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~ I'm fucked up, I'm black and blue
I'm built for it, all the abuse
please take me to places
that nobody, nobody knows~

Olivia's POV

I was walking down the aisle, alone and thinking how much I wanted my father to walk me down there.

All the events from last evening replaying in my head but it always gets stuck at the part when Logan had tears in his eyes.

We have been planning our wedding since we were 18.

As I walked towards the stage I looked up to see Ethan through my veil to get a glimpse of him. He took my hand and helped me get up. How motionless a human can be! Why did he choose me in change for a huge sum?

"Two souls are here together to bound their selves and not under any pressure", priest started. Only if they knew.

"Raise your voice if you're against them or you may forever hold your peace",he continued and I sneaked to look at my mom with pleading eyes.

She smiled and waved at me. Couldn't you be less cruel?

"Do you Ethan Dawson, the only child of James and Austoria Dawson take Olivia Jones as your lawfully wedded wife until death apart you?"

"I do", he did not even take a second.

The priest turned to me ,"Do you Olivia Jones, the only child of Nicholas and Camellia Jones take Ethan Dawson as your lawfully wedded husband till death apart you?"

I looked up to see the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

"I do", I let out my breath that I did not realize I was holding.

"I now pronounce you two as husband and wife, you may kiss the bride", priest said as he closed his book.

I looked at the direction of the church gate to see Logan rushing out of there, red eyed.

I looked back when Ethan hold my veil and gave me a small peck on my left cheek.

Why was he being gentle and showing generosity. Was he forced and in the same situation as me?

Who are we kidding Olivia, rich people don't have these problems.




Ethan's POV

None of us let a single word come out of our mouths throughout the whole ceremony and the driveway.

We got down from car.

I could say by the look in her eyes that she was amazed by the view of my penthouse.

"I thought we'll be living with your parents...", She finally spoke up when we got down from the lift.

"What am I? 5?", I said walking faster, leaving her behind.

I hate her for agreeing to marry me. My parents had always the hunger for money but not revenge and I know it from beginning. I also had no alternative choice.

But how can she be so blind by glitters to get married to an unknown person in the first place?

"I'll be right back", I said after entering my bedroom and straight to the bathroom.

I still had no idea where she's going to sleep as the apartment had just one bedroom.

All she knows is that I need to start my own family to get my dad to write me his shares. She caught my eyes at the bakery one day, that's why she thinks I married her.

And the fact that she's beautiful and not like all the other girls I've slept with before is giving me hard time hating and looking at her.


Olivia's POV

I waited until he got out from the washroom.

I couldn't make myself comfortable in such horrific room.

I started taking of my veil and asked him,"where should I sleep?", As long as I can remember he showed no interest in kissing me after the wedding vows, why would he want to be with me in the same room!

"Take of your gown", he said in a husky tone.

"Sorry?", I'd rather pretend not to hear him.

"I don't repeat myself and you're well aware that I know that you heard what I said", he kept talking without any emotion.

"Excuse me, as far as I know this marriage deal is for you to have a wife to get all the family property and for me to get paid every month and I won't..."

"You are married and do what an ideal wife should on her wedding night", he cut me off just to shut me down forever. "I said I won't repeat!", the empty room made it look like he yelled at me.

I yield at his order.

I slowly unzipped my dress, hoping for him to change his mind. I stopped for a second to see him walking towards another corner of the gigantic room. He poured himself a drink, drank while walking back.

He stopped walking and stood behind me after I was done unzipping my gown. He moved his hands, "Drink", he handed me the glass.

" I don't dri..."

"All of it", he said and unbuttoned the bottom area that exposed a deeper part of my spine.

I drank all of it and let my dress fall on the floor. The only piece of cloth I had on my body was a laced underwear, covering my womanhood.

"Lay with your back facing me", he whispered and my numb ears couldn't even catch the echo in this empty room. The physical contact of his lips to my neck made all the hairs stand up and gave me shivers all over the body.

I knelt down at the edge of the bed and laid there, back facing the ceiling.

I sensed him kneeling down and getting on top of me. All I could feel was an ice cube traveling from the top to the bottom of my spine with the help of his mouth that caused me to gasp in sensation and in cold.

As he reached the bottom, he slid off my panty before I could even process the last minute.

There was a pause when I could hear him opening a drawer and taking out a foil packet and the next second he turned me around so that I could face him. He carried me by my waist to put me in the middle of the bed and I rhymed with his moves. I was dizzy.

He looked me in the eyes for a moment and went back down. Next thing all I could think about how that ice cube was giving me pleasure along with Ethan's tongue inside my vagina. I couldn't hold myself and gripped his hair to let out a soft moan.

It didn't took long for me to let my first orgasm out. He stood up to pull his pants down when he said," didn't think it would be so much easier on you", with his lips curling up into a smirk.

Next minute, he was again on top of me and his crotch was completely inside me.

"You're tight", that's all he managed to say, hardly breathing.

I was quite, the whole time. I couldn't believe that I broke my promise to dad that I'll ever drink before age. Along with the fact that I wasn't a virgin anymore.

I stayed doing and saying nothing, because I don't know if it'll be me talking or the alcohol.

He went too hard on me and after a round he stopped fucking me to bring his mouth closer to mine. He kissed me and I let his tongue inside my mouth before he even asked.

The last thing I remember is, I was naked, just had the necklace on that Logan gave me, nothing to cover my shame and with my blood all over the cream coloured bed sheets, laying drunk beside a monster.

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