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~will we ever learn
we've been here before~

Ethan's POV

"Calm down, there's nothing you could do."

"But why me? Why don't any of my trusted people take time to turn their back at me?"

She isn't stop crying since she talked to Camellia and Arya.

I made her hot beverage, now she's sobbing lightly, laying on the bed after putting on her pajamas.

We didn't hide away from them. It was Olivia's idea to approach. It's better to talk it out and know the truth than not knowing and giving ourselves false hope.

Arya and Nick used to date in high school but they were still close after their breakup until Camellia got to know about them a few years ago. I think she's planning on using it against Nick when Olivia tells him everything.

Because she has that mentality. She'd lie more than to pull her mask off.

"It's okay, I'm here, I hope your dad will be there for you too. He'll understand", I said sitting beside her and pulling her into a side hug. She leaned on me completely.

She took a sip of hot chocolate. "I can't handle another truth hitting me like a bulldozer when he wakes up."

"I don't think he has such big secrets. Think about the shock he's gonna get from all of us", can't believe I used to hate that man but now I grew to feel pity for him.

"I hate the thought of it."

"By the way, thanks for the date. I had no idea you liked that kind of things."

"Gaze the stars with me, share the fries, that's all I ask for", her mood is finally up a bit.

"Cringe alert", I grinned and she punched me on the chest.

"I wish I didn't go there today", she suddenly said with a sad tone.

"I'm happy that I did", she lift her head up to look at me when I said,"How about continuing the make out session?"

"Do guys always think about physical stuffs?", She said laughing.

"Don't blame me, it's all your doing",I smirked and she blushed.

She put her cup aside and said,"Cuddle me to sleep, will you?"

"Anytime my lady", I chuckled and she turned around and I slipped my arms under hers, covering ourselves with a thin blanket.




Olivia's POV

I'm continuing my school again. I'm going to see my dad after class. He's doing good nowdays. He can sit up and hold objects. But he's still weak from the brain. When he first woke up, he talked a very little. His memories were weak too but he's remembering little by little.

"Ethan?", surprised to see him here.

"Hey babe! You texted that you're coming here straight from school", he said and we both walked towards each other. Our cheeks kissed when we hugged.

"But what are you doing here?"

"They said your dad's getting better so I thought it's time for us to meet? Moreover the docs are telling him to get mentally prepared every now and then to get to know a lots of news."

"You think it's a good idea?"

"I think that but decision will be yours so..."

"Let's go inside", I cut him off. I really want my dad to meet him. Though I'm planning on not to tell him how rude he was to me at first. He might kill him this instant. But mom might tell him about the marriage contract later.

We entered the room to find my dad holding onto a machine that's helping him with moving his joints.

"Hey Dad!", I jumped in excitement.

"My Olivia! Doctor please let's do it later, it's really tough and I want to spend time with my daughter", he said pleading to the doctor.

The nurse helped him out of the machine.

"My sweetheart!", I ran into his arms. I missed him so much.

"So you've brought a friend too huh? What up young man? You look familiar!", He seemed to be in a good mood. I turned my faced to him and glared.

What the hell! Ethan never told me if he met my dad earlier or not!

"Mr Jones, allow me to introduce myse...", I punched his arms with my elbow.

"Dad, come on let's sit there", I dragged dad to the sofa and we both sat there.

"So dad this is..."

"Ethan Dawson", he said gently and offered his hands.

Dad slowly put his hand out to shake.

For a few seconds three of us looked at each other with literal amount of awkwardness.

"Well dad, it's been already two years and a lot of things has changed. For example, Logan and I split up. Ethan and I got mar...", I was speaking fast but he cut my speech.

"Dawson as in Mase's nephew Ethan Dawson?", Shit, I thought he wouldn't notice.

"Yes Mr Jones. We meet a few months ago and we really like each other so we got marr..."

"So how's Mase?"

We should have practiced what to say and what to not.

"Dad, do you remember anything about the accident at all?", I asked and he looked back at me.

"We were happy and getting ready for...for I don't know. The doctors won't tell me, they said you will."

"Dad", my voice broke, I can't do it, I can't tell him,"uncle Mase passed away in that accident", but I did.

"Ouh", was all he said.

"We got married dad", I said. He needs to know. He needs to get ready to hear worse.

"Congratulations! you didn't tell me last time", he was happy?

"We wanted to tell this together", Ethan said not looking away from me. I was relieved. At least it's a truth.

"So tell me how you guys met? Did you know he's Mase's family", he looked so joyful, how can I lie to him.

"Yeah, I kinda knew."

"Mr Jones, we interrupted your therapy session, I think we should leave now. Olivia came here straight from her school."

"Of course", he nodded and turned to me,"When does your practice start darling?"

"Soon I hope."

I can't tell him that I had to put an end to my student life because of crisis. He'll be upset. As his calculation I should be starting practicing any days now.

God knows how many lie I've to tell in future.

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