Aunt May

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Songs for this chapter:
-You know that I'm no good~Amy  winehouse
-Heart like yours~Williamette Stone

The morning head hurts because of the alcohol from last night but I smile when I see Tom next to me. Yesterday was the best birthday I have had in a long time and I'm so happy with the people around me. Escpecially Tom...the love of my life, I look at his resting body his bare chest rising slowly with his deep breaths and the few blond hairs falling in front of his eyes. I'm so lucky.

After Tom left I sat down on the couch and took a sip of my hot coffee. I still had a little hangover but it was doable. I put on the tv to look at the news, there was a reporter talking about the Harry Potter premiere. It was in five days already. And god I'm nervous. Then my phone rang, the screen read Auntie May, I anwserd it immidiatly. Aunt May and Uncle Jack has raised me after my parents died and I assume she is calling for my birthday while being to proud to admit it. She always seeks a way to sneakly do something with me around my birthday. "hey auntie, how are things?" I ask her and I waited for her to anwser but she was silent. "aunt May? Can you hear me?" I asked her not sure if the connection was alright. Then I heard soft sniffles and she anwsered "Hello dear, how was your birthday?" I ignored the question. "Aunt May are you crying?". She went silent again but now I know she was just looking for a good anwser. "Honey, your uncle Jack is in the hospital" she softly said and at this moment I felt all air being sucked out of me at once. "what?" I whispered "you might want to come over hunny. I don't know how this will end." she said. "What happened?" I asked her not being able to proces what I had just heard, "he had a heart attack love. His diabetes probably caused it" she said and I heard she was still crying "Where are you right now?" I asked her. "In the hospital, waiting for news" she said and I nodded while standing up and walking to my room. "I'm on my way Auntie, tell him to be strong okay?"

I got into the cab after saying goobye to Chloe and now I was dialing Tom's number "Hey princess, miss me already?" he said, he was in a really good mood. Oh I hate to ruin those. "Tom listen, my aunt just called and my unle is in the hospital. Right now I'm driving to my home town, she needs me right now. I don't know if he's going to make it" I spit out. Well he was quite silent for a moment I can tell you that. "Tom say something" I said after a few seconds of silence. "Maddie you're doing the right thing. Go and let me know how it goes okay? careful." He said and I nodded before realising he couldn't see me and then I whispered a 'yes'. "I love you" he said and I smiled a little while a tear rolled down my cheek "I love you too".

Tom pov
I might have sounded like I didn't want her to leave or like an obsessive boyfriend. But that is not the thing. I'm worried about her, I mean she doesn't see her Aunt and Uncle much but they mean the world to her. What will happen to her if she loses one of them? I don't want her to get back into a dark place, she had been before what Chloe had told me about. I want my princess to be happy and she doesn't deserve something this sad the day after her first succesful birthday.

Maddie pov
I arrived at the hospital and ran towards the reception. "Hello I'm here for my Uncle Jack" I said with the tears still rolling down my cheeks. The woman was ready to tell me she needed more information but then I heard a familliar soft voice "it's okay, she's with me". I turned around to see my aunt May standing there and I ran towards her. She smelled like she always did, cotton candy. "How is he?" I asked her she shrugged, she looked awful. Not to be mean or anything. She had dark circles around her eyes and her eyes themselves were red from the crying. Her hair was fluffy and a mess and she was holding a tissue. "I don't know. They are still busy. I just hope he makes it" she says. "Oh auntie come here" I said and took her in my arms.

We were sitting on a hospital bench, it was around five in the afternoon and I hadn't eaten anything. I would have thrown it right back out when I would have eaten something. Aunt May was tired and I tried to get her to go home several times 'they'll call us when they have news' I had said but she wanted to stay. And now a doctor finally walked towards us. My aunt stood up in enthousiasm and hope. "You are the family right?" He asked us and aunt May nodded like there was no tommorow. "Then you can better sit down" he said and she sat down again looking at the doctor to give us life depending news. "Well he...."

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