Car rides

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I was chilling on the couch waiting for Daniel. Chloe told me she couldn't drive me to work yesterday so I figured to call Daniel as I'm on his route to the studio. He immidiatly said yes and told me he'd be there at half past 8. I would be early but I didn't care, as long as I had a ride I was happy. Chloe already had left to go see Noah, I know...this early. Cheryl on the other hand was still sleeping, the poor thing cried herself to sleep yesterday night. I letted her be and left her a note saying that I would be back at around 5 and we would order a pizza together. Then the doorbell rang getting me out of my thoughts, I was wearing pretty comfy clothes again. Some white jeans and a red flair top, I knew I would have to change again on set so I didn't bother. When I opend the door I saw Daniel talking to a girl....nevermind a bitch. "Mekayla what the hell do you want?" I asked her. "Oh just meeting your new friend over here, he's pretty cute"  she said. She made me more angry than her intentions were because I reminded myself of the fact that her best bitch friend made Robert cheat on Cheryl...WITH HER. "Well maybe you should leave now before your friend ruins another relationship" I spat at her urning a weird look from Daniel. The boy had no idea what he just fell into, I would explain him in the car. "Come on Dan let's go" I said and pulled Daniel with me. Once we were downstairs and sure that the bitch couldn't hear us anymore he dared to say "what the bloody hell was that all about?" I sighted and said "that is Mekayla. The bitch next door. Her lovely friend decided to fuck with Robert so then he cheated on Cheryl. We hate Mekayla and after that move of her friend we hate her even more. Don't tell her stuff she'll use it against you" "Oh well she seemed nice" Daniel said a little ashamed. "I know...but she is a real snake". We got into Daniel his car and started driving. Dan didn't have an absurt sport car or anything, it was just a nice BMW. We were talking about the Robert incident from yesterday evening. "Oh I do have to tell you that I can't take you home, I'm having dinner with my familly so I have to go the other way" he said. "Oh that's fine, I'll fix something" I anwsered, but I only said that to not make him feel bad because I didn't have a clue who could bring me home.

I spented the most of my day asking people if the could give me a ride. But ofcourse they all had something else to do. Emma was filming on another location with Rupert so they wouldn't be done till after dinner. Ruby lived to far from my house. Bonnie also got picked up. Evana had to shoot for longer. Mathew had to fit clothes. I didn't know who to ask anymore, than my phone buzzed and I picked it up. "Hey sunshine" I heard someone say I smiled at that knowing exactly who it was "Hey Marcus" I said. "How are things going?" He asked me I sighted and used my favourite line from the movie Hercules. "ah you know little dark little gloomy and hey full of dead people what you gonna do?" I learned the God and greek stuff from Chloe, she was obsessed with it. And I didn't blame her. I heard Marcus laugh on the other side and then he asked me "are your rides turning out well?" Ofcourse he asked me this..."well they were, but now I can't get home" I let out a little giggle and explained the situation. "Oh that sucks Mads. What if you ask Daniel if he knows someone?" He offered and I said "yes" because I didn't have any other options. "And how is your vacation?" I asked him. "Oh great, it's sunny and we're gaving big fun. But it would be nicer if you were here" he said. What the hell does he mean by that? I thought, Marcus always had a little crush on me but, this was weird. "Well I got to go so ehm... talk to you later?" I said to him. "Yeah ofcourse. Good luck" he said. I said "have fun"  and hung up.

I had been looking for Daniel for 20 minutes when I found him "hey" I said and he turned around. He was talking to Rupert and Tom he was wearing his Harry outfit. "Hey Mads what up?"  He asked me. I smiled at Tom, we weren't going to make the kiss a big deal. "Uhm...I still haven't fixed a ride and I don't know how I'm going to get home now. Cheryl doesn't  deserve to be alone for dinner after yesterday night" I said to him. "you're a good friend and absolutely right. Are you sure you've asked everybody?"  he asked me. "Yes" No. "wait I know someone" Dan said "Wait here" "Okay" I smiled. He walked back to the boys and came back after 5 minutes. "Tom wants to bring you home" I knew he would ask Tom. And I was fine with Tom being around me but maybe it would be a little awkard to be alone. "Isn't it like super unpractical if he brings me home? It's going to take him 40 minutes longer." I said, and it was true. He would drive for nothing. "I can call a cab if it's necessary" I defended what I just said. "he said it is no problem" Daniel said and walked away.  Great, well let's make the most of it I said to myself. 

