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~i have heard you speak a million words
now you're talking to me first
i never thought you would~


3rd person's POV

Nick is the luckiest person alive. Today he is feeling epic. He has his loving wife, best friend for life and a daughter who unconditionally love him. What else does a man require.

The whole house was full of chaos as the family is getting ready for party at the evening where Nick's best friend Mase will be declaring Nick as the new partner in his company.

"I swear on Earth dad you look so handsome", Olivia kissed his dad's cheeks after making the tuxedo bow.

"Ahh my chicken, I know. And I'm very happy you're coming with us."

"Yeah dad, I never really had been to an event that included your friend group but how can I miss the surprise."

"Of course. And you look absolutely beautiful but lots of handsome men are out there that I don't want to look at you honey."

"You know I won't look back, I have Logan, right?", Olivia said chuckling.

"Are you people done?", Camellia walked down the stairs fixing her hair.

"Yes, mom. Look at dad, doesn't he look awesome?", Olivia said, full of excitement.

"Of course he does. Are you ready?", Camellia asked quickly.

"Calm down darling", Nick came forward to hold his wife's hands,"Tell me why are you so tense? I'm the one who'll have to talk in front of whole audience, not you!", He said and placed a kiss on her nose.

"At least you could tell us what the surprise is about!", Olivia said told her dad.

"It would not be a surprise then, would it?"

Camellia smiled but couldn't stop sweating.

"Hurry up, let's get out. Mase is waiting for you Nick."

3 of them walked out of the house. Mase stopped at their house to pick his best friend and have a talk with him one last time.

"Oh no, I think I forgot the keys...Nick you go with Mase, I'll lock the door and come after with Olivia..."

Mase and Nick already started for the venue, while Camellia went inside to grab the keys. She quickly called someone on the phone.

"They got in, did you do it?"

"Did, it won't take them long to notice."

"Good job Dom."



Olivia's POV

I couldn't stop staring at his face the whole driveway. The Ethan I saw at first and the Ethan I'm seeing right now is a whole damn different person.

It's fair for him to unbury the whole case because of his family too. But why's he caring so much for me?

"You wanna take a photo so you can stare at it while I'm not around?"

"What!", I almost jumped out of my seat.

"You're staring at me for last 7 minutes", he smirked.

"You wish!", I blushed and looked away from him.

"So, what are you planning to say to her?", He asked in a cold tone.

"I recorded everything Dominic said, I guess I'll ask the rest of the story from her."

He looked at me with disbelief.

Dominic was still hostage to Ethan but he might not have thought that we need to let my mom know everything that we know. So I recorded the whole conversation.

Soon he pulled up on the suburb and parked the car.

"Olivia, sweetie?", she called as soon as she opened the front door. Part of me wanted to cry, part of me wanted to go back home. But I need answers.

I was going to tap the play button...

"Olivia, you're dad's responding! I'm going to the hospital."


Does that mean my dad will wake up and be able to talk and walk again?

"It's a good news mom why are you so tensed?", I asked and ran to the car not waiting for her to answer.

Ethan opened the backseat door and let my mom in and then got into the driving seat.

I looked at him. "I think you should talk later", he said quietly.

We reached at the hospital and ran to Dad's cabin to see his doctor standing outside talking to the nurse.

"Mrs Jones, we've been waiting or you, your husband responded at the last check up session. We look forward to seeing him getting better. We'll start physiotherapy soon if...", He continued but I walked inside to meet my dad.

I couldn't stop my tears, dad why are you waking up just right now when I know you won't be able to hear the whole story with your ears. It'll kill you inside.




I walked out to let Mom see my dad. I kept walking and found Ethan talking to the same receptionist that I saw him with the last time.

What's with her?

"Ethan, let's go outside",I walked up to him and put my left hand on his chest. I glared at her and I hope she understands that Ethan's not single... I mean alone.

"What were you talking about?", I asked him, putting both my hands inside my pockets. Cold wind started to blow and I felt like my heart will freeze any time now.

"Why do you ask?", I feel like punching this beautiful face of his.

"Just like that", I ignored eye contact.

"So? What're you up to now?"

"I don't know. Even if dad wakes up, he can't bear the pain. He can't stand his wife having an affair with his best friend. Being her daughter I should have been involved in his life. I wish I met Arya sooner."

Ethan maybe knows that I meant him not coming into my life before.

Tears started to gather on my eyelids but I didn't let them fall.

"You have no idea how much I wish we met earlier, under different situation", I said trying to smile. He took my hands out of pocket and folded them inside his, I felt the warmth that I've been seeking for so long.

He bowed and kissed my tears away so they don't fall down.

"Be strong Olive, talk to her, ask her for explanation before your dad wakes up. He does not need these negativity in his life when he comes back, right?", He pulled me in his arms, comforting me.

God! I can't thank enough for your existence in my life right now Ethan.

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