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~if you call on me forever I'll come
no matter what~

Olivia's POV

"You want some?", Ethan poured half of his glass with beer and offered me.

"Maybe on my next birthday", I replied while applying my night cream, half leaning against the head board.

I had been to a lot of dates but not like this one. I'm smiling like a fool since I got back. I really enjoyed there and now I'm sure about giving Ethan a chance.

"And who the hell drinks beer at this time of the night?", I asked after a long pause.

"A man who's aged enough to drink!", He said lifting his eyebrows that made me laugh.

"I thought you were at your 40s until I first saw you."

I put the cream aside and turned to him. He sipped in his glass and then turned to me too.

"And I thought you were a bitch", you could be less rude.

"I know." I thought we were starting a conversation but he literally turned off my mood. So I pulled my blanket and lay down back facing him.

There was a loud sound of glass against glass and the light was turned off too.

"Olive?", suddenly I could feel heavy arms around me. Damn those biceps.

He covered me with his whole body.

"Hm?", I tried not to giggle.

"Have you ever wondered, if uncle and your mom didn't happen, we could meet earlier? We could meet that evening. You were coming too, weren't you?"

My heartbeat stopped, I never really thought about it that way!

He continued,"...maybe we could get attracted to each other, maybe something would have happened between us, maybe it hadn't had to be this way, right?", his voice sounds full of guilt.

"Well I had a boyfriend back then and I was loyal to him too. I would never cheat on my man..."

"You surely know how to kill my mood", I laughed.

I turned to face him," and what if  that evening had happened?", I asked back.

He leaned down and kissed me. All I could think of was him all over me. As our tongue entangled I moaned softly. I could feel him smirking. His tongue was wet and he smelled like berries. Suddenly he bit my lower lip and I gasped.

I didn't even realized when my leg went up to circle against his thighs. I held him tightly by his collar. His lips went from my mouth to jaw and I was enjoying it. But soon his right hand made its way down to the hem of my tank top and it was searching entrance under it. That's when I pushed him away.

", uh I'm sorry, I..."

"No, it's just about m...", I could steal gaze from him no matter how hard I tried.

"I know it's my fault. It's okay, look at me", he held my chin up. I thought I was the only one who had teary eyes.

"Are you going to cry too?", I asked.

"Maybe, if you will."

Since I've been with him, there was not a single day when I did not cry. What he might be thinking of me? Little crying girl who has nothing in her life but misery?

I bit my teeth against teeth to stop myself from crying.

"Hey,hey that's completely alright to cry, I didn't mean it that way."

I looked up to him,"I like guys who cries to show their emotions."

He pulled me to his chest and hugged me. It gave me a feeling, a surety that he'll never let go off me. I don't know why I'm trusting him this soon. How do I feel safe with this one man who is the reason behind all my insecurities.

But I loosened myself when he pulled me closer. I closed my eyes and relaxed,"I also love it when you call me Olive", I said under my breath. I felt a soft peck on me forehead.

I went to sleep at that exact position, thinking about all the what ifs that could have happened.




Ethan's POV

She has dark brown hair, almost black all the time. That's what I can see from my point of view. She is sleeping like an angel in my arms. I did not dare to move, in case she wakes up.

I like her even when she's stubborn and childish. I cannot get the sight of her hazel eyes out of my head as each second passes.

She's fierce and cold at the same time. She's everything that...

"How long have you been watching me?"

"Not long."

"It's Monday, don't you have work?", She said pulling herself from my embrace.

"Oh shit! I forgot!"

I, Ethan Dawson, forgot about work because I was starting at this one girl who stole my heart.

I know it's soon for her to trust me but I do live with the fear that she might not completely trust me.

I ran to take a quick shower and got dressed. I walked to the door and called Olivia a several time but she didn't answer.

Suddenly she ran out of the kitchen, wearing apron and a plate in her hand.

"Ethan, at least take one bite", she offered me the french toast. The bread was cut in small cubes. Smart of her.

"Perks of being married...", I smiled and took a fork that filled my mouth.

"Here", she passed me the water.

"Thanks Olivia, if I weren't late I'd have finished the whole thing. But boss can't be late you know", I said and left.

"Relax Ethan, it's just a few floors away...", Her voice faded away and I still kept smiling.

How happy I am with this life! What's happening to me?

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