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~how did you sweep me right off my feet
baby i  cant keep, falling in the wrong direction~

Ethan's POV

"You alright?", I knocked on the washroom door.

We came back to home a while ago. I entered the bedroom to find Olivia not coming out of the washroom.

"Don't worry I haven't locked myself inside. I'm not the type who starves herself to death", she came out and mumbled.

She said with confidence as if it was nothing, when her eyes were clearly sore because of crying.

"Come here", I held her hands and dragged her to the bed."Let it out",I told her.

"I am", she looked up and a droplet fell down her cheeks.

"Do you wanna talk about it?", I asked her gently stroking her face.

"Ethan?", her voice broke down."I have a feeling that your uncle felt guilty for betraying dad. That's why he confronted him. If it was about uncle knowing mom will betray him, he would have told dad about the car crash planning too, wouldn't he?."

"You've got a point."

We both stayed quiet.

"You talked to your mother 'bout Arya?"

"I'll let them have privacy on that case."

"Good choice. Lean here," I set the pillows so she could lean back."I'll bring you something to eat."

I tried to get her head off of everything else. Still been mentally getting ready to tell her that she has to come to the office tomorrow because both of our dads will be coming too.

"Here's your meatbox."

"When did you order it?", she smiled seeing it. I know how happy it makes her.

"On our way back home."

"Olivia, do you think you can skip a class tomorrow?"

"If it's an emergency and can redo the class later. But why?", she said not looking at me cause she's busy digging up her food.

"I need you to be at my office tomorrow morning. There are some works that includes you."

"Yes sir."

I couldn't say more.

She shared her meal with me. Cute how she saved all the olives for the last bite. She loves them.

"I'm too lazy to even go wash my hands"

"Will be here in a minute mam", I said and jumped out of the bed to get water for her.

"Ethan can you cuddle me to sleep?"




Olivia's POV

I dressed up after taking a shower. I still don't know what I have to do there but since Ethan wants me to be there  I'm going.

"You ready?", he appeared in the mirror. I smiled and nodded at his reflection.

"Do me a favor and don't go out looking this hot when you are going somewhere without me", he came forward and placed a kiss at the back of my ear.

I grabbed my stuffs and walked out.

We got into the lift and it directly lead us to Ethan's work place. I kept following him until we got inside the same room I've been before. I stopped when I found dad and Mr Dawson having a conversation.

"Ethan what's going on?"

"Seems like it'd have been whole lot easier if I had told you about the offer your dad gave me earlier", he sounded so frustrated when he put his hand behind my back and lead me towards them.

I guess I know what's happening.

Ethan's POV

"Dad you told me to marry her in the first place. So either way she had to be share holder of this company."

It might have hurt her but I said it anyway.

"But I thought you'd divorce her", It is the truth, I kept staring at my hands on the table.

I looked at Olivia then back at my hands. She was blank.

Yesterday when I was talking to Nick he said he'd give up the 50 percent only if it goes back to Olivia. I of course agreed right away but my dad had a problem with it.

"Why did you agree right away?", Olivia whispered. She was too close to me that her minty breathe brushed my nose.

How could I tell her.

"And what if I want my dad to have it?"

"Girl if you don't co..."

I cut off  my dad,"Either way it's going to be yours Olive", I put my palm on her arm but she shoved it away and her eyes showed no emotion.

She's pissed at me.

"I wish you told me sooner", she said and left.

"Whatever she wants will happen", I declared before rushing out.

My dad is furious about Nick coming back here. He won't let either of them to take over the shares. 'If you two are really together, tell her to ask her dad so that he signs you everything', is what he says.

I ran back to penthouse but she isn't there. Must have went to attend her lesson, I told myself but her phone was off too.

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