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~bridges are burned
and now is your turn to cry
so cry me a river~

Olivia's POV

"Mom, we need to talk", I finally approached to her.

"Sure but Ethan is here for the first time can't it wait?"

We were currently talking inside the kitchen in my house.

"Mrs Jones, it concerns me too", Ethan walked in and stood beside me. My hand was resting on the counter and he put his hand over mine. He knows how to calm me down.

"Say Ethan what is it?", Mom asked him, ignoring me.

"Why did you let Olivia marry me?", I looked at him. I'm surprised by the way he started talking. He sounded so cold.

She stopped cutting the apple pie and put her knife down, "You needed to start your family to get into family business and we needed money for Olivia's dad. Isn't it clear?"

He giggled,"Don't tell me you did not to see my last name."

"What are you implying on?", How could she keep lying to our faces?

I can't stand her lies anymore. I played the record...

...everything that you did for Mase and Camellia. Whose people are you? Camellia's or Mase's? It doesn't matter. *loud noise* Mase hired me to rip off the car's breaking system and I did. Who are you kidding, why would he want that when he was in the car too. No, the plan was different... *water splash* Camellia called me, said the plan was changed, told me to break it before the event and not...

A loud thunder broke the long silence. The sky started crying instead of me.

"Come outside", she said and went to the living room.





Camellia Jones's POV

I wanted to be with Mase for a long time. He is nice looking along with loaded bank accounts and no wife. I have always liked him for his money, rich personality and his lifestyle. But him being best friends with the father of my only child, my husband, I stayed silent.

They are best friends since high school and I hate that their friend Arya also roams around all the time.

I did confess to him, about my fake feelings.

But I knew that god had other plans when he said that he had feelings for me too and he wrote 50 percent share of his company to Nick, my husband at the same day.

I was relieved knowing that he started regretting his decision for not settling down and writing most of his money to Nick, leaving rest to his brother.

Nick did not know that I knew what was the surprise party for.

I replayed our plan to kill Nick in my head while getting ready for the party. I cried a lot. Wish I had not approach to Mase.

So I changed the plan a bit. Instead of blowing the car after the party, I am planning on blowing it before.

I called Mase saying that I was nervous. He came running to me and after he calmed me down I told him to go wait outside and go to the party location with Nick so that Nick does not doubt his coming at this hour.

I am paying Dominic double to go behind Mase's back and make the break fail before the celebration.

It was too late to step back. If I have Mase and not his money what's the point.

So why not kill both Nick and Mase to have 50 percent all by myself.


Olivia's POV

If the situation was different, I would have wanted to lay down in my cozy bed, blanket tucked under me. It's been really long since I've seen such heavy storm and rain.

Everything was damped around except for my eyes. Have I become stone or a human without feelings? I've heard the statues even cry.

I walked up to my own bedroom like I heard nothing.

I entered the room. I smiled. It's been my room since I was 6. I love it here. It's just the way I want it. Everything is untouched. The whole room represents my personality. A wall full of books, indoor plants, another wall covered with mirror, a world map, my keyboard and the dust was visible over the black keys, posters, warm lights, my walk in closet full of formal clothes.

I like formal clothes since I was little. I love white shirt and black Blazer. I remember a time when I wanted to go to my cousin's wedding wearing a tuxedo and I did. I was so stubborn as a child and dad used to listen to everything I wanted.

I laid down in my bed smiling at the clouds. I grabbed my giant teddy bear and fell asleep.

Oh, how much it reminds me of Logan!

Ethan's POV

"I told my family that we're together but I didn't tell them that it was you, the black sheep and not Nick. Rest of the decision will be Olivia's", I told Camellia in a low tone.

She deserves the tears for hurting Olivia.

"I want to tell Nick myself when he wakes up. Go upstairs, take left."

"He used to watch over me, he was my only protector", I said biting my lips, before going upstairs.

I knocked on the door slightly. No answer.

I let myself in and saw Olivia sleeping like a baby.

I walked over and started taking off her shoes.

"What time is it?", She asked while adjusting herself to sit up.

"It's 6:16", I looked around her bedroom. It's boho themed."Look you made the teddy go wet", I joked and she chuckled.

"I thought I had lost the ability to cry."

We both leaned on the wall. Our knees brushed each other.

"I never thought you could play keyboard. You do a lot of things", I said checking out the whole territory.

"I used to be crazy fan of The Vamps", she said and both of our eyes stuck at the biggest poster at the center of her north wall.

"I can see that", I said running my left hand over the teddy's leg that soaked Olivia's tears.

"Logan gave me this on my 18th birthday, I told him I wanted to stay a kid forever", I said nothing but flinched a little.

"The sky's clear.Let's go home?", She has a lot of bad nightmares inside my apartment but she called it home as if we build the place and dreamt of it together for so long.

Little does she know that the place feels like home to me from now on too?

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