I spended the rest of my day working with Emma on the dressingroom, our last scenes were cancelled so I had to wait for Tom. At half past 4 we heard a nock on the door "it's open" Emma said while closing her bag. She was wearing jeans and a light pink sweater, around the corner of the door Tom appeared "hey, are you ready to go Mads?" he asked me, I nodded and grabbed my bag hugging Emma as a goodbye. We were walking our way outside in silence, it wasn't an awkward silence, just a gettimg comfortable silence. When we got into his beautifull car I looked at him and smiled when he looked back at me. Butterflies. He started driving and I started asking him about his day. He told me his nose still hurted but that it hadn't been bleeding, "Magic" I told him with a laugh plastred on my face. He asked me about Cheryl and why Chloe couldn't drive me, I told him everything and by the end of my explanation we were at our flat. "Thanks for driving me Tom" I said to him. "ofcourse" he said, like it was nothing, "Tom I know it's detour is you drive me home" I said defending me thanking "Why did you do it anyways?" I asked him. "I don't know... I just feel verry protective over you Maddie" he said seriously in my face. It made me blush a little "oh uhm...well that's fine right?" "I guess" he said. "well I'm verry thankfull that you brang me home Tom" he smiled. "what about I take you out for coffee tommorow on set?" I said to him. "I never say no to coffee" he joked "well than I'll see you tommorow" I said. "wait!" he grabbed my wrist before I could open the door "What?" I laughed "How are you getting at work tommorow?" he asked me. I giggled and said "Daniel picks me up and Chloe takes me home". "Oh okay" he said. "Goodnight Tom" I said and I wanted to kiss him on his cheek. But he turned around making his lips land on mine. We both quickly pulled away but were still really close to eachother. I looked into his blue eyes....I was drowning. "I'm going to ask you again" I said "do you want to kiss me right now?" "I thought you'd never ask" he said and he pecked his lips right back on mine. The kiss was fiery and smooth and it turned out in his toung entering my mouth again. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back, my hands reached fro his hair while his right hand was placed on my cheeck and his left on my hip. My nostrals filling up with his scent. I felt warm inside, I felt my skin melting under his touch as he started rubbing his tumb on my hip, trying to pull me even closer to him. I shoved myself a little closer, trying to get every inch of him. I didn't think about anything else then him, I only wanted to be with him and him alone. The kissing got heavier as we started to get out of breath. I was still strangling my hands in his hair but I pulled one hand away to let it slide over his torso. His left hand that was on my hip went down a little now laying fully on my butt wich he squished a little, with that touch I felt a certain warmth well up. He softly slided down to my neck leaving a trail of kisses, I grabbed the dashboard with one hand to process the sensitivity of his lips on my skin. My other hand was still in his hair. I was breathing heavy holding back soft moans. My lower abdomen started pounding a little as I felt the space in between my legs getting warmer. He was turning me on. Than my phone rang and he looked up at me. His lips were red and his hair was messy he was looking at my bag waiting for me to pick the phone up "Fuck the phone" I said and I wanted to kiss him again but then he said "what if it's Cheryl?" He was right. I picked up the phone trying not to sound out of breath. "Hello?" I heard a little voice on the other side "hey girl" I said and nodded at Tom that it was Cheryl. He sighted silently and leaned back in his carseat. "I can see your car and I'm sorry for interupting your little moment but your pizza is here" she said. I felt my cheeks lighting up, she had seen us? "Oh uhm yes on my way"  I said and hung up. "What was it about?" Tom asked me. "She told me dinner was ready" I smiled. "Oh okay, well have a nice evening" he smiled at me. "Oh I will" I smiled back. I waved at him when he drove away and stepped in to the elevator. I was touching my lips while standing there, why does he make me feel like this? I thought to myself.

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