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~they're playing our song
laying us down tonight
and all of these clouds
crying us back to life~

Olivia's POV

I've been waiting for him to come home for long. He's never this late.

It was almost quarter past 11 when he entered the bedroom.

He looked devastated from work. Of course, he had to handle a 'human being'. His sleeves were folded up to elbow and he was holding his suit in hand.

What am I thinking?

I don't want Arya to get hurt because of me. Why would they think that my dad was after the accident when they were in the same car!

"I want to talk to you", I ran towards him.

"Don't say anything", he flinched, as I got closer I could see his eyes were swollen."Just, don't", he said and drop the suit on the floor and walked out of the room.

Did he cry?

Ethan's POV

How come I believed what my parents said? I was mature enough to find out about it 2 years ago. Why didn't I?

How am I suppose to face her again after knowing they had nothing to do with it.


"She's inside."

I held Arya as my hostage. I had to or she could have told Olivia everything and I can't stand Olivia hating me anymore than she already does.

I know I've already done enough to make her hate me but it didn't matter then.

It does, now.

"Tell me everything you know", I sat down on the chair next to her.

Her hands are tied.

"I know more than you do."

"Spill it out."

"We were best friends from college, Mase, Nick and I."

She continued,"Olivia's father, Nick's completely innocent. Your uncle Mase started regretting for writing such a huge amount of property to his best friend when he was falling for his best friend's wife",she was breathing and panting.

"Be clear", I snapped out of anger.

"They had an affair and planned to kill Nick so that after his death Camellia could have all the company shares and could run away with Mase. Mase finally wanted to settle down."

I couldn't stand her words. My uncle would never betray his best friend like that!

"But they were in the same car!", I tried proving her wrong.

"I know. All I knew was that Mase and Camellia were madly in love. But when the accident happened I realized that the plan was different. She never contacted me after that. That's why I tried to warn Olivia, sad thing we never meet before."

"Ethan, just be BY her side, she's innocent too."

End of flashback

I dig up Camellia's bank account and there was nothing. Everything still belongs to Nick.

How come Olivia knows nothing about these?

How come my parents lied to me? They knew about the affair.

Why did Camellia betray my uncle and how did she manage to make them end up in the same car.

All of these questions started popping in my head.

I need to know more before I can stand up against my parents.

Olivia's POV

Was he crying after something Arya had told him?

I went out of the room.

"Ethan!", I knocked softly at the study room entrance, "let me in, I talked to Arya. I know you did too."

There was no sound, but the door suddenly opened.

He invited me in and asked me to sit down.

"What do you know?"

"When I called her, your men captured her before she could say anything, so basically I know nothing", I lied of course.

"There are things, about your parents that you don't know of",he said looking straight into my eyes.

"Tell me about your uncle", I jumped off to a completely different topic not moving my gaze from him.

"What and how do you know about him?", he was surprised.

"That he died and was in the same car as my dad."

He nodded and sat beside me on the couch.

"They were best friends, uncle, your dad and Arya. Your mom and uncle had an affair", he said and my eyes got widen.

"I don't expect much of her."

"The accident was planned by them but why was uncle also in the car is still a mystery."

I can't believe my ears. I started crying as soon as I knew that mom is the reason why dad's in the hospital and Ethan's uncle is dead.

"Look Olivia, I'm sorry for everything that I've done and caused", am I dreaming or is he actually apologizing. Suddenly he put his right hand on my shoulder and I flinched back causing his hand to get off of me.

"But what did I do to deserve all these? For you I started hating myself and my body..."

"This was all my parent's plan. And I hated you for agreeing to marry me that's why I did it. Only if I knew you know nothing", he said cutting me off. I couldn't stop crying.

"You took my fucking virginity and nothing in this world justifies the way you did it!!", I stood up and screamed at him at the top of my lungs before leaving the room.

He caught my wrist and stopped me in the mid way,"I know how it feels to be betrayed by parents. And hurting you was...", He couldn't find any words.

"Just trust me I would do anything to make it up to you."

"And why should I trust you", I said and walked out.

I tried to sleep but couldn't. The tears don't stop from coming out.

Ethan's POV

Why'd she even trust me?

I ruined everything. I really don't care about the revenge or money or my parents anymore. When I said I want to make it up to her I meant it.

I regret everything that I did to her. She's too innocent to get involved in all these. Yet she have to go through her mother soon enough.

I went back to my room and took a quick shower. I went out to see Olivia still sobbing.

I changed into my pajamas and got under the sheets. That's when she started crying more.

"Olivia?", I called her but she didn't move an inch.

I moved towards her to touch her shoulder but she removed my hand and looked back to say,"If you dare touch me again I'll tear you and set your empire in fire."

God, her eyes are red.

I pulled her closer to me and hugged her to calm her down,"shh, everything will be alright", My arms covered her whole body. She's still crying on my chest, holding my hands tighter. Her back facing me.

"I hate my mom, Ethan."

For the first time she spoke my name and not out of rage.

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