That Night.

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{{ Hey guys!! This part is rather short because the next part will be...full of drama. I also wanted to say that I write this story myself but created the idea with a friend of mine and she always checks it for mistakes. But she is very busy so if you see any mistakes know that it will be corected later on. So prepare yourselfs and enjoy!}}

I woke up because my phone was ringing, I listened carefully to hear it wasn't my alarm but my ringtone. I looked at the screen that said 6:53 I rolled my eyes being annoyed by the person who was calling me. I picked up the phone and clicked on speaker "Who this?" I asked still half asleep "Hey sunshine, it's me" I groaned at the sound of Marcus his voice "What the hell do you want? You know I hate it to be woken up." I was grumpy...really grumpy. "I know but I thought you'd like to know that we don't have to go to work today, David is going to visit that actress and tell her that she doesn't need to come back and after that she is going to pay his family a visit." "okay good now I can go back to sleep, thanks for calling me" I said and he laughed. I hang up and turned around again.

I woke up at around half past ten streching out while grabbing my phone to check my messages. I looked at the messages in a group with Emma and Ruby, SHIT we were going out for lunch! I quickly got out of bed walking towards the shower. My rush slowed down when I saw we were meeting at the restaurant at twelve. I took a nice hot shower and put on some casuall clothes. I was wearing a red turtleneck sweater and some jeans with wite sneakers. Chloe wasn't at home, she was working, so I was home alone. I met the girls at this cute restaurant around the corner, when I got there Emma and Ruby were already waiting me. We greated eachother happily and gave the waiter our orders. I had a chicken salade with a cup of tea and some soup. We were talking about how Ruby and I got to know eachother when suddenly Tom his name came into the conversation, I looked at the table, feeling a little guilty about the situation from yesterday. I didn't mean to hurt him but he was being a dick. "Hey girl, you okay?" Emma asked me. I looked up meeting her intrested eyes. I nodded and said "Tom and I aren't doing that great actually, we had this argument yesterday and I feel bad about it." Ruby and Emma ofcourse wanted to know all about it so I told them the story about him being a dick and my reaction on it. I didn't tell them about the almost kiss and the making him crazy part but I had the feeling they already suspected something like that. "You know? I'm kind of surprised about this...Tom always is really uhmm laudative about you and then I hear something like this" Emma reacted to my story. "I agree with Emma" Ruby said "he always really seems to like you". I let myself fall backwards against the back of my chair. "You know what? Forget it!" I told them. And that was exactly what they did, they dropped the subject and we had fun for the rest of the afternoon. We said goodbye at around two and I once again did no shit for the rest of the day. 

It was friday and I was working again, the day went by smoothly as Tom and I didn't have to do anything together and if we were talking with the group we ignored eachother. As I stepped out of the car and thanked Marcus for dropping me of I walked into the big building. When I came upstairs I walked into the bitch next door. "Heyyyyy Maddieee" she said before I could walk past her, I tried not to roll my eyes but did it anyways. I was pretty upset actually, the relation between me and Tom was now definatly of the trail and I still was angry with this bestfriend of our lovely bitch next door. "what do you want Makayla?" I asked while looking at her. "Oh didn't know you were in a bad mood" she said, sarcasme dripping all over the words. "Well you can blame your stupid friend for that, tell her to stay away from Cheryl or she'll have to deal with me" then I pushed myself passed her and before she could react I stepped inside and threw the door shut. Then Chloe came running up to me, I plastered a smile onto my face to not ruin whatever this was about was. "You'll never guess who is here" she said. Did Tom drop by, to apologize? I immidiatly fell nerves creeping in my belly as I asked her "WHO?!". Then Cheryl stormed towards me and I squeald running towards her to give her a big hug. "OMG CHERRIE! What are you doing here?!" I asked her. "Well...... I had the great idea to get drunk tonight" she laughed. I looked at her surprised by her plan but accepted it to shout "I'M IN!". After dinner Cheryl and I got ready, I was wearing this red, lace dress. It ended just above my knees. Cheryl was wearing a pink top with some glitter jeans. We were doing our make-up as Chloe walked in. She couldn't go with us because she couldn't drink and was stand- by tonight, that means that if they needed her she had to be ready to come right away. "Make sure to have some fun okay?" she asked us. We both nodded as we talked with eachother about where we were going. We ended up deciding we were going to go to club tropics. Chloe drove us there and then went home again, she told us to call if wanted to go home. We were going to have some fun.

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