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~you said that no matter what
you're watching over me~

Olivia's POV

I've been preparing myself the whole ride on what I'll say to Ethan when I go back. But just as I saw his face I forgot every words that I rehearsed.

"Why did not you take your phone with you?", He asked looking at the floor.

I closed the door behind me and walked towards him. I sat on the bed and put my hand on his shoulder.

"I was really in a hurry...", He turned to me real quick. My breath got hitched.

"To meet your boyfriend? If it wasn't enough, you went to meet him in his parents graveyard!"

"For heaven's sake Ethan it's been only 35 minutes since you've been there!", How does he know everything?

"Does he not know you're married to m..."

"He knows. Ethan let me explain. Please?"

He nodded. I told him everything. If he was being honest then I had to too.

"So you two decided to support and hug each other for the rest of your lives?"

"You can be mad at me for not taking my phone or not informing you, but we're not in a situation or in term where you tell me whether I meet my boyfriend or n..."

"I thought you left me Olivia for hell's sake!! I thought you'd runaway or you'll do something crazy!", Shit, he was actually mad at me.

"I'm sorry you had to worry about me, okay? It won't happen again", I lost my temper but he's right too.

"He's your past now, don't see him again if possible."

He said and left the room. I can't help but cry.

I can't leave Logan and not meet him ever again! He's my first love, my best friend. He has been with me whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on.

I can't stand Ethan ordering me around anymore.




Ethan's POV

I was angry both at myself and her. That guy will be needing her in the future and of course I wouldn't let Olivia go running to him all the damn time!

She needs to understand that I really care for her and I was scared that something might happen to her.

"Ethan?", Olivia entered my study without warning. I don't mind her coming here without knocking anymore.

"What do you want to say?"

"You have a lot of sluts around that are dying to sleep with you", her voice kept breaking because of her crying,"...why can't you let m..."

"I stopped sleeping with them."

"Don't you understand Ethan! This marriage does not have any feelings attached. You don't need to stop sleeping around for me."

Her words wounded my heart. Is she that fool? Can't she see that I like her?

"Look Olivia, I don't care about any of this, all you need to know is that a man like me won't cheat on his wife and disrespect her whatever the situation is. It doesn't suit my fame either."

God! Ethan why can't you tell her about your feelings?

"So do you want to give it a try? Is it what you want to say?"

"Yes, Olivia", I walked up to her to hold her hands,"I want to give us a try."

"What if I told you that I hate you", she pulled her hand out of mine," and that I feel insecure around you?"

"Stop lying to yourself Olive, I could tell by the look in your eyes and your voice that you feel safe with me too."

I leaned down to hold her cheeks and give her a peck.

When I was leaning back she pulled me by my head and kissed me hard. She didn't had to ask for entrance. Soon it got intense. But she broke the kiss.

"But take it slow, can we?", she said, closing her eyes.

I hugged her so that I could hide the smile I'm wearing.

"Do you really want me to sleep around with others?", I can't help but say it.

"No!", She said loosening herself from the embrace. Her eyes widen, she looked so cute.
"Why? Do you want to?"

"Why not."

"You're a dick Ethan", she said glaring at me.

Olivia's POV

I'm happy but not sure about the decision that I took. I don't want to rush into anything. What if he hurts me again? But i'll have to be with him if i want to stand against mom.

Keeping tension aside I'm nervous for our date tonight. He finally asked for it.

I went to the roof top restaurant where he took me to see Arya a few days ago.

I am totally blinded by the view here. The lights were dimmed so that the stars were visible. I Kept walking but Ethan was not there. I went to the other side to hear the piano getting louder.

"You never told me you could play piano!", I chuckled seeing him playing a huge ass piano that covered all of him.

"Thought I'd surprise you", he finished the track to stand up and then took my hand to kiss the back of it.

Stop blushing Olivia!

"Do you like it here?",he asked checking out around.

"I love it",I said still looking into his eyes.

We had our dinner near the glass railing. I could see half of the city from there.

"Let's talk about stars", he said all of a sudden.

"That's not how it works Ethan", I bit my lips

"Stop doing it."

"Learn to control", I said and took a bite of my steak.

"Also, stop moaning at every bite!", this man need to learn some manners too.

"What do I do, the mashed potato's tasty."

"Of course",he said rolling his eyes.

"You don't have to hide your giggles", I said.

I never thought it'd be this easy to hang out with him.

we're on a date, not hanging out!, he'd say if I had said that out loud. Even the thought of it is making me smile inside.

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