Who the fuck are you?

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Songs for this chapter:
- O'children~Nick Cave& The bad seeds
-Mr loverman~ Ricky Montgomery

Cheryl was to weak in her own pain that she let the kiss slide. I spented my sunday doing nothing really. Chloe got home around 4 and I made dinner, not that it was that spectaculair. I made them some pasta and we watched a horror movie. Kind of my regular day.

I was driving with Daniel again and we were talking about his scenes for today. They weren't filming at hogwarts for a while so I didn't have any scenes today. Because of that I was wearing some black leather skinny jeans and a red of shoulder top. My hair was curled and I was wearing some make-up. I wanted to look nice...and didn't want to admit Tom was the reason. Daniel defenitly saw it but didn't say anything about it.

On the set everyting was fine and normal. I was working together with Ruby, watching the scenes, getting everybody coffee and making them be on time. Tom and I were acting like friends...but close friends. We weren't going to deny the kissing this time. We both felt like it was okay but we weren't going to talk about what we had right now. "Hey uhm Maddie want to come check on a new outfit?" Emma said to me while I was sitting with everybody. "Uhm yeah sure" I said to her. We waved at everyone and walked to our dressing room. "Okay so I have to wear the outfit of Bellatrix in some scenes and I want to know if it fits alright" she explained while undressing herself. "Okay let's see it" I said while Emma was getting ready I told her "I promised Tom a cup of coffee so uhm wanna come?" "To pick it up? Sure!" She said. And she showed me the dress "uhm it's different" I said trying to hold my laugh. "I know right?" She said "I think it fits well so you don't have to worry about that" I told her honestly. The girl in the black dress nodded and releaved a sigh. She went changing again while I checked my phone, I didn't have any notifications but I wanted to text Dan that Emma and I would bring everybody a coffee and he had to text me the list with what everybody wanted. "Okay...ready?" Emma smiled at me, she was wearing a light blue t-shirt from the daily profet, a gift from Rupert, and some white jeans. I smiled and nodded at her. As we were walking outside talking girl talk Daniel texted me back with what everyone wanted and that they'd be at the same place when we came back.

Ruby, Rupert, Bonnie- latte
Evana- green tea
Mathew- black coffee
Daniel, Tom- cappuchino

"What do you want?" I asked Emma at the little cafe. "Oh a latte please" she said while I steped forward to order. A tall guy was standing at the other side of counter, he had big green eyes and actually the same colour of hair as Draco Malfoy. "What might it be for you beautifull?" He said to me and smiled, okay let him be Maddie don't be mean. "Hi, I would like five latte, one green tea, one black coffee and two cappuchino's please" I said with a smile plastered on my face, if I wouldn't have been an actress you could've seen this smile was fake. "I'll make em all with love, want a snack with it?" He asked me, okay this guy was obvioudky hitting on me and I found it disgusting. "I'll take 5 chocolate muffins and 4 vanilla please" I said at the same tone as I sumed up the other order. "It'll be ready in five. Don't move love" he said and he winked at me. Omg just leave I thought to myself, I walked back to Emma who had been watching the whole thing. She was red because the silent laughing that was still happening actually. "What?" I said, like nothing happend "you're the funniest in turning someone down" she said still giggeling, because of the look of mixed laughter and anger I gave her she hid her head behind her head and tried to stop laughing. But when I looked at her for a little longer I laughed with her. And indeed five minutes later our order was ready, I walked up to the counter as I tried to keep my manors towards the guy at the counter. "Here ya go babe" he said "want ny number in case there are any problems" he asked me. I almost rolled my eyes but instead I putted on a smile again. "The deep point was the name 'babe'" I said to him while I putted the money on the counter and walked away. Emma couldn't stop laughing and I did the same.

We walked in with the goodies ten minutes later. "Here take this" I said to Emma and handed her the bags "I need to put my wallet back into my purse" I explained and walked towards our clothing room and she went to the others. I placed my wallet back at its safe place and went after Emma. When I walked in I saw the group right where we left them I walked towards them but when I was close enough to see the red haired girl I stepped a step back. She was sitting on Tom his lap and was making circles on his shoulder with her finger. They were just talking but a little bit too close if you asked me, I felt betrayed. Tom and I kissed saturday and now he is flirting with someone else? We were in a good place right? We were fine....why was he doing this? I know we aren't in a relationship but we were definitly building something. Right?! The girl kissed him on his cheeck when he said something looking at Daniel who agreed. She looked really happy, ofcourse she did...something in me told me that I wanted to be where she was right now but I had to much pride to let that feeling effect me. Then he looked at me. I met the blue eyes I looked at saturday night in the car, the same hands that touched me were laying on her hip right now. He didn't even look quilty when he first looked me in the eye. Did he think I knew I was a poppet in his little game? "Really Tom?" I said backing off all the eyes of the group were on us now. He raised his brows and I got the feeling more people didn't understand, not that it was any of theyre buisness. "Oh Maddie I'd you to meet-" he starter but I cut him off. "Your girlfriend? My replacement?" I said to him. His pupils grew, he was confused and angry bit didn't what he was more "what the hell are you talking about?" He asked me. The ginger girl stood up and Tom walked towards me but I stepped back. "Great choice, she looks like me for a little bit, only the hair colour and eye colour but hey why would that be a problem?" I said, I felt like a steer that kept seeing a red flag. "I thought we could try something after what happend in the car. I thought we made it clear we both wanted that, appearantly not." I spoke emotionless.

Tom Pov.

Did she really want to try? With me? I felt a little bit of light but ghe darkness kicked back in when she crushed her own hopes. She didn't understand. "Maddie for gods sake listen to me!" I tried but she was upset, too upset. She wasn't crying but I could see she was trying to hide her feelings. "Ruby do you need me these last two hours?" She asked the brown haired girl who was, like everyone, following our conversation. Ofcourse Ruby shook her and then Maddie said without having broken our eye contact "I'll take the rest of the day off then" and she turned around. I felt tears stinging and yelled "Maddie please just listen to me. It's not what you think. Please don't leave I do want to try!" But she just kept walking. Then she stopped and turned her head to the side and said "tell David I wont be here tommorow". Now a tear rolled down my cheeck "Maddie please!! Come back!" I yelled. But she was gone. "Don't give up" I whispered to myself.

Chloe Pov

When I got a call from Mads she was crying her ass off. I told her to calm down and tell me where she was. She stottered on the set and the last thing I did was say "stay where you are. I'm there before you blink your eyes."

Twenty minutes later she sat beside me in the car. On my way to her I picked up brownies and hot coco powder because I knew she needed that. She was looking out the window, like a zombie, she was feeling empty. It's dangerous for her to feel like that. I knew Maddie when her parents died, she always was this happy girl who saw potention in life, who looked at the world and thought she could make it better. But when they passed away she went numb. She didn't cry, she didn't laugh, didn't talk and also didn't get angry. It was like she had no emotion, like she never had emotions. The only time she revealed her pain was when she woke up screaming. She had a lot of nightmares about the accident probably because she blamed herself. When I was with her, I stayed over at her aunts, I always held her in my arms and stroke her hair. She cried, for ten minutes, then she went numb again. It lasted like this for two months, then she started to smile again. Until this day I don't know what made her happy again but I did know I was going to kill Tom if he was the cause of this.

《Hey loves, I just want to say thankyou for all the reading. Just so you know this story has different things in the movie so I hope you don't mind. I also wanted to say I litteraly cried while writing this scene and from now on I will give you songs for each chapter to listen to.》

Why Me?- Tom Felton (Harry Potter) fanficWhere stories live. Discover now