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I was reading some news on my phone when I heard the door close, I looked up confused as Chloe walked in. "Everything alright girl?" I asked her. "Yeah he just had to go to work and I don't have to go until two hours from now" she explained. "oh okay" I said "did you notice it yesterday?" she asked me, I felt a little nervous I didn't want to ruin things by seeing something I shouldn't have seen. "what do you mean?" I tried to lie "okay you're a good actress but you can't lie to me hunny, you did see it huh?" she told me, I gave her a sad look and nodded "Why do you wanna know?" I asked her, still ashamed. "Because I didn't like that move but I don't want you to think that he is a bad person, he just doesn't feel awkward around other people I guess." she said. "hey it's fine, don't worry hunny" and right then the doorbell rang. "I gotta go love" I said and kissed her cheek. "Kick some asses girl" she said and I smiled while walking out the door with Marcus.

"Maddie? I have something to tell you" he suddenly said. "what is it Marcus?" I asked him looking at him with a serious look on my face. "Did I do something?" I asked him. "What?! No!" he quickly assured me "But I'm going on a trip with my family and I wanted to tell you that I can't drive you this week, I also can't bring you home today, I'm leaving early" he continued. I was a little shocked but accepted it and was happy for him. "I hope it isn't a problem?" he asked me "No, I'll figure somthing out Marc, really." I smiled at him and he smiled back. When we seperated for the last time this week I gave him a kiss on his cheek and hugged him since I wasn't going to see him in a long time. Then I just walked towards my friends who were talking "hey guys, whats up?" I asked them "Oh nothing" Daniel said a with scarlet cheeks I looked at the others and saw an angry look on Tom's face "Oh come on, what is it this time?" I asked him. " is your boyfriend?" he asked me, I knew he was talking about Marcus but I hated this childish behaviour and I was done with it "Yeez Tom quit it, he isn't my boyfriend and why would you even care? It is not like you're my dad" I spat at him "Because I don't kiss my friends" he said I laughed at that argument "why are you laughing?" he asked me offended "Because monday you did otherwise" I smiled and winked at him "That was-" "Different?" I rolled my eyes and walked away, I didn't feel like arguing right now.

"Okay guys, today we won't be doing any kissing scenes" David began to speak, everybody laughed accept me and Tom ofcourse, "You know what to ready...sound ready...ACTION"

I just dressed myself into my own clothes and grabbed my phone, the day was done and I remmebered I still hadn't fixed myself a ride. The phone was beeping "Bonjour!" I heard a happy voice at the other end of the line, it was definetly Chloe "hey girl" I smiled "What is it?" she asked "Uhm I need a ride back home, Marcus is on a vacation" I explained. "Oh, well actually Nick is over here so what if he picks you up?" she asked. "yeah fine" I said, "okay he'll text you when he is standing in front of the door" she said, "okay see ya!" "Adios hunny" she ended the call. I was excited about Nick picking me up, he had an amazing sport car and I was in love with the thing. I decided to go check on Tom his scene that they were rolling right now, it was one with the deatheaters at the table, he didn't really have any lines but I didn't really have something else to do now did I? As I walked in I saw Emma talking with David and decided to walk towards them, "Oh Maddie, great timing. I was just telling Emma that we're recording tommorow instead of friday" he smiled at me "is that okay for you?" he then asked. I nodded at him "yeah sure" I smiled "why actually?" I asked "Oh I have something to else to do on friday, for the set, we're looking at a place and they told us that only was possible on Friday" he explained. "Okay guess I'll see you tommorow then" I smiled. Then Tom and Daniel walked towards us and I immidiatly looked away from Tom. I still didn't feel like talking to him if he was going to be an ass again. "i got to go" I said "Oh we'll walk with you" Daniel said "Oh I'm fine" I tried to get out of it "Don't be silly we'll go with you" he said and winked at me. He knew what he was doing and he knew I didn't like it "Fine, Nick is picking me up so you can also meet him" I smiled, but then I remembered they didn't know that Nick was Cheryl her brother and a close friend of mine we would never date eachother, I'll make him pay, he can think Nick and i are a little to close to be friends


