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Songs for this chapter:
-Heather~ Conan Gray
- Runaway~AURORA

"Come on Maddie talk to me" Chloe said, she was sitting on the side of my bed. She was trying to get me to talk again. Yesterday I went straight to bed and I didn't even eat my food that night. I kept telling myself we weren't in a relationship you can't blame him this badly. But then I thought about the kisses, if we hadn't been interrupted maybe we would have...I couldn't think about that right now. He was just using me as a poppet besides his toy aka girlfriend, and that was the worst thing you could do to me. I had missed calls from everyone on the set. But I wasn't going to anwser them nor going to call them back. I also wasn't going to the set today. The only thing that made me feel good right now was staring at the wall, just drowing in my own fantasy...."Maddie please" Chloe was begging now "I don't want to lose you again" she said. "I'm tired" was the only thing I said. I wanted her to leave because I knew she was right, he made me feel alone when I saw him with this girl, just like I felt when my parents died sitting in the hospital. Waiting for someone to say I could go home. Chloe stoop up and walked away, she had given me hot coco and even though she thought I wasn't going to drink it. But she still didn't took it away when she was leaving my room. After another 10 minutes of wall stearing I decided to try the warm drink wich was now almost cold, not that I cared., I drank it all and it made me feel a little bit beter.

Chloe hadn't checked on me since lunch. Mean while I only nibbled on a cracker for a little bit and decided that I wasn't hungry. My phone rang again, I didn't bother looking at who ever it was. Tom called three times yesterday and five times today. He didn't leave any messages but he'd probably texted me. The phone kept ringing and I just mumbled "fuck off". After a minute of hopeless ringing it went to voicemail and then I heard a familiar voice "hey's me, Emma. I just want to ask if you'll be back tommorow? We really miss you and it's all just a big misunderstanding. Tom tried to call you but your not anwsering so I assume you want some alone time. I hope to hear from you and otherwise see you tommorow. Stay strong girl...we love you" and with that she ended her voicemail. It made me feel a little bit better that she wanted to check on me but I still didn't believe the whole misunderstanding thing. There was nothing to misunderstand.

Someone entered my room, I thought it was Chloe but when she sat down I knew it wasn't her but that it was Cheryl. Cheryl always sits cross-legged. "Man are rats" was the only thing she said. It made me smile a little bit. "worse they're fleas on rats" I said sitting up "No they're amibis on fleas on rats"  she said and we laughed. A small moment of just laugher. We heard a little nock on the door and my look went towards it immidiatly, it was Chloe. I owed her an explenation, she woried about me. "Come sit" I said to her, while pounding on the space beside Cheryl. She did as I asked her and looked at me, she wasn't going to ask me anything she was waiting for me to tell her myself. "He has a girlfriend" I said "Maybe it isn't even his girlfriend but just a toy or something. She was sitting on his lap being all close and stuff when I walked in". "That dick" Cheryl said while clenching her teeth together. She was mad now, what I completely understood. "I knew it was about him." Chloe started. I was surprised and kind of releaved she didn't say she knew he would hurt me. I hate it when people tell me 'I told you so' luckily Cheryl and Chloe never really did that. "So you're going to stay in bed now? And not be the bitch I raised you to be after he made cry over that stupid text?" She asked me. I rememberd her pumping me up when I cried over the text Tom's brother sended me. She told me the ways of being a bad bitch and not letting anyone walk over you. "Maybe you're right" "Let's get yourself together so you can and will go to work tommorow. Everybody likes you so just ignore Tom, you have loads of friends over there so enjoy your time with them and flip your hair in his face. Screw him" Chloe hyped me up. She was that encouraging even Cheryl started to glow with excitement. "Let's do it. Cheryl? I think we have a code five. In need for a badass outfit" I laughed.

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