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~I'm bullet proof, nothing to loose
fire away, fire away~

Olivia's POV

I woke up feeling sore. I couldn't feel half of my body. The sun was breaking through the curtains, teasing my eyes.

I woke up to see the room empty. I found a sheet around my naked body. I ran to the bathroom with it.

When I walked into the shower, my body started hurting. I could feel the trailing cruel touch and pain all over me again. I cried my heart out.

I was done taking a shower and I took a bath robe from one of the shelves and went out.

"Are you mad!", I saw Ethan coming towards me with fierce eyes and all dressed up. "Why didn't you tell me that you were a virgin?", he held the blood stained bed sheet from last night against my face.

I started crying when I said,"I-i thought you knew."

"And what made you feel like it?", He waited for me to speak up but I didn't.

"Damn it", he cursed and ran out of the room.

I entered the walk in closet to look for my suitcase. I couldn't stop crying. How am I supposed to live in this freezing hell? What did he think of me? His slut that I were not a virgin?


I relaxed a bit and walked around a little with the help of Ms Rose who takes care of everything in this house. I came back to the bedroom to take a rest at the afternoon when Mom called.


She kept calling so I answered.

"What do you want now", I tried to stop my tears from making my voice weak.
"Just wanted to let you know that I visited Nick and he's fine."
"I know, I called the doctor."
"How's everything."
"The way you wanted it to be", I couldn't hold it anymore so I cut the call.

I wondered if every night was going to be like that. I've never hated someone's existence this much in my life before.




Ethan's POV

I couldn't concentrate on a single file.

What have I done?

I thought if Olivia was ready to get married for money, it meant she has done these things before.

I was so mad at myself for doing what I did to her. I made her drink alcohol too when it was clear that SHE HAS NEVER DONE THOSE BEFORE!!

"Sir, I checked all the articles on the internet about yesterday's event and everything is clear", one of my men reported and I nodded.

The program was supposed to be smaller so that anyone from my uncle's or Nick's past could know nothing about it. I'm not surprised that Olivia's mother willingly let her marry me knowing everything that happened 2 years ago. Greedy people stays same.




Olivia Jones's POV

I ate my dinner and went to bed early so that I don't have to face Ethan. I was almost sleepy until I heard the door opened and then closed. My whole body Froze.

I heard him having a shower and change into pajamas. He slid into the opposite corner of the bed. Each of my breathes made it obvious that I was not sleeping.

"Olivia?", He called my name but didn't move an inch.

"Hm?", I did the same.

"I'll be needing your id and bank account access to transfer the money."

"Will do tomorrow."

When the silence was about to hit the ceiling, he asked,"What do you know about your dad's accident?"

Why would he even want to know that?

"He was on his way to a party. I don't know how it happened."

"I'm sorry", he said.

I don't even know what he was sorry for. I found myself being a puppet to him after all those things he did to me. I couldn't hold and burst into tears, "You are a monster Ethan. Why are you even sorry?", I stood up from the bed,"You think you can buy people and hurt them. But telling sorry doesn't lessen their pain, you should know that." I got up from the bed and went outside while he stayed silent.




I woke up in the morning to find myself in a couch at the living room. It was already 10, Ethan must be in his office right now.

A thought of going to the café where I worked occurred in my head. I doubt if Ethan would let me work.

After I was done with my breakfast and went to the living room, one of the guards approached to inform that a lady was here to visit me.

The first person came to my mind was my mother. "Did she say her name or anything?"

"No ma'am but she said that it was an emergency and that she knows you."

"Send her in."

The guard went to bring the woman. As I looked up to see woman around me mom's age walking towards me.

"Can I talk to you alone?"

"Only if I know you!", that was strange.

"I know your dad, Nick Jones. I'm Arya Steinberg", she said. I looked back at guard and he left us alone. I told the woman to sit.

"What do you want to say?"

She sneaked a look around and said, "I saw you on the internet with Ethan Dawson!"

"We got married, but why does that concern you?", that was really strange, "how do you know my dad?"

"We were best friends from college, all 3 of us. I know why your mom's doing this. Just stay cautious about Dawson family. They think it was your dad who planned the acc...", she stopped.

"How dare you stepping foot inside my house?", I looked behind to see Ethan almost running towards us.

"How do you know her?", I asked Ethan.

"That's none of your business!", He glared at me for long until he called the security to throw Arya out.

"What is your problem with me?"

"You will not go out from this building and no one can come to see you expect your mother."

"I need to see my dad."

"We'll talk about that later", he said and rushed out of the room.

I could not stop thinking what was Arya talking about. What did she mean by all 3 of them?

There must be record of Arya in the reception. But it'll be tough to get them as Ms Rose told me that Ethan owns this building and his office is also here.

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