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~they don't know about the things we do
they don't know about the I love yous~

Olivia's POV

"..he didn't even suspect a thing."

"But we can't keep making up stories. Either way mom's gonna tell him."

"What else could I say to him? Hello sir, I had no intension to marry your daughter but I did for whatever reason your wife will tell you plus I hurt her several times and my parents want the shares back that you hold."

"Chill Ethan he won't care that much once he knows about the affair thing."

"But what about Arya? Do you think something really happened between her and your dad after all these years?"

"I don't even know who to believe. I can't trust mom with whatever she says or does anymore. On the other hand Arya appeared in front of me out of blues and pulled me out of the dark but she never told me she dated my dad in school. She should have been more honest."

"Don't think about it too much", Ethan stoked my hair behind and pulled me close to him.

"You stink", I groaned.

"It's because I worked out", said with his isn't it obvious tone.

"Go take shower."

"Join me", why can't he let a single word drop on the floor.

"Go, I'll be making dinner", I stood up and kissed his nose, cause he's sweaty. Hot but still sweaty.

It has been a long busy day. I came from school late and Ethan also worked extra time. He also went to hit the gym straight from work.

We both promised each other to do date type of things once in a while and as we've been a lot busy lately I decided to cook something for him on my own. I gave Ms Rose a day off and cooked steak for Ethan with extra buttered gravy. He likes it that way.

"It's really tasty, I like it this way", he said moaning and chewing. I knew he'd say that.

"It had to be tasty because I made it", duh!"So are you planning on working tomorrow?"

"Babe a married man don't work on Sundays. How about planning something."

But what if something goes wrong this time too?

Ethan's POV

We're going out today.

I don't know what's happening to me but my friends say that I'm getting old. So I asked Olivia if we could go to the club tonight to meet my friends. She said she did not have a problem with that.

"Guys, she's Olivia. Olivia meet Pyter, Ned, Beth and Ricon."

I introduced them to Olivia. It was not that awkward since Beth started the conversation saying they couldn't meet at the wedding ceremony because everyone was busy.

It was visible that we both were forced to walk down the aisle that day and everyone knew it.

"I'm not aged but thank you", Olivia simply answered when Ned offered her a drink.

I looked at her surprisingly, how calm and careless she was. Every girl I brought here before tried to fit themselves in. But Olivia did not care about anyone at all. That's what makes me like her more.

Ricon kept rejecting to dance when Beth was forcing."Don't complain later",she said walking towards the dance floor alone while pulling her cocktail dress up a little.

Seeing me and Pyter giggling at them Olivia asked if something was going on between them.

"They both have feelings for each other since they were kids but they won't admit it. So they both like trying to make the other one feel jealous", I said loudly because of the music being loud too.

"So what's going on with life?", Ned asked turning to both of us.

We stared at each other for a while. I guess she was also thinking about all the bullshit that's actually going on. We both almost laughed at the question.

"What happened guys? Are you guys doing it every night?"

I glared at him.

"Actually we're taking it slow", she replied without hesitation. I'm dang proud of her.

"Yeah we're taking time", I mumbled. I can't take my eyes off of her.

"Ethan you are as whipped as whipped cream. Do you understand it?",Ricon added.

"What do I do, this girl sitting in front of us doing nothing made me like this", but she pretended not to hear.

"Ethan, you don't even come to the club like you used to before."

"Don't blame me for that", Olivia claimed casually.

"what are you all ..ah ouch, talking about", Beth came back in a drunk state.

"Ethan's sex life", Ned said and Olivia choked on her coke. I glared double time at him.

"What? Aren't we?", he said quietly.

We bid our goodbyes and walked out of the club.

"Are we going home?" she asked being as innocent as anyone possibly could ever be.

"Where else do you want to go?", I smiled at her because I know this is what she wants to hear.

"Anywhere you take me", she said without dropping a beat.

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