Live can be a bitch

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I woke up in the car, I must have fallen asleep while driving. "Hey sleepyhead. Want to keep me some company?" Chloe said. Poor Chloe has to drive cause we can't she looks tired I thought. "You holding up?" I smiled at her. "Yeah Cheryl just fell asleep so your timing is great Actually." She laughed. "Oh did she have any Thea?" I said hoping for some juicy gossip. "Her and Daniel kissed" she said But I wasn't surprised "Ofcourse they did, you know Cheryl, never in for a real relation ship" and we both laughed at that. It was true though, Cheryl always just liked them for a week and then ran away. You could tell by her looks that she was crazy about fashion. She always made her own clothes and wore them herself or made us wear them. As long as I got the pastels I didn't make a big deal out of it, pastels colours matched nicely with my hair witch is a dark blond shade. "Can you hand me my jacket?" Chloe asked me wich got me out of my thoughts. "Oh yeah sure" I said. I grabbed her leather jacket and gave it to her. With Chloe it's completly different she has two types of clothing styles or she goes comfy with nice pants and a short sweater or she is the most badass chick in the world and wears something like leather pants and a short sexy top. She dresses like whatdber her mood is. "How long until we're home?" I asked her hoping for a good anwser. "We will be there in 15 minutes" "Yes!"

We tot home at one am and went straight to bed. But I could fall asleep I was too excited from what happened today and that Tom really gave me his number oh those eyes I really got to stop thinking that I said to myself. But I finally fell asleep thinking of those beautifull eyes.

"Maddie come on I called you three times already!" I heard in a distance I turned around in my bed "You'll get a code 2 if you don't get out now" SHIT I quickly stepped out of bed and put on some jogging pants, Chloe and I always communicated in codes for certain situations. And this was some serious shit... my thea was getting cold, we were addicted to Thea and coffee. "I' m up" I said. "Took you long enough" Chloe said while I walked into the living room of our appartment. She was making some eggs and Cheryl was watching tv. I sat down next to a book and a cup of coffee, clearly Chloe her spot. She reads books all the time I don't blame her, books can be exciting.

"What time is it?" I said while grabbing my Thea. "Three PM" Cheryl said. I looked at her in disbelieve, I knew I could sleep in but this was insane. Chloe walked in from the kitchen. "We called you couple of times but you always turned around, dreaming about something you didn't want to wake up from?" She joked. I knew what she was talking about. I rolled my eyes in a playfull way and grabbed my phone. I immidiatly remmebered that I had to text Tom. I grabbed to number out of my coat from yesterday and sat down again. I saw Chloe and Cheryl looking at me out of the corner of my eyes. I ignored them cause I knew they made me blush. "Ready to text Tom?" Cheryl said making me blush even more. Now I started doubting myself. "Is it too early?" I said looking at them panicking. "Hunny he is probably awake since 10 am. What do you mean too early?" Cheryl started laughing. "Just text him already!" She shouted. I jumped a little at the enthousiasm but then I smiled. The I typed in the number and was ready to type a message. "What should I say?" I then said. "Uhm...hey Tom?" "No that sounds lame."I laughed at Cheryl and Chloe discussing what I should text him. I started typing.

Hey Tom, it's me...Maddie. Still
remember me? I had fun
yesterday. :)

"Like this?" I asked the girls showing them the text. They nodded accepting the text. I doubted to send it. But then Cheryl pressed the button. I looked at her kind off offended. "What?! Someone had to do it!" She laughed. And we all did. "Now let's watch a movie!" Chloe said. We always watch horror movies, we love them. Cheryl put insidious on and Chloe put some chocolate on the table.

The movie ended and I grabbed my phone to see a single text from a number that blocked me after.

I'm not Tom, think you got the wrong number.

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