We were walking towards the exit and Daniel punched me in my side with his elbow. I gave him a look with 'what the hell?' while I was rubbing my hurting hip. He pointed at Maddie, he wanted me to talk to her, but I didn't want to. She drove me crazy and I acted like a dick everytime we got closer, what the hell was I going to do with myself? "Oh there he is" Maddie said while a big dark haired men was waiting at the exit. Who the hell was Nick? I gave him a glare when Maddie ran towards him giving him a kiss on his cheek and hugging him. She whispered something in his ear and he smiled at her. "so who are these guys?" he smiled towards us, Daniel gave me a confused look thinking the same thing as I did. "I'm Tom"I said, still not really looking at him really friendly. "And I'm Daniel" Dan spoke, he was hiding his suspicions better than I was doing. "Oh right the famous Harry Potter huh?" he laughed, omg this guy was awkward, would Maddie really date him? He isn't her type right? "well I guess we're going to get going right?" Maddie said seeing the tension in the air. "Oh yes ofcourse love" he anwsered her LOVE?!?!?! what the hell was going on? "I'll see you guys sometime!" Nick said "I hope not"I said under my breath "Yeah I'm sure we will" Daniel said politely, god how this guy could hide his feelings. Maddie and Nick walked away to a big sport car. "omg you are kidding me right? No way he is driving such a big car" I said looking trough the window "Jealous Felton?" Daniel said, he knew that would make me angry if it was someone else who said it but I liked Daniel so I let it slide. "No way" i said watching Nick giving Maddie a kiss on her cheek before she stepped into the car I catched a glare of her wonderful blue eyes before she completely dissapeared in the car. And after a few minutes they drove away, she drove away from me....

"Do you think it was her boyfriend?" I asked Daniel who was walking towards his dressing room with me. "I don't know, they seemed a little close for 'friends'" Daniel told me. "that is not the anwser I wanted to hear Dan" I said with a little smile and he laughed "I know" he said. I pushed his shoulder laughing a little. "But if you really want to know, I could call Cheryl?" he proposed. "wait a minute why do you have Cheryl's number?" "we exchanged numbers two years ago but never texted eachother actually" he said blushing a little. I slapped my hand against my forehead and shook it in dissapointment. "Okay fine, call her" I said. He grabbed his phone from his back pocket and I was only thinking  why am I even hoping that he isn't her boyfriend. "Okay...ready?" Danile looked at me with a questioned look. Is it smart to do this, probably not, but I was going to do it because I needed to know. He pressed call and putted the phone on speaker, we waited. Just when we thought she wasn't going to anwser we heard Cheryl saying "Daniel?" Dan blushed when I looked at him I tried not to laugh at his face of embaresment. "Yeah, it's me. I'm calling for Tom who is uhm standing beside me" Daniel tried to hint her to not say anything more embaresing. "Oh hey Tom" Cheryl said, we could hear her smile trough the phone "what do you want boys?" She asked politely. "Well we were wondering who the guy is that just picked up Maddie. His name was Nick or something." I said. "Why do you want to know?" Cheryl asked a little offfended and a little suspicious. "Just making sure she knows him... you know...looking out for her" Daniel helped me out. "You know what, if you comeover for dinner tommorow we'll tell you, okay?" She said trough the phone. "Uhm I don't-" I started not wanting to come "Okay fine we'll see you tommorow" Daniel cut me off. "Yesss sounds fun!" Cheryl squeecked. I out my hands up in the air immitating her with a fake smile without making any sound. Daniel tried not to laugh at me and then I asked Cheryl seriously "But he isn't  her boyfriend...right?" "Ooohh jealous?" She laughed. I made a mad face feeling busted "no" I denied, knowing better. "That's okay, he isn't" she laughed "see you tommorow" she said and then hang up. "Well I guess we're going out for dinner tommorow night"

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