surprised but just tried to stay out of it. While changing I read my script, I had a fight with Malfoy. They were arguing about the whole deatheater thing and it started with him making out with someone. Great I could watch it all again.

After I changed into the jeans and top of slytherin I walked back in seeing that they were almost ready to shoot. If Tom and I had scenes we were the first of the day. "How many minutes?" I asked David who looked at me like he seen a ghost but relaxed really quick. "I wasn't excpecting you Houston" he said to me. "Oh I'm here hunny" I anwsered. "You can walk up there already we'll be ready in a few minutes" he smiled at me and I smiled back and nodded. I walked up to our setting. It was a big sort of hall with a classdoor at the side, I had to walk my way to find Draco and see him with the girl over there. I hated this but I wasn't going to be a little bitch and crawl back into my hole. "Hey" I heard behind me, I turned around saying "Bye Tom" and I walked to Ruby who was reading the script. "Hey girl" I said to the brown haired who looked up at me and smiled "hey badass" she said. I giggled a little and then she asked me if I had a nice day off yesterday. She knew why I hadn't been on set but she knew I liked to keep up the lie of feeling great. "Ofcourse I did, just some quality time with the girls" that wasn't a lie, we did have some quality time and it was fun. "Everybody to places people" David yelled and I walked away saying bye. "Camera ready? Sound ready? ACTION!"

I was walking the hall like I had to, mentally preparing myself on what was going to come. The camera was rolling in front of me following my every move. And then I turned the corner seeing them, and it was....steamy. I got a little jealous to be honest, I should have been there. I should be kissing Tom like it wasn't a big deal. At least he wouldn't use her as a toy, she already knew it was unreal. She was pressed against the wall and he was closing every inch between them.

Alice: Malfoy! Snogging another innocent fictem are we?

I said while putting my hand on his shoulder. He had stopt kissing her and looked at me.

Draco: Oh fuck off Swan.

Alice: Ooh not very friendly. We need to talk you pig.

Draco: Fine...

He let go of the girl who ran away fixing her hair and uniform.

Alice: That was disgusting.

Draco: You are disgusting.

I just rolled my eyes, we weren't focusing on the scene anymore, we were trying to talk.

Alice: Thanks...wouldn't expect you to say anything else.

He rolled his eyes now...dick.

Draco: But what do you want from me?

Alice: Why didn't you tell me?

Draco: Tell you what?

Alice: Oh you know verry well what I'm talking about Malfoy.

Draco: It's probably you jumping to conclusions again.

I looked him in the eyes, his dark circles were covered by make-up and his hair was styled like Draco. I wanted to run my hands trough it and stop this ridiculous discussion but I couldn't, I had selfrespect and I wasn't going to let him use me like that.

Alice: Oh like I did whith that red head? Really Tom?

I wasn't saying my lines anymore. I didn't give a shit. I heard David say "Maddie are you okay?". I felt my eyes stinging but I didn't care. "Well?" I said to Tom again. "She's Ruperts fucking sister Mads!" He screamed out of nowhere. "What?" I almost whisperd "She isn't my girlfriend, she is Ruperts sister. We're good friends and really close because of Rupert" he explained. I didn't know what to say "well if she isn't your girlfriend then why was she sitting on your lap?" I defended myself. "I don't know we're just close okay?" He said. "Well just so you know she has a crush on you" I spoke my thoughts. I mean she obviously did right? Ruby porred Daniel in his ribs "let's take a break this is going to take a while" she said. Everybody actually walked away with them. Great, we screwed up a scene again. "Okay you may have a point there, but I don't like her...I'm in love with someone else. And like you can judge, Marcus is crazy about you and you know it" he backfired "no he isn't" I said completely confused by what he just said. Marcus and I always were close but he didn't fancy me right? I overthought all of the weird things he had ever said to me which I just wove kind off made sense what Tom just said. Shit. "Maybe you also got a point" I said softly.

Tom and I had pretty much solved the whole misunderstanding thing, but I kept thinking about the thing with Marcus. I never saw Marcus that way, ever. I realised I did kind off see Tom that way...but Tom and I weren't ready... we just had a fight and we had to start all over again. I was done with work at 5 and was walking towards the exit thinking about these things when I suddenly heard Tom yelling after me. "Maddie! Maddie wait!" I stopped and turned around smiling a little at the red cheecks he had from running like his life depended on it. "Hey Tom what is it?" I asked him as he was catching his breath while my eyes flew over his body. He was in the middle of changing, he was standing in front of me with an unbottend shirt and jeans that the first button was undone, I felt my heart raise a little catching myself doing this. "Okay listen, I need a favor" he said still a little breathless but already trying to be casuall again. "A favor? Are you sure I'm the right person to ask a favor from right now?" I giggled a little, a blush creeped on his face as he started running his hand trough his hair. Fuck that's hot. "Well actually you're the only one I wanted to ask this favor from" he said to me. "okay, go on" I gave in with a smile. "David is throwing a party and he invited all of the actors and some other famous people from movies and stuff and we we need to bring a date. I wondered maybe you wanted to come with me?" He stutterd a bit with the last part as he waited for my reaction fiddeling with his slytherin ring from Draco. "And when is this ball?" I only asked, honestly I didn't know what to say. There ofcourse would be a lot of paparatzi and I didn't know if I could trust Tom again. On the other hand he didn't do anything wrong really. "This weekend, friday" he said to me. Okay well it is tuesday today so had some time to get me a dress. "Fine, I'll do it." I said smiling at him "Oh Mads you're the best" he said grabbing my shoulders and giving my a quick kiss on my mouth. A scarlet colour covered my cheeks and I smiled at him. Then he walked to his dressing room in excitement and dissapeared. Oh god what did I just do? And how was I going to explain this to the girls?

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