Weekends be like

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I was just chilling on the couch, doing nothing really.  This was going on for a whole weekend. Chloe had work and Cheryl was at her boyfriends. Sometimes I texted with Emma, Daniel, Rupert or Tom. I was really bored. Then the door clicked. That must be Chloe. When she let herself drop into the chair across me I asked her "Hey, how was work?" She looked at me with a glinstering in her eyes. Oh she had some good thea. "Uhoh what happened?" I asked her sitting up. "Well...Noah called" she said smiling. Oh god "oh about what?" I asked her, I was teasing and she knew it. "About the date you bitch" she said laughing. I smiled at her, I didn't know if liked this but it made me feel good that she was happy. "So when are you guys going?" I asked her. "Tonight, to the movies" she said, right now she was shinning. "What are you going to wear?" I said. "Oh god I didn't think about that" she said. A shock appeared on her face. "Well let's go find you something"

After like an hour of trying on things we got the ideal outfit. A dark green/grey suit (the trousers and the jacket matched) with a nice belt. As a top a white, lace corset. And believe me when I tell you she looked amazing! We added a little mascara and a colour on her lips. Her hair we placed up into a bun. "I would marry you, instantly." I said to her. "I know you would" she said as we both laughed. "So you guys are also going out for dinner?" I asked her after she got a call from Noah. She nodded while shinning, god she is really excited "That's okay I'll figure something out" I said to her. I actually wanted to eat together and watch a movie but I couldn't say that. This was her evening. "Okay do you have everything?" I asked her and she nodded looking into her bag. "Okay let's dubble check" she said. "Okay...gum! Perfume! Lipgloss! Wallet! Phone! Uhmmm pepperspray!" I summed up. She laughed at the last one "Yes mom" she said. We laughed at that joke as we talked a little about what she acspected of her date. Until the doorbell rang.  I stormed to the door and when I opend it...wow. A tall raven haired guy was standig at our porch. Tatoos covered his arms and he was pretty muscled. "Hi I'm here for Chloe" he said to me. I was kind off speechless when he pierced his blue eyes into mine. Chloe where did you get this hottie "Yes ofcourse, let me go get her" I smiled. I walked away feeling proud that Chloe fixed a guy like this. "He is here" I whisperd excited to her. She was standing in the living room leaning against the table. Her eyes peered up to mine when I spoke the words. "I'm nervous." She said giving me a hopefull look. "I would be nervous with such a hottie" I joked towards her and made her smile. "Okay, ready to go?" I asked her and she nodded. I grabbed her arm and walked her towards the door. When Noah saw us his mouth fell open because of how Chloe looked, and to be honest I didn't blame him. They greeted eachother, I could see they felt awkward because of me. "Have fun loves" I said while waving at them just trying to wave the tension away.  They smiled and walked away. I sprinted to the window where I looked down to the parkinglot. After 5 minutes of waiting, the two of them walked outside. And he guided her into his car. He was lucky he could date her, she's an amazing woman. I shook my head removing my threats towards him if he would hurt her. I turned around and walked towards the kitchen. It already was half past six and I still had no idea what I was going to eat. After looking in the freezer I made myself some chicken. I love chicken, like LOVE. After I ate I watched the second part of Twilight. Chloe still wasn't home at 11 so I decided to get into bed because I actually was really tired and tommorow I had to go to work again.

I looked at the clock beside my bed and it said 1:45am. I turned around to get back to sleep but instead I shut up at a sudden noise. I stayed still, listening to the soft noises that came from te living room. Was someone breaking in? I tried to be as silent as possible when I sat my foot on the carpet that was under my bed, I almost didn't breath. Silently I tiptoed out of my room, planning to go towards the living room but then Chloe's door opened. I looked at her but almost screamed when I walked into her gun. Luckily I could stop myself. "hey you're back" I whispered. She nodded and said "I got home at twelve" "Do you hear that too?" I asked her, she nodded knowing excatually what I was talking about. We continued our way together, Chloe was walking in front of me holding this gun from her uniform. When we got closer I heard it, "shit that's Cheryl" we walked towards the little crop on the couch and Cheryl looked at us. She looked awfull, tears all over her face and her lips were blue from the cold outside. "hey how did you get here?" Chloe asked. "what happend? Why aren't you at Roberts?" I asked her. "His appartement smelled like chanel. I don't wear that. And we were sleeping and then the doorbell rang...there was this...girl and she came to pick her clothes. HE CHEATED ON ME!!" 

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