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~i come running to you
like a moth into the flames~

Olivia's POV

"Should I come in?", I sneak my head into the study.

"Come in, you don't need to ask", Ethan replied while looking through papers.

He always works after dinner and that totally annoys me. I'm literally alone in this huge place and I have no one to talk to or nothing to do all day. So I thought of seeing Ethan.

"What are you doing?"

"I was going through the papers of your dad and uncle's agreement. This file was the only thing left in our company that I could have hands in", he said and finally looked up.

"Could I see them?", I hesitated but I have right too so...

"Sure but can you understand the conditions?"

"Why not? I've been to law school too, until I dropped out for work."

Well, dad has also been to law school and I'm guessing Mase too. I always wanted to be a lawyer just like my dad. He always worked for private clients until he decided to join a law firm but couldn't continue.

"You never told me!"

"Isn't it obvious? Why else would dad agree with a big share in a law firm. If it wasn't for me he could spend his whole life working for private clients."

I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I came up to realize the fact.

"That makes sense though."

What I understood by the papers are dad is 50 percent share holder of The Julivanx Law Firm. That makes the rest of barer Mase.

"If the whole share belongs to them, what's left for your parents?" that's the first thing that occurred in my head.

"Well", he rolled his chair to where I was sitting and crawled beside me. "My granddad Julivan started this business from zero and made it one of the most successful law firm in LA. My dad wasn't a law student and he studied in business. As for my uncle and their younger sister, Aunt Ruth, they studied law to take over family business. She was a lot younger than my dad and uncle."

"But you never told me about Aunt Ruth", I asked looking straight into his brown eyes.

"She uh, committed suicide when she was still in uni...", He said and looked down at his hands. I hold them with mine.

"I'm really sor..."

"In front of me, I was there when she jumped off the building."

I did not know what to say. Loosing both his uncle and aunt must be so painful for him.

"I was really close to both of them, they'd have liked you too."

"It's okay Ethan, I hope they're in a better place."

"So...Granddad started increasing hotel business and soon uncle took over the law firm and dad started running all the hotels and factories all around the world. Uncle announced that he didn't want a family just after granddad's death.

"They continued to run their own company. After the accident 2 years ago, we got to know that half of the firm belongs to Nick and rest was about to be signed to me. You see how much uncle loved me? He wanted me to be his heir. But he didn't signed the papers at the last moment...", His voice break down.

"... because of my mom", funny how we're completing sentence like a real couple."So, if dad owns half of it, who owns the rest?"

"My dad. He got the shares as the only living sibling and this is why he buried the matter in front of the world. As my dad can't run a law firm I'm watching over it. Until something happens to him it can't be mine, not permanently. As for your 50 percent, the world knows nothing of it so technically I'm the owner of Julivanx Law Firm. Not for long if your dad walks up to us."

"So you were a law student too?",he nodded. I looked up to the man. He had been through a lot of struggles for his family. Poor how everybody admires him and want to be in his shoe but no one knows the reality.

"Hey, do you wanna ever continue school?", He asked all of a sudden.

"I never thought of it. Though it's been only a year since I dropped out still it's a lot time gap for me."

"Your dad would really like to see you graduate", he brushed my cheeks with his fingers and I smiled at him.


"You know what, you should continue with your studies and then maybe join here? At this company? What do you think?"

Sounds so good to me. As much excited as I am for my dad to wake up I'm also preparing myself to talk to him about mom and Ethan.




Ethan's POV

We are at the hospital to visit Olivia's dad. She looks happy since I offered her to work with me.

I like it when she's around, I love her company.

"He's wide awake, I don't want him to see you and get a heart attack and sleep for another whole year. So you don't need to come inside."

She's crazy, she thinks her dad will wake up and scold her for being with me. She has got to understand that it's only hand and toe movement therapy. He's not going to wake up and talk at anytime.

"So? How often she's here?", I asked the receptionist. I've been paying her to give me all the information about Nick's visitors since almost 2 years. That's how I knew Arya.

All she told me was that someone named Arya often comes to visit him. When Arya came to see Olivia the first time I knew it was her.

"Mrs Jones did not come here since the last time you were here." Selfish woman.

"Let's go out Ethan", Olivia approached from my back to hold my hand and it's the third freaking time she has seen me with the same receptionist, I want to curse myself for it. Though it's funny to look at her when she's jealous.

"You don't have to come with me every time", she said.

"But I want to", I really do."He got any better?"

"He'll be."

We walked to the parking area and she asked me if I have any time for she wanted to take me somewhere.

"Take me to hell and I'll follow your lead happily", she chuckled hiding her face.